2 - Generating
Internal Transfer
This operation only takes place between accounts of the same business unit.
To realize an Internal Transfer, some information is necessary, being these: the name of the method's identification, business unit's identification, partner's ID related by FitBank, CPF or CNPJ of whose are making the transfer, CPF or CNPJ of whose is receiving the transfer, amount and date of the transaction and internal identifier.
Method | String | YES | Method Identification Name |
BusinessUnitId | Long | YES | Business Unit ID reported by Fitbank |
PartnerId | Long | YES | Partner ID reported by Fitbank |
FromTaxNumber | String | YES | CPF or CNPJ of the person making the transfer |
Frombank | String | NO | Identification of the originating bank in case of a specific account |
FrombankBranch | String | NO | Identification of the branch of origin in case of a specific account |
FrombankAccount | String | NO | Source account identification in case of a specific account |
FrombankAccountDigit | String | NO | Identification of the digit of the source account in case of a specific account |
ToTaxNumber | String | YES | CPF or CNPJ of the person receiving the transfer |
ToBank | String | NO | Identification of the originating bank in case of a specific account |
ToBankBranch | String | NO | Identification of the branch of origin in case of a specific account |
ToBankAccount | String | NO | Source account identification in case of a specific account |
ToBankAccountDigit | String | NO | Identification of the digit of the source account in case of a specific account |
Value | Decimal | YES | Transaction amount |
RateValueType | Decimal | NO | Type of fee to be charged, 0 - sent, 1 - Default, 2 - none |
RateValue | Decimal | NO | Fee amount |
Category | Long | NO | 0 - Payment between accounts |
TransferDate | String | YES | Transaction date |
Identifier | String | YES | Internal Identifier |
Tags | String | NO | Free field to put some information for customer identification |
Description | String | NO | Free field to put some information for customer identification |
PS: There are two options for requisition models: the first one is succinct, in which the internal bank data is not passed on. The second one, more complete, already has this field. The choice of which model will be worked on occurs from the active operation format. For example, if you will work with a model of a CPF/CNPJ account, there is no necessity to report the internal bank details, differently of whose has an operation model, when there is more than one account per CPF/CNPJ, and it is necessary to enter them to identify which account is the source account and which is the destination account.
Requisition without bank details:
"Method": "InternalTransfer",
"PartnerId": 820, "BusinessUnitId": 1099,
"FromTaxNumber": "65371653341",
"ToTaxNumber": "44699677266",
"Value": 5, "RateValue": 0,
"TransferDate": "2022/07/24",
"Identifier": "5781237474",
"Tags": [ "Commercial", "Tax", "Financial" ],
"Description": "Descrição do pagamento"
Requisition with bank details:
{ "Method": "InternalTransfer",
"PartnerId": 820,
"BusinessUnitId": 1099,
"FromTaxNumber": "39116483405",
"FromBank": "450",
"FromBankBranch": "0001",
"FromBankAccount": "186745319",
"FromBankAccountDigit": "1",
"ToTaxNumber": "55197836830",
"ToBank": "450",
"ToBankBranch": "0001",
"ToBankAccount": "185527096",
"ToBankAccountDigit": "6",
"Value": 34,
"RateValueType": 0,
"RateValue": 4,
"Category": 0,
"TransferDate": "2022/07/24",
"Identifier": "5grgwgw4557454",
"Description": "Descrição do pagamento" }
Response of both requests:
"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
"Url": "https://sandboxreceipt.fitbank.com.br/receipt/pdf?filename=2022- 07-24/5y4hlwfu.pdf",
"DocumentNumber": 103851,
"AlreadyExists": "False"
