5 - Webhooks


Pix Key Action Webhook

This webhook notifies the customer of the actions performed on a PIX key, according to the request made, e.g. key creation, cancellation, change of bank details, claim or portability.

  "ActionStatus": "Processed",
  "Action": "CreatePixKey",
  "DocumentNumber": 178746,
  "PixKeyValue": "string",
  "PixkeyClaim": {
    "PixKeyClaimOrigin": null,
    "Type": null,
    "Status": null,
    "BankCode": null,
    "ExpirationDate": null,
    "ExpirationCycle": null,
    "CancelReason": null
  "PixKeyChange": {
    "Status": null,
    "FromBankCode": null,
    "FromBankBranch": null,
    "FromBankAccount": null,
    "FromBankAccountDigit": null,
    "ToBankCode": null,
    "ToBankBranch": null,
    "ToBankAccount": null,
    "ToBankAccountDigit": null
  "Method": "CreatePixKey",
  "BusinessUnitId": 458


ActionStatusCurrent status of the action the PIX key went throughSTRING-
ActionType of action the key went throughSTRING-
DocumentNumberInternal PIX key ID after registration requestNUMBER-
PixKeyValueValue of the PIX keySTRING-
PixKeyClaimObject concerning PIX key claim and portability actionsOBJECT-
PixKeyClaimOriginPIX key claim or portability originSTRINGInternal = FitBank account receiving the request

External = FitBank account sending the request
TypeAction typeSTRINGOwnership or Portability
StatusPIX key statusSTRING-
BankCodePIX key's Bank CodeSTRING-
ExpirationDate7-day expiration date of the claim or portability requestNUMBER-
ExpirationCycleClaim request cycle or portabilityINTDetermines how many times the key in question has been through a claim or portability request.

For example:
First cycle = 0
Second cycle = 1
CancelReasonReason for cancellation of claim request or portabilitySTRINGCustomerRequest = 0
AccountClosure = 1
Fraud = 2
DefaultResponse = 3
Reconciliation = 4
PixKeyChangeObject concerning actions for changing the PIX key's bank detailsOBJECT-
StatusStatus of the claim or portability requestSTRING-
FromBankCodePIX key's source Bank CodeSTRING-
FromBankBranchPIX key's source Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
FromBankAccountPIX key's source Bank AccountSTRING-
FromBankAccountDigitPIX key's source Bank Account DigitSTRING-
ToBankCodePIX key's destination Bank CodeSTRING-
ToBankBranchPIX key's destination Bank BranchSTRING-
ToBankAccountPIX key's destination Bank AccountSTRING-
ToBankAccountDigitPIX key's destination Bank Account DigitSTRING-
MethodMessage pointing to the action performed in the operationSTRING-
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit ID provided by FitBankINT-

PIX key status and its status codes sent in the webhooks:

  • 0 - Created: Key registration request has been received by FitBank
  • 1 - Registering: The key registration request is in the process of being registered in DICT
  • 2 - Registered: The key was registered in DICT and is ready for use
  • 3 - Disabled: The key was disabled
  • 4 - Canceled: The key was canceled
  • 5 - Error: Error in processing the key register in DICT
  • 6 - Claiming: The key is in portability and claiming process (within 7 days valid)
  • 7 - ErrorOwnership: After attempting to create, it was validated that the key is registered with a different owner
  • 8 - ErrorPortability: It was validated that the key is registered with another institution

PIX key Actions sent in the webhooks:

  • 0 - CreatePixKey
  • 1 - ChangePixKey
  • 2 - CancelPixKey
  • 3 - ClaimPixKey
  • 4 - CancelInternalClaimPixKey
  • 5 - CancelExternalClaimPixKey
  • 6 - ConfirmExternalClaimPixKey
  • 7 - CheckExternalPixKeyClaim

Action status sent in the webhooks:

  • 0 - Created
  • 1 - Processed
  • 2 - Error
  • 3 - Canceled
  • 4 - Registering
  • 5 - CanBeCancel
  • 6 - Registered
  • 7 - CanBeCompleted
  • 8 - CanBeProcessed
  • 9 - Expected

Important: While in the PIX Key Action Webhook the Status of the key is received, in the PIX Key Status Webhook the Status and the StatusCode are received, in separate parameters.

