API Method = GetAccountEntryPaged
The "getAccountEntryPaged" endpoint is a powerful tool we offer to our clients to efficiently access their financial history. With this service, you can easily retrieve a comprehensive summary of transactions and the current balance of your account.
Key Benefits:
- Access to Financial History: The endpoint allows you to access a detailed record of all transactions made in your account, facilitating financial audits and expense tracking.
- Custom Filters: You can apply date filters to specify the period of interest, obtaining a specific financial statement that suits your needs.
- Flexible Pagination: With the ability to control the number of entries per page, you can easily navigate through large volumes of financial data, ensuring a smooth user experience.
- Current Balance: In addition to transactions, the service provides the current account balance, giving you an instant view of the current financial status.
- Simple Integration: "getAccountEntryPaged" is designed for easy integration into your existing systems, allowing you to make the most of your account's financial data.
This endpoint is crucial to help our clients make informed decisions and maintain precise financial control. With it, you can access the financial information necessary to optimize your cash flow, identify spending trends, and make data-driven strategic decisions.
At Fitbank, we are committed to providing effective tools to enhance your financial experience, and "getAccountEntryPaged" is an essential part of that commitment. Combined with our stringent security and compliance, you can trust our services to reliably and efficiently meet your financial management needs.
"Method": "GetAccountEntryPaged",
"PartnerId": 93234,
"BusinessUnitId": 40380,
"TaxNumber": "30934646000107",
"StartDate": "20/05/2022",
"EndDate": "20/05/2022",
"PageSize": 5,
"PageIndex": 2,
"DateTime": "2022-03-09T00:00:00",
"OnlyBalance": true,
"Bank": "621",
"BankBranch": "3212",
"BankAccount": "51351",
"BankAccountDigit": "5"
"Success": "true",
"Entry": [
"InternalIdentifier": 0,
"EntryId": 0,
"Description": "debit purchase",
"Subtype": 21,
"EntryDate": "2022-03-09T00:00:00",
"EntryValue": 50,
"Type": "ManualCredit",
"UsedGuaranteed": null,
"GuaranteedValue": null,
"Details": "Credit one",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"BankDetails": null,
"DocumentNumber": "134077",
"TransactionId": 134569,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null,
"OperationId": 0,
"NoteId": 324553,
"NoteEntry": 4334610,
"OperationType": 0,
"ManualEntryCategory": 0,
"ReceiptFileName": null,
"TotalRows": 0,
"Tags": []
"Balance": 0,
"BlockedBalance": 0
Definition of request fields
Parameter | Type | Description |
Method | String | Method name. |
PartnerId | Int64 | Information Provied by Fitbank |
BusinessUnitId | Int64 | Information Provied by Fitbank |
TaxNumber | String | Taxnumber account holder. |
StartDate | String | Field used to perform the start date filter to delimit the statement. |
EndDate | String | Field used to perform the end date filter to delimit the statement. |
PageSize | Integer | This field is responsible for specifying the number of entries per page to be returned. |
PageIndex | Integer | This field is responsible for specifying which page will be returned |
DateTime | String | If the customer wants to search for the statement for a specific date, the use of startDate and endDate is not required. |
OnlyBalance | Boolean | In scenarios where the customer solely intends to check the current account balance, there is no need to input the other fields |
Bank | String | Provided for differentiation at the time of account opening. |
BankBranch | String | Provided for differentiation at the time of account opening. |
BankAccount | String | Provided for differentiation at the time of account opening. |
BankAccountDigit | String | Provided for differentiation at the time of account opening. |
Definition of response fields
Parameter | Type | Description |
