3.1 - Sending a Payment Order per API
Sending a Payment Order
The customer will send a Payment Order through an EndPoint in the FitBank API, and the Payment Orders must contain the necessary data for processing and making the payment.
API Method = GeneratePaymentOrder
This method makes it possible to send payment orders. Upon receiving the data sent by the customer, our API creates a beneficiary, then the KYC process is carried out and ends with the processing of the transaction to the chosen beneficiary
"Method": "GeneratePaymentOrder",
"PartnerId": 30750,
"BusinessUnitId": 61799,
"Value": 500,
"Identifier": "7a8b29f5-e73d",
"PaymentDate": "2023/01/01",
"Tags": [
"my payment order 00051",
"test 00051"
"Beneficiary": {
"Name": "Juan López Pérez",
"Gender": "0",
"MaritalStatus": "0",
"Ocuppation": "",
"Nationality": "",
"Country": "",
"BirthCity": "",
"BirthState": "",
"BirthDate": "1985/04/15",
"MotherName": "Maria Jose Alves",
"CompanyType": null,
"CompanyActivity": null,
"ConstitutionDate": null,
"ContactInfo": {
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Phone": "000000000000000"
"AccountInfo": {
"Key": "032180000118359719",
"TaxNumber": "LOPEJ850415"
"Payer": {
"TaxNumber": "HEGA820506M10",
"AccountKey": "767397-254444-5444542-5"
"Success": "true",
"DocumentNumber": 26371,
"Message": "ISI0412 - Payment order generated"
Parameter | Description | To Identify Beneficiary | To Qualify Beneficiary | Type |
Mandatory | Mandatory | |||
Method | Method to be used | YES | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Partner ID provided by FitBank | YES | YES | INT64 |
BusinessUnitId | Business ID provided by FitBank | YES | YES | INT64 |
Value | Payment Order payment value | YES | YES | NUMBER |
Identifier | Id reference to the payment order generated | YES | YES | STRING |
PaymentDate | Payment date set to settle the payment | YES | YES | STRING |
Tags | List of tags: (Ex.: Payment, API Test) | NO | NO | STRING |
Beneficiary | - | - | - | OBJECT |
Name | Beneficiary's name (NP or LP) | YES | YES | STRING |
Gender | Beneficiary's gender (NP only) | NO | NO | INTEGER |
MaritalStatus | Beneficiary's civil status (NP only) | NO | NO | INTEGER |
Occupation | Beneficiary's ocupation (NP only) | DESIRABLE FOR NP | NO | STRING |
Nationality | Beneficiary's nationality (NP only) | DESIRABLE FOR NP | DERISABLE FOR NP | STRING |
Country | Beneficiary's country of origin | DESIRABLE FOR NP | DERISABLE FOR NP | STRING |
BirthCity | Beneficiary's city (NP only) | NO | NO | STRING |
BirthState | Beneficiary's state (NP only) | NO | NO | STRING |
BirthDate | Beneficiary's birth date (NP only) | DESIRABLE FOR NP | YES | STRING |
MothersName | Beneficiary's mother's name (NP only) | DESIRABLE FOR NP | YES | STRING |
CompanyType | Company tipe (LP only) | DESIRABLE FOR LP | MANDATORY FOR LP | INTEGER |
CompanyActivity | Company activity (LP only) | DESIRABLE FOR LP | MANDATORY FOR LP | STRING |
ConstitutionDate | Company's date of incorporation (LP only) | DESIRABLE FOR LP | MANDATORY FOR LP | STRING |
ContactInfo | - | - | - | OBJECT |
Beneficiary's email | DESIRABLE | YES | STRING | |
Phone | Beneficiary's phone | DESIRABLE | YES | STRING |
AccountInfo | - | - | - | OBJECT |
Key | Beneficiary's Account key | YES | YES | STRING |
TaxNumber | Beneficiary's Taxnumber | YES | YES | STRING |
Payer | - | - | - | OBJECT |
TaxNumber | Payer's Taxnumber | YES | YES | STRING |
AccountKey | Payer's Account key | YES | YES | STRING |
NP = Natural Person
LP = Legal Person
Identified Beneficiary = Is the initial step, and will meet most cases, without the need for additional information (is the beneficiary who only needs the information required to settle payment orders)
Qualified Beneficiary = Qualification is a more in-depth step that demands more information about the beneficiary. This step will only be required when, after sending the initial request, the system returns a EXC0033 error. In this situation, a new request must be sent, with the mandatory data for the qualification process (beneficiary who needs to present information previously considered optional for KYC validation)
Updated 20 days ago