When there is no action for the PIX key regarding bank data change or claim and portability, the PixKeyClaim and PixKeyChange objects will return their parameters as null.

However, when there is an action regarding claim or portability, the object PixKeyClaim will be filled in, indicating the origin of the request, i.e. whether internal or external (PixKeyClaimOrigin field), the type of the request, whether claim or portability (Type field), and other information.

When there are actions regarding changing bank details linked to the PIX key in question, the PixKeyChange object will return its filled parameters, signaling the source and destination account of the key being changed, as well as the request status.

When requesting the registration of a random key, when its processing has been successfully completed by Banco Central, it is possible to retrieve it via webhook. In this path, at the end of the flow the customer will receive:

  • A Pix Key Action Webhook, signaling that the key registration request has been successfully processed ("ActionStatus": "Processed"), and containing the key value ("PixKeyValue": "string");
  • A Pix Key Status Webhook notifying that the key is under Registered status, that is, properly registered and fit for use in FitBank's base, and also containing the value of the key in question ("PixKey": "string").

Pix Key Status Webhook

This webhook notifies you of the statuses the PIX key may be in, or through, according to the actions performed on it, e.g. key creation, cancellation, change of bank details, claim or portability.

  "PixKey": "[email protected]",
  "Status": "Registered",
  "Type": "RandomKeyCode",
  "StatusCode": 0,
  "Bank": "450",
  "BankBranch": "0001",
  "BankAccount": "741099532",
  "BankAccountDigit": "5",
  "Method": "UpdatePixKeyStatus",
  "BusinessUnitId": 494


StatusPIX key statusSTRING-
TypePIX key typeSTRINGSocialSecurity = 0
TaxNumber = 1
E-mail = 2
PhoneNumber = 3 RandomKeyCode = 4
StatusCodePIX key's status codeNUMBER-
BankPIX key's Bank CodeSTRING-
BankBranchPIX key's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
BankAccountPIX key's Bank AccountSTRING-
BankAccountDigitPIX key's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
MethodMessage pointing to the action performed in the operationSTRING-
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit ID provided by FitBankINT-


Pix Out Webhook

This webhook is responsible for notifying when a PIX payment goes through certain actions, executed either by customer request or by FitBank's system.

Through it, it is possible to identify what status the payment is in and other information, such as bank details of who pays and who receives, reason for cancelling the payment if any, payment date, and other information.

  "FromName": "Fagner Ferreira",
  "FromTaxNumber": "41801125333",
  "FromBankCode": "450",
  "FromBankBranch": "0001",
  "FromBankAccount": "1000006021",
  "FromBankAccountDigit": "3",
  "FromISPB": "13203354",
  "ToName": "Fagner Gomes Ferreira",
  "ToTaxNumber": "41801125317",
  "ToBankCode": "323",
  "ToBankBranch": "1",
  "ToBankAccount": "25999966234",
  "ToBankAccountDigit": "9",
  "RateValue": 0,
  "ToISPB": "10573521",
  "RefundDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "ReceiptUrl": "https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-09-26/tm2323eddsq30.pdf",
  "EndToEndId": "E1320335420240966669963350EB475DB",
  "Tags": null,
  "ErrorDescription": null,
  "ErrorCode": null,
  "InitiationEndToEndId": null,
  "InitiationDocumentNumber": null,
  "RefundCode": null,
  "PartnerId": 678,
  "DocumentNumber": "293880493",
  "Identifier": "e2442e4b-6dee-88187c5f021a",
  "EntryId": 8863961213,
  "Status": "Paid",
  "TotalValue": 0.1,
  "PaymentDate": "2024-09-26T10:26:55.86",
  "Method": "PixOut",
  "BusinessUnitId": 494