InternalIdentifier | Integer | Internal Identification |
EntryId | Integer | Internal Identification (Entry ID) |
Description | String | Description of the transaction carried out |
Subtype | Integer | This field is enumerable, following the transaction model in the statement. |
EntryDate | String | Exact time the transaction was settled |
EntryValue | Decimal | Value of the transaction carried out |
Type | String | "The 'Type' field is used to describe the category of the bank transaction, providing additional text to complement the 'subtype' field." |
UsedGuaranteed | integer | This field is responsible for granting permission to utilize the Guaranteed account balance. |
GuaranteedValue | Decimal | This field is responsible for specifying the withdrawal amount from the Guaranteed account. |
Details | String | This field is responsible for providing transaction details. |
ReceiptUrl | Stringf | This field contains a URL that can redirect the customer to a proof of the transaction. |
BankDetails | Object | Field responsible for returning bank details details |
DocumentNumber | Long | Control Number Returned in the response of the generation Methods call |
TransactionId | Long | Field responsible for returning the transaction identifier |
OperationId | Long | Operation Identification in the operation table |
NoteId | Long | Internal identification |
NoteEntry | Long | Internal identification of the Note Entry |
OperationType | Integer | Operation Type |
ManualEntryCategory | Integer | Category of Manual entry/exit |
ReceiptFileName | String | Transaction proof folder name |
Tags | This field is responsible for returning created tags that are associated with the transaction. | |
Balance | Decimal | Current account balance |
BlockedBalance | Decimal | Blocked balance under review |
Types and Subtypes
SubTypes | Types |
0 | Pre-credit payment of boleto |
1 | Payment confirmation of boleto |
2 | Purchase with boleto |
3 | Receipt of purchase with boleto |
4 | Boleto receipt fee |
5 | Request for redemption in account |
6 | Redemption in account |
7 | Pre-fee for boleto receipt |
8 | Pre-debit of fee for boleto receipt |
9 | Manual credit |
10 | Transfer to guarantee account |
11 | Automatic credit |
12 | Restoration of guarantee account limit |
13 | Pre-fee for transfer |
14 | Transfer fee |
15 | Credit reversal of boleto |
16 | Debit reversal of boleto |
17 | Credit reversal of redemption in account |
18 | Debit reversal of redemption in account |
19 | Automatic debit |
20 | Manual debit |
21 | Initial balance |
22 | Final balance |
23 | Reversal of debit fee for redemption in account |
24 | Boleto interest |
25 | Boleto fine |
26 | Pre-credit MoneyTransferIn |
27 | Reversal of pre-credit MoneyTransferIn |
28 | Credit MoneyTransferIn |
30 | Cancellation of BoletoOut |
31 | Pre-debit of BoletoOut |
32 | Cancellation of DarfOut |
33 | Pre-debit of DarfOut |
34 | Overpayment of boleto |
35 | InternalDischargeAccount |
36 | RateInternalDischargeAccount |
37 | Pre-fee for receiving MoneyTransferIn |
38 | Cancellation of pre-fee for receiving MoneyTransferIn |
39 | Fee for receiving MoneyTransferIn |
40 | Pre-fee for titles |
41 | PreRateByDarfOut |
42 | CancelRateBoletoOut - Cancellation of bank titles fee |
43 | CancelRateDarfOut |
44 | DebitBoletoOut |
45 | DebitDarfOut |
46 | RateByBoletoOut |
47 | Tax for DARF tribute payment |
48 | RateInternalTransferFromMoneyTransferIn |
49 | InternalTransferFromMoneyTransferIn |
50 | Boleto discharge fee |
51 | Reversal of discharge fee for Boleto |
52 | PreRateByGareOut |
53 | PreDebitGareOut |
54 | PreRateByGpsOut |
55 | PreDebitGpsOut |
56 | DebitGpsOut |
57 | RateByGpsOut |
58 | CancelGpsOut |
59 | CancelRateGpsOut |
60 | DebitGareOut |
61 | RateByGareOut |
62 | CancelGareOut |
63 | CancelRateGareOut |
64 | PreRateByFgtsOut |
65 | PreDebitFgtsOut |
66 | Cancellation of FGTS fee |
67 | Cancellation of FGTS payment |
68 | DebitFgtsOut |
69 | RateByFgtsOut |
70 | CancelDarj |
71 | Cancellation of DARJ taxes |
72 | PreRateByDarjOut |
73 | PreDebitDarjOut |
