4.5 Consult Received Pix
API Method = GetPixInById
This method allows the user to consult a PIX receipt (PixIn) by its DocumentNumber, which is returned in the PixIn webhook. A PIX receipt (PixIn) can refer to a common payment receipt, or to a QrCode payment receipt.
Important: if the receipt is related to a PixQrCode, the response of this method will return an object called QRCodeInfos, containing all the information related to the paid QrCode that generated the receipt. Otherwise, this object will be returned by the API as null.
You can consult the Pix In data by DocumentNumber or EndToEnd; however, it is necessary to fill in at least one of the two fields.
"Method": "GetPixInById",
"PartnerId": 0000,
"BusinessUnitId": 0000,
"DocumentNumber": 000000,
"TaxNumber": "00000000000",
"Bank": "000",
"BankBranch": "0000",
"BankAccount": "000000",
"BankAccountDigit": "0",
"EndToEndId": "K7222485720949273185595604910271",
"ConciliationId": "21s88c5832a7899"
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Method | GetPixInById | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
DocumentNumber | Document number (ID) of the static or dynamic QrCode that is to be consulted | DESIRABLE | NUMBER |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of who received the PIX | YES | STRING |
Bank | Receiver's Bank Code (Ex.: “450”) | YES | STRING |
BankBranch | Receiver's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccount | Receiver's Bank Account (Ex.: “146492”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccountDigit | Receiver's Account Digit (Ex.: “1”) | YES | STRING |
EndToEndId | Authenticator Code | DESIRABLE | STRING |
ConciliationId | Conciliation ID used to reconcile payments. | DESIRABLE | STRING |
API Method = GetPixInByDate
This method allows the user to consult a PIX receipt (PixIn) through a date filter. A PIX receipt (PixIn) can refer to a common payment receipt, or to a QrCode payment receipt.
Important: if the receipt is related to a PixQrCode, the response of this method will return an object called QRCodeInfos, containing all the information related to the paid QrCode that generated the receipt. Otherwise, this object will be returned by the API as null.
"Method": "GetPixInByDate",
"PartnerId": 30519,
"BusinessUnitId": 51138,
"TaxNumber": "84928589076",
"StartDate": "2021/10/06",
"EndDate": "2021/10/29",
"Bank": "450",
"BankBranch": "0001",
"BankAccount": "440246",
"BankAccountDigit": "3",
"PageIndex": 0,
"PageSize": 10
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Method | Method to be used | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of who received the PIX | YES | STRING |
StartDate | Start date for the search | YES | STRING |
EndDate | End date for the search | YES | STRING |
Bank | Receiver's Bank Code (Ex.: “450”) | YES | STRING |
BankBranch | Receiver's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccount | Receiver's Bank Account (Ex.: “146492”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccountDigit | Receiver's Account Digit (Ex.: “1”) | YES | STRING |
PageIndex | Reference of which page will be accessed | YES | INT |
PageSize | Number of results that will be displayed on the same page | YES | INT |
Updated 4 months ago