FromNamePayer's nameSTRING-
FromTaxNumberPayer's CPF/CNPJSTRING-
FromBankCodePayer's Bank CodeSTRING-
FromISPBPayer's Bank ISPB codeSTRING-
FromBankBranchPayer's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
FromBankAccountPayer's Bank AccountSTRING-
FromBankAccountDigitPayer's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
ToTaxNumberReceiver's CPF/CNPJSTRING-
ToNameReceiver's nameSTRING-
ToBankCodeReceiver's Bank CodeSTRING-
ToISPBReceiver's Bank ISPB CodeSTRING-
ToBankBranchReceiver's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
ToBankAccountReceiver's Bank AccountSTRING-
ToBankAccountDigitReceiver's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
RateValueRate valueNUMBER-
ReceiptUrlReceipt's URLSTRING-
EndToEndIdUnique external operation identifierSTRING-
TagsList of tagsSTRINGE.g.: Transfer, API Test
ErrorDescriptionOperation descriptionSTRINGWhen the transaction is cancelled or settled, the reason and description will be sent in this field
ErrorCodeOperation error codeSTRINGWhen the transaction is cancelled, the reason code will be sent.
If the transaction is settled, the parameter is sent as null
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitBankINT-
DocumentNumberFitBank's internal operation IDSTRING-
IdentifierPayment identifier assigned by the payerSTRING-
EntryIdInternal identifier used to distinguish and track the operation within FitBankNUMBERFitBank internal data, can be disregarded
StatusPayment statusSTRING-
TotalValuePayment valueNUMBER-
PaymentDatePayment dateSTRING-
MethodMessage pointing to the action performed in the operationSTRING-
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit ID provided by FitBankINT-

PIX Out status sent in the webhooks:

  • Paid: Settled transaction
  • Cancel: Canceled transaction

Note: It is important to note that, while status Paid is returned through webhooks, it will be returned as Settled through APIs (methods GetPixOutById or GetPixOutByDate). Their function and meaning is the same, since they both indicate that the PIX payment was settled.
On an other note, status Cancel will be returned in webhooks, and status Canceled will be returned through APIs. The meaning is the same in both situations, since they both refer to a canceled PIX payment.

ErrorCodes and ErrorDescriptions sent in the webhooks:

OCR0001Insufficient balance for payment of transaction and/or fees
OCR0002Transaction canceled by Institution
OCR0003Transaction cancelled at user's requestAn error occurred while processing the PIX transaction
SPI0001An error occurred while processing the PIX transaction
SPI0002Transaction settlement interrupted due to SPI timeout
SPI0003Transaction interrupted due to error in recipient user's participant
SPI0004PIX transaction sender timeout
SPI0005Invalid/inexistent branch and/or account number of recipient user
SPI0006Recipient's account blocked
SPI0007Recipient user account is closed
SPI0008Incorrect type for the receiving user's transaction account
SPI0009The transaction type is not supported/authorized in the recipient user's account
SPI0010Transaction with this Processing Type is not allowed
SPI0011No refund of an instant payment
SPI0012The direct participant is not settling the paying user
SPI0013PIX transaction with zero value is not allowed
SPI0014Payment/return order exceeds the limit allowed for the account type
SPI0015Insufficient balance in PI account of paying user
SPI0016Return exceeds original PIX transaction amount
SPI0017Divergence between the sum of the block values
SPI0018Invalid transaction quantity
SPI0019CPF/CNPJ of the recipient does not diverge from the data of the Account holder
SPI0020Unauthorized PIX transaction initiator
SPI0021QR Code rejected by the receiving user's participant
SPI0022CPF/CNPJ of the incorrect recipient user
SPI0023Incorrect or incompatible message content
SPI0024Transaction rejected by the receiving user's participant
SPI0025Participant who signed the message is not authorized
SPI0026Transaction rejected due to timeout between messages
SPI0027The participant is not registered or has not yet started operating in SPI
SPI0028Date and time of sending the invalid message
SPI0029The transaction exceeds the maximum time limit for returning a PIX transaction
SPI0030Inconsistency between the transaction purpose and the message
SPI0031Poorly formatted operation identifier
SPI0032ISPB of the facilitating participant of the non-existing Pix Withdrawal or Pix Change service
SPI0033Invalid or non-existent ISPB of the paying participant
SPI0034Invalid or non-existent ISPB of the paying participant
SPI0035Transaction rejected as paying user is sanctioned
SPI0036The original transaction is not related to PIX Withdrawal or PIX Change