74 | DebitRateWithoutRegister |
75 | DebitDarjOut |
76 | RateByDarjOut |
77 | PreRateSendMoneyVirtualAccount |
78 | RateSendMoneyVirtualAccount |
79 | PreSendMoneyVirtualAccount |
80 | SendMoneyVirtualAccount |
88 | CancelSendMoneyVirtualAccount |
89 | CancelRateSendMoneyVirtualAccount |
90 | Reversal of TED |
91 | RechargePrepaidCard |
92 | DischargePrepaidCard |
93 | RateDischargePrepaidCard |
94 | RateRechargePrepaidCard |
97 | Credit MoneyTransferIn Neon |
98 | PreTransferOverhang |
100 | Advance |
102 | Inter-account payment |
105 | Pre-debit transfer |
107 | Transfer |
108 | PreRatePrepaidCard |
109 | CancelRatePrepaidCard |
110 | RatePrepaidCard |
111 | DebitTransferOverhang |
112 | CreditTransferOverhang |
113 | LinkPrepaidCard |
115 | Advance fee |
116 | ChargeAccount |
117 | ChargeAccountRate |
118 | ChargeAccountCredit |
119 | CancelRechargePrepaidCard |
120 | CancelDischargePrepaidCard |
121 | Debit of Advance |
122 | ChargedCashbackInternalDischargeAccount |
123 | ReceivedCashbackInternalDischargeAccount |
124 | PreDigitalWithdrawal |
125 | ChargeAccountCreditToPrimary |
126 | Credit Reversal of Transfer |
127 | Debit Reversal of Transfer |
128 | DigitalWithdrawal |
129 | CancelDigitalWithdrawal |
130 | PreRateDigitalWithdrawal |
131 | RateDigitalWithdrawal |
132 | CancelRateDigitalWithdrawal |
133 | RateFeeDigitalWithdrawal |
134 | PreRateBankDigitalWithdrawal |
135 | RateBankDigitalWithdrawal |
136 | PreRateFeeDigitalWithdrawal |
143 | PurchaseCardDebit |
144 | PurchaseCardCredit |
145 | WithdrawCardDebit |
146 | WithdrawCardCredit |
147 | PreDebitPurchaseCard |
148 | PreCreditPurchaseCard |
149 | PreDebitPurchaseCardRate |
150 | PreCreditPurchaseCardRate |
151 | PreDebitWithdrawCard |
152 | PreCreditWithdrawCard |
153 | PreDebitWithdrawCardRate |
154 | PreCreditWithdrawCardRate |
155 | CancelWithdrawCardPreDebit |
156 | CancelWithdrawCardPreCredit |
157 | CancelPurchaseCardPreDebit |
158 | CancelPurchaseCardPreCredit |
159 | ChargeCardCredit |
160 | ChargeCardDebit |
161 | PreDebitChargebackCard |
162 | PreCreditChargebackCard |
163 | CancelChargebackCardPreDebit |
164 | CancelChargebackCardPreCredit |
165 | PreDebitChargebackCardRate |
166 | PreCreditChargebackCardRate |
167 | DischargeCardCredit |
168 | DischargeCardDebit |
171 | ChargebackCardDebit |
172 | ChargebackCardCredit |
173 | TransferBalanceCardDebit |
174 | TransferBalanceCardCredit |
175 | RateMultibankBoletoOut |
176 | CancelRateMultibankBoletoOut |
177 | RateMultibankMoneyTransferOut |
178 | CancelRateMultibankMoneyTransferOut |
179 | PreRateMultibankBoletoOut |
180 | PreRateMultibankMoneyTransferOut |
181 | CancelRateBankDigitalWithdrawal |
182 | CancelRateFeeDigitalWithdrawal |
183 | RateCancelBoleto |
184 | DebitBoletoOutDifference |
185 | CreditBoletoOutDifference |
186 | DebitWithdrawCardRate |
187 | CreditWithdrawCardRate |
188 | LimitGuaranteedCredit |
189 | LimitGuaranteedDebit |
190 | FuturePostingCapture |
191 | FuturePostingRescue |
192 | FuturePostingDebit |
193 | FuturePostingCredit |
194 | FuturePostingPreCredit |
195 | CreditTedInSPB |
197 | DebitRequestCardRate |
198 | CreditRequestCardRate |
199 | DebitActivateCardRate |
200 | CreditActivateCardRate |
201 | ReversalSPBCredit |
202 | ReversalSPBDebit |
203 | PreDebitTopUp |
204 | PreCreditTopUp |
205 | DebitTopUp |
206 | CreditTopUp |
207 | DebitRateTopUp |
208 | CreditRateTopUp |
209 | CancelDebitTopUp |
210 | CancelCreditTopUp |
211 | PreDebitRateTopUp |
212 | PreCreditRateTopUp |
213 | SPBMultibankTransaction |
214 | MultibankTransaction |
215 | PreDebitGruOut |
216 | DebitGruOut |
217 | RateByGruOut |
218 | CancelGruOut |
219 | CancelRateGruOut |
220 | Credit for consolidation reversal due to lack of balance |
221 | Debit for consolidation reversal due to lack of balance |
222 | CreditPixIn |
224 | FuturePostingRate |
228 | CreditRefundPixOut |
232 | RatePixOut |
234 | RatePixIn |
235 | PreDebitRefundPixIn |
237 | DebitRefundPixIn |
238 | CreditRefundPixIn |
239 | RateRefundPixIn |
242 | PreDebitPixOut |
244 | DebitPixOut |