3.1 - Sending a Payment Order per API

Sending a Payment Order

The customer will send a Payment Order through an EndPoint in the FitBank API, and the Payment Orders must contain the necessary data for processing and making the payment.

API Method = GeneratePaymentOrder

This method makes it possible to send payment orders. Upon receiving the data sent by the customer, our API creates a beneficiary, then the KYC process is carried out and ends with the processing of the transaction to the chosen beneficiary

     "Method": "GeneratePaymentOrder",
     "PartnerId": 30750,
     "BusinessUnitId": 61799,
     "Value": 500,
     "Identifier": "7a8b29f5-e73d",
     "PaymentDate": "2023/01/01",
     "Tags": [
          "my payment order 00051",
          "test 00051"
     "Beneficiary": {
          "Name": "Juan López Pérez",
          "Gender": "0",
          "MaritalStatus": "0",
          "Ocuppation": "",
          "Nationality": "",
          "Country": "",
          "BirthCity": "",
          "BirthState": "",
          "BirthDate": "1985/04/15",
          "MotherName": "Maria Jose Alves",
          "CompanyType": null,
          "CompanyActivity": null,
          "ConstitutionDate": null,
          "ContactInfo": {
               "Mail": "juan@gmail.com.br",
               "Phone": "000000000000000"
          "AccountInfo": {
               "Key": "032180000118359719",
               "TaxNumber": "LOPEJ850415"
     "Payer": {
          "TaxNumber": "HEGA820506M10",
          "AccountKey": "767397-254444-5444542-5"
    "Success": "true",
    "DocumentNumber": 26371,
    "Message": "ISI0412 - Payment order generated"


ParameterDescriptionTo Identify BeneficiaryTo Qualify BeneficiaryType
MethodMethod to be usedYESYESSTRING
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitBankYESYESINT64
BusinessUnitIdBusiness ID provided by FitBankYESYESINT64
ValuePayment Order payment valueYESYESNUMBER
IdentifierId reference to the payment order generatedYESYESSTRING
PaymentDatePayment date set to settle the paymentYESYESSTRING
TagsList of tags: (Ex.: Payment, API Test)NONOSTRING
NameBeneficiary's name (NP or LP)YESYESSTRING
GenderBeneficiary's gender (NP only)NONOINTEGER
MaritalStatusBeneficiary's civil status (NP only)NONOINTEGER
OccupationBeneficiary's ocupation (NP only)DESIRABLE FOR NPNOSTRING
NationalityBeneficiary's nationality (NP only)DESIRABLE FOR NPDERISABLE FOR NPSTRING
CountryBeneficiary's country of originDESIRABLE FOR NPDERISABLE FOR NPSTRING
BirthCityBeneficiary's city (NP only)NONOSTRING
BirthStateBeneficiary's state (NP only)NONOSTRING
BirthDateBeneficiary's birth date (NP only)DESIRABLE FOR NPYESSTRING
MothersNameBeneficiary's mother's name (NP only)DESIRABLE FOR NPYESSTRING
CompanyActivityCompany activity (LP only)DESIRABLE FOR LPMANDATORY FOR LPSTRING
ConstitutionDateCompany's date of incorporation (LP only)DESIRABLE FOR LPMANDATORY FOR LPSTRING
MailBeneficiary's emailDESIRABLEYESSTRING
PhoneBeneficiary's phoneDESIRABLEYESSTRING
KeyBeneficiary's Account keyYESYESSTRING
TaxNumberBeneficiary's TaxnumberYESYESSTRING
TaxNumberPayer's TaxnumberYESYESSTRING
AccountKeyPayer's Account keyYESYESSTRING



NP = Natural Person

LP = Legal Person

Identified Beneficiary = Is the initial step, and will meet most cases, without the need for additional information (is the beneficiary who only needs the information required to settle payment orders)

Qualified Beneficiary = Qualification is a more in-depth step that demands more information about the beneficiary. This step will only be required when, after sending the initial request, the system returns a EXC0033 error. In this situation, a new request must be sent, with the mandatory data for the qualification process (beneficiary who needs to present information previously considered optional for KYC validation)