Refund Pix In Webhook

This webhook notifies when a PIX return has been made by an account in FitBank, after using the GenerateRefundPixIn method, and in what status it is, as well as general data of source and destination account, voucher, date and amount of the transaction, among others.

    "FromName": "Teste prod",
    "FromTaxNumber": "41801125317",
    "FromBankCode": "450",
    "FromBankBranch": "0001",
    "FromBankAccount": "101006513",
    "FromBankAccountDigit": "0",
    "FromISPB": "13203354",
    "ToName": "Fagner Gomes Ferreira",
    "ToTaxNumber": "41801125317",
    "ToBankCode": "260",
    "ToBankBranch": "1",
    "ToBankAccount": "1611804",
    "ToBankAccountDigit": "2",
    "RateValue": 0,
    "ToISPB": "18236120",
    "RefundDate": "2024-03-14T13:56:31.747",
    "ReceiptUrl": "https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-03-14/gml55dfeb00000d2.pdf",
    "EndToEndId": "D1320335420240314165635435918350",
    "Tags": [
    "ErrorDescription": null,
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "InitiationEndToEndId": "E18236120202403141431s0950699519",
    "InitiationDocumentNumber": "249127438",
    "RefundCode": "MD06",
    "PartnerId": 678,
    "DocumentNumber": "1507655",
    "Identifier": "Te.6sxsss",
    "EntryId": 5971045869,
    "Status": "Paid",
    "TotalValue": 0.12,
    "PaymentDate": null,
    "Method": "RefundPixIn",
    "BusinessUnitId": 494


FromNamePayer's nameSTRING-
FromTaxNumberPayer's tax numberSTRING-
FromBankCodePayer's Bank CodeSTRING-
FromISPBPayer's Bank ISPB CodeSTRING-
FromBankBranchPayer's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
FromBankAccountPayer's Bank AccountSTRING-
FromBankAccountDigitPayer's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
ToNameReceiver's nameSTRING-
ToTaxNumberReceiver's CPF/CNPJSTRING-
ToBankCodeReceiver's Bank CodeSTRING-
ToISPBReceiver's Bank ISPB CodeSTRING-
ToBankBranchReceiver's Agency CodeSTRING-
ToBankAccountReceiver's Bank AccountSTRING-
ToBankAccountDigitReceiver's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
RefundDateOperation dateSTRING-
ReceiptUrlReceiving receipt URLSTRING-
EndToEndIdUnique external operation identifierSTRING-
TagsList of TagsARRAY OF STRINGSE.g.: ‘Transfer’, ‘Teste API’
ErrorDescriptionError DescriptionSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixIn operation
ErrorCodeError CodeSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixIn operation
InitiationEndToEndIdOriginal transaction identifierSTRING-
InitiationDocumentNumberFitBank's internal original operation IDSTRING-
RefundCodeReason for ReturnSTRINGMD06: Return payment requested by the receiving user.
BE08: Return of instant payment requested by the Paying PSP due to operational failure
FR01: Return of instant payment requested by the receiving user under a special return mechanism
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitBankINT-
DocumentNumberFitBank's internal operation IDSTRING-
IdentifierOperation ID assigned in its generationSTRING-
EntryIdInternal identifier used to distinguish and track the operation within FitBankNUMBERFitBank internal data, can be disregarded
StatusOperation statusSTRING-
TotalValueOperation valueNUMBER-
PaymentDatePayment dateSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixIn operation
MethodMessage pointing to the action performed in the operationSTRING-
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit ID provided by FitBankINT-

Refund PIX In status sent in the webhooks:

  • Cancel: Canceled transaction
  • Paid: Settled transaction

Refund Pix Out Webhook

This webhook notifies when an account within FitBank has received a return of a payment made earlier.