Multiple Internal Transfer
It is possible to realize various transfers with the Multiple Internal Transfer method. For this, there is a new field in the method: a field to inform the receivers:
Method: Multiple Internal Transfer
Method | String | YES | Method Identification Name |
BusinessUnitId | Long | YES | Business Unit ID reported by Fitbank |
PartnerId | Long | YES | Partner ID reported by Fitbank |
TaxNumber | String | YES | CPF or CNPJ of the person making the transfer |
bank | String | NO | Identification of the originating bank in case of a specific account |
bankBranch | String | NO | Identification of the branch of origin in case of a specific account |
bankAccount | String | NO | Source account identification in case of a specific account |
bankAccountDigit | String | NO | Identification of the digit of the source account in case of a specific account |
TotalValue | Decimal | YES | Total transaction value |
RateValueType | Decimal | NO | Type of fee to be charged, 0 - sent, 1 - default, 2 - None |
RateValue | Decimal | NO | Fee amount |
Category | Long | NO | 0 - Payment between accounts |
Identifier | String | YES | Internal Identifier |
Tags | String | NO | Free field to put some information for customer identification |
Description | String | NO | Free field to put some information for customer identification |
Internal Transfer | String | YES | Field to inform the receivers |
Identifier | String | YES | Internal Identifier |
ToName | String | YES | Recipient's name |
ToTaxNumber | String | YES | CPF/CNPJ of the recipient |
ToBank | String | NO | Target Bank |
ToBankBranch | String | NO | Destination Agency |
ToBankAccount | String | NO | Source account identification in case of a specific account |
ToBankAccountDigit | String | NO | Identification of the digit of the source account in case of a specific account |
Value | Decimal | YES | Transaction amount |
Requisition without bank details:
{ "Method": "MultipleInternalTransfers",
"PartnerId": 820,
"BusinessUnitId": 1099,
"TaxNumber": "55197836830",
"TransferDate": "2022/07/24",
"TotalValue": 20,
"RateValueType": 0,
"RateValue": 4,
"Description": "Teste SandBox - SPLIT",
"InternalTransfers": [
{ "Identifier": "578954962424",
"ToName": "Aurora Sena",
"ToTaxNumber": "48969329277",
"Value": 15, "Description": "Comissão" },
{ "Identifier": "3759299898115",
"ToName": "Elsa Moreira",
"ToTaxNumber": "39116483405",
"Value": 5,
"Description": "Comissão" } ]
Requisition with bank details:
{ "Method": "MultipleInternalTransfers",
"PartnerId": 820,
"BusinessUnitId": 1099,
"TaxNumber": "55197836830",
"Bank": "450",
"BankBranch": "0001",
"BankAccount": "185527096",
"BankAccountDigit": "6",
"TransferDate": "2022/07/24",
"TotalValue": 10,
"Description": "Teste SandBox - SPLIT",
"InternalTransfers": [
{ "Identifier": "5754962424",
"ToName": "Aurora Sena",
"ToTaxNumber": "48969329277",
"ToBank": "450",
"ToBankBranch": "0001",
"ToBankAccount": "191565079",
"ToBankAccountDigit": "2",
"Value": 6,
"Description": "Comissão" },
{ "Identifier": "375929898115",
"ToName": "Elsa Moreira",
"ToTaxNumber": "39116483405",
"ToBank": "450",
"ToBankBranch": "0001",
"ToBankAccount": "186745319",
"ToBankAccountDigit": "1",
"Value": 4,
"Description": "Comissão" } ]
Response of both requests:
{ "Success": "true", "InternalTransfers": "[{\"Success\":\"true\",\"Identifier\":\"5754962424\" ,\"Url\":\"https://sandboxreceipt.fitbank.com.br/receipt/pdf?filename=2022-07- 24/mb0bbc2k.pdf\",\"DocumentNumber\":103848,\"Message\":\"Transferência enviad a com sucesso.\"},{\"Success\":\"true\",\"Identifier\":\"375929898115\",\"Url\ ":\"https://sandboxreceipt.fitbank.com.br/receipt/pdf?filename=2022-07- 24/53ovawdz.pdf\",\"DocumentNumber\":103849,\"Message\":\"Transferência enviad a com sucesso.\"}]" }
Updated 12 days ago