Register a new Associated Company

Register a new Associated Company

API: RegisterCompanyContractClosedLoop

The functionality allows the Receiver participant to register a new Associated Company in the Closed Loop arrangement, specifying the types of services provided and the applicable fees for purchase, withdrawal, and deposit transactions.

Functionality available in the Portal Management Hub.


      "Method": "RegisterCompanyContractClosedLoop", 
      "PartnerId": 30472, 
      "BusinessUnitId": 10409, 
      "ArrangementIdentifier": "ARR880ff122-e5a9-4069-aaac-d9e5f58dee8cARR", 
      "Name": "CompanyContract", 
      "Nickname": "Super 24 Contract", 
      "TaxNumber": "33.762.255/0001-40", 
      "CompanySector": "food", 
      "ServiceType": 6, 
      "RatePurchaseValue": 2.5, 
      "RatePurchaseType": 0, 
      "RateWithdrawalValue": 2, 
      "RateWithdrawalType": 1, 
      "RateDepositValue": 0.5, 
      "RateDepositType": 0, 
      "DaysToSettle": 2 

      "Success": "true", 
      "Message": "Contract created successfully", 
      "CompanyContractClosedLoopId": 4, 
      "ContractIdentifier": "CON3625e252-3a1a-459c-87ca-74134b3ee471CON" 

    Parameter Descriptions:

MethodstringYesMethod name"RegisterCompanyContractClosedLoop"
BusinessUnitIdintYesInformation provided by FitBank"234334"
PartnerbigintYesInformation provided by FitBank"847561"
ArrangementIdentifierstringYesUnique identifier of the arrangement where the company will be registered."Created"
NamestringYesOfficial name of the associated company."Super 24"
NicknamestringNoInformal name or nickname of the associated company."Tienda de conveniência"
TaxNumberstringYesTax Identification Number of the associated company (e.g., CNPJ, DPI)."33.762.255/0001-40"
CompanySectorstringYesSector in which the associated company operates."food"
ServiceTypeintegerYesType of Transaction Contracted: Purchase, Deposit, Withdrawal"Purchase = 0, Withdrawal = 1, Deposit = 2, Purchase and Deposit = 3, Purchase and Withdrawal = 4, Withdrawal and Deposit = 5, Purchase, Withdrawal and Deposit = 6"
RatePurchaseValuenumberYesFee percentage applied to purchase transactions."0.2 (2%) / '2.00' ($2.00)"
RatePurchaseTypeintegerYesFee type for purchases (0 = percentage, 1 = fixed value)."Percentual = 0, Fixed Value = 1"
RateWithdrawalValuenumberYesFee percentage applied to withdrawal transactions."0.2 (2%) / '2.00' ($2.00)"
RateWithdrawalTypeintegerYesFee type for withdrawals (0 = percentage, 1 = fixed value)."Percentual = 0, Fixed Value = 1"
RateDepositValuenumberYesFee percentage applied to deposit transactions."0.2 (2%) / '2.00' ($2.00)"
RateDepositTypeintegerYesFee type for deposits (0 = percentage, 1 = fixed value)."Percentual = 0, Fixed Value = 1"
DaysToSettleintegerYesSettlement period for transactions, in business days.2