  "FromName": "Amarillys Félix",
  "FromTaxNumber": "86775031000130",
  "FromBankCode": "450",
  "FromBankBranch": "0001",
  "FromBankAccount": "188573858",
  "FromBankAccountDigit": "5", 
  "FromISPB": "13203354", 
  "ToName": "Amarillys RF Silva",
  "ToTaxNumber": "16985164013",
  "ToBankCode": "450",
  "ToBankBranch": "0001",
  "ToBankAccount": "184780718",
  "ToBankAccountDigit": "8", 
  "ToISPB": "13203354",
  "InitiationEndToEndId": "E2101818909290219019210109302018",
  "InitiationDocumentNumber": "764",
  "RefundDate": "2022-10-25T16:19:42.347",
  "ReceiptUrl": "http://www.pdfurl.com.br/",
  "EndToEndId": null,
  "Tags": null,
  "PixOutIdentifier": "Amarillys payment",
  "PartnerId": 755,
  "DocumentNumber": "5593541",
  "Identifier": "3921731e-089f-4278-9913-69801f827411",
  "EntryId": null,
  "Status": "Paid",
  "TotalValue": 1,
  "PaymentDate": null,
  "FineInterest": null,
  "DiscountValue": null,
  "IofValue": null,
  "PaidValue": null,
  "OtherValues": null,
  "CreditDate": null,
  "OccurrenceDate": null,
  "URL": null,
  "BankCode": null,
  "BankBranch": null,
  "BankAccount": null,
  "BankAccountDigit": null,
  "ReturnCode": null,
  "ReturnMessage": null,
  "PaymentProtocol": null,
  "Method": "RefundPixOut",
  "BusinessUnitId": 672


FromNamePayer's nameSTRING-
FromTaxNumberPayer's CPF/CNPJSTRING-
FromBankCodePayer's Bank CodeSTRING-
FromBankBranchPayer's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
FromBankAccountPayer's Bank AccountSTRING-
FromBankAccountDigitPayer's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
FromISPBPayer's Bank ISPB CodeSTRING-
ToNameReceiver's nameSTRING-
ToTaxNumberReceiver's CPF/CNPJSTRING-
ToBankCodeReceiver's Bank CodeSTRING-
ToBankBranchReceiver's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
ToBankAccountReceiver's Bank AccountSTRING-
ToBankAccountDigitReceiver's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
ReceiptUrlReceipt URLSTRING-
ToISPBReceiver's Bank ISPB CodeSTRING-
InitiationEndToEndIdOriginal transaction identifierSTRING-
InitiationDocumentNumberFitBank's internal original operation IDSTRING-
RefundDateOperation dateSTRING-
EndToEndIdUnique external operation identifierSTRING-
TagsList of TagsARRAY OF STRINGSE.g.: ‘Transfer’, ‘Teste API’
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitBankINT-
DocumentNumberFitBank's internal operation IDSTRING-
IdentifierInternal ID generated by FitBankSTRING-
EntryIdInternal identifier used to distinguish and track the operation within FitBankNUMBERFitBank internal data, can be disregarded
StatusOperation statusSTRING-
TotalValuePayment valueNUMBER-
PaymentDatePayment dateSTRING-
FineInterestFine valueSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
DiscountValueDiscount valueSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
IofValueBrazilian transaction tax on a financial transactionSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
PaidValuePaid operation valueSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
OtherValuesOther values regarding the operationSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
CreditDateCredit dateSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
OccurrenceDateOccurrence dateSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
URLOperation URLSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
BankCodeBank CodeSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
BankBranchBank Agency CodeSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
BankAccountBank AccountSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
BankAccountDigitBank Account DigitSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
ReturnCodeReturn codeSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
ReturnMessageReturn messageSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
PaymentProtocolPayment protocolSTRINGData concerning other operation types. It is part of the standard webhooks body structure and can be disregarded in the RefundPixOut operation
MethodMessage pointing to the action performed in the operationSTRING-
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit ID provided by FitBankINT-

Refund PIX Out status sent in the webhooks:

  • Paid: The return Receipt was processed and settled

Receipt and collection

Pix In Webhook

This webhook is responsible for notifying a common pix receipt, that is, when an account in FitBank receives the amount of a payment.

It is accompanied by its possible status and other information, such as the origin and destination account, day of receipt, End To End code, transaction amount, among others.

    "FromName": "Fagner Gomes Ferreira",
    "FromTaxNumber": "41801125317",
    "FromBankNumber": "380",
    "FromBankBranch": "1",
    "FromBankAccount": "776232",
    "FromBankAccountDigit": "1",
    "FromISPB": "22896431",
    "ToName": "Teste prod",
    "ToTaxNumber": "41801125317",
    "ToBankNumber": "450",
    "ToBankBranch": "0001",
    "ToBankAccount": "76577713",
    "ToBankAccountDigit": "8",
    "ToISPB": "13203354",
    "CustomerMessage": null,
    "Value": 0.01,
    "TransferDate": "2024-03-07T12:43:02.517",
    "ReceiptUrl": "https: //receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-03-07/f056o3k2m.pdf" ,
    "EndToEndId": "E22896431202403071542Mor2f7ed716",
    "ReceiverPixKey": null,
    "QRCodeInfos": null,
    "InitiationType": "Manual",
    "Tags": null,
    "FromSPB": "22896431",
    "ToSPB": "13203354",
    "DocumentNumber": "238576956",
    "EntryId": 5876280980,
    "Status": "Paid",
    "PartnerId": 678,
    "BusinessUnitId": 494,
    "Method": "PixIn"
    "FromName": "Fagner Gomes Ferreira",
    "FromTaxNumber": "41801125317",
    "FromBankNumber": "380",
    "FromBankBranch": "1",
    "FromBankAccount": "66526",
    "FromBankAccountDigit": "1",
    "FromISPB": "22896431",
    "ToName": "Fagner Ferreira",
    "ToTaxNumber": "41801125317",
    "ToBankNumber": "450",
    "ToBankBranch": "0001",
    "ToBankAccount": "1095822021",
    "ToBankAccountDigit": "3",
    "ToISPB": "13203354",
    "CustomerMessage": null,
    "Value": 0.3,
    "TransferDate": "2024-03-07T13:06:01.927",
    "ReceiptUrl": "https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-03-07/gfgf366zi.pdf",
    "EndToEndId": "E22896431202403071605SPYY2MvTLuK",
    "ReceiverPixKey": "31cc948e-2665-322662b5-56ec7012b17c",
    "QRCodeInfos": {
        "DocumentNumber": "295440995",
        "Type": "Dynamic",
        "ConciliationId": "3097427B422D70C1633A1F6C8F6F51096EA",
        "Identifier": "testecshSange",
        "Payer": {
            "Name": "fagnerg gomes",
            "TaxNumber": null
        "Value": {
            "PrincipalValue": 0.3,
            "DiscountValue": null,
            "RebateValue": null,
            "FineValue": null,
            "InterestValue": null
    "InitiationType": "DynamicQRCode",
    "Tags": null,
    "FromSPB": "22896431",
    "ToSPB": "13203354",
    "DocumentNumber": "238647063",
    "EntryId": 5876806776,
    "Status": "Paid",
    "PartnerId": 678,
    "BusinessUnitId": 494,
    "Method": "PixIn"
  "FromName": "Fagner Gomes Ferreira",
  "FromTaxNumber": "41801125317",
  "FromBankNumber": "380",
  "FromBankBranch": "1",
  "FromBankAccount": "341612656358",
  "FromBankAccountDigit": "1",
  "FromISPB": "22896431",
  "ToName": "Fagner Ferreira",
  "ToTaxNumber": "41801125317",
  "ToBankNumber": "450",
  "ToBankBranch": "0001",
  "ToBankAccount": "10962965632021",
  "ToBankAccountDigit": "3",
  "ToISPB": "13203354",
  "CustomerMessage": null,
  "Value": 0.02,
  "TransferDate": "2024-03-07T12:48:27.033",
  "ReceiptUrl": "https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-03-07/5v2yo215dfg0q.pdf",
  "EndToEndId": "E2289643120240307154813640297479",
  "ReceiverPixKey": "31cc948e-5f-566-2662b5-56ec7012b17c",
  "QRCodeInfos": null,
  "InitiationType": "PixKey",
  "Tags": null,
  "FromSPB": "22896431",
  "ToSPB": "13203354",
  "DocumentNumber": "238593658",
  "EntryId": 5405287,
  "Status": "Paid",
  "PartnerId": 678,
  "BusinessUnitId": 494,
  "Method": "PixIn"


FromNamePayer's nameSTRING-
FromTaxNumberPayer's tax numberSTRING-
FromBankNumberPayer's Bank CodeSTRING-
FromBankBranchPayer's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
FromBankAccountPayer's Bank AccountSTRING-
FromISPBCode ISPB of the originINT-
FromBankAccountDigitPayer's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
ToNameReceiver's nameSTRING-
ToTaxNumberReceiver's CPF/CNPJSTRING-
ToBankNumberReceiver's Bank CodeSTRING-
ToISPBCode ISPB of destinationINT-
ToBankBranchReceiver's Bank Agency CodeSTRING-
ToBankAccountReceiver's Bank AccountSTRING-
ToBankAccountDigitReceiver's Bank Account DigitSTRING-
CustomerMessageMessage between customersSTRING-
ValuePayment valueNUMBER-
TransferDateOperation dateSTRING-
ReceiptUrlReceipt's URLSTRING-
EndToEndIdUnique external operation identifierSTRING-
QRCodeInfosObject containing PixQrCode data, if applicableOBJECTIf the receiving PIX is a common PIX In, this object will be null
DocumentNumberInternal PIX key ID after registration requestSTRING-
TypeQRcode TypeSTRINGE.g.:
ConciliationIdConciliation IdSTRINGFor static or immediate QRcodes, the ConciliationId generated by FitBank is returned; for QRcodes with due, the TxId informed by the customer when generating the QRcode is returned.
IdentifierOperation identifierSTRINGFor static or immediate QRcodes, the Idenfier generated by the client when generating the QRcode is returned; for QRcodes with an due date, the identifier generated by FitBank is returned.
PayerPayer's infosOBJECT-
NamePayer's nameSTRING-
TaxNumberPayer's taxNumberSTRING-
PrincipalValueQRCode valueFLOAT-
DiscountValueDiscount valueFLOATOnly for qrcode with due date
RebateValueRebate valueFLOATOnly for qrcode with due date
FineValueFine valueFLOATOnly for qrcode with due date
InterestValueInterest valueFLOATOnly for qrcode with due date
InitiatonTypeTransaction initialization typeSTRINGManual = 0
PixKey = 1
StaticQRCode = 2
DynamicQRCode = 3
TagsList of TagsARRAY OF STRINGSE.g.: ‘Transfer’, ‘Teste API’
FromSPBCode of the origin banking institution in Banco CentralSTRING-
ToSPBCode of the destination banking institution in Banco CentralSTRING-
ReceiverPixKeyKey used to receive PixSTRINGIt will be returned if the Paying Bank sends the key
PartnerId Partner ID provided by FitBankINT-
DocumentNumberFitBank's internal operation IDSTRING-
EntryIdInternal identifier used to distinguish and track the operation within FitBankNUMBERFitBank internal data, can be disregarded
StatusOperation statusSTRING-
MethodMessage pointing to the action performed in the operationSTRING-
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit ID provided by FitBankINT-

PIX In status sent in the webhooks:

  • Registered: Transaction Received;
  • Paid: Settled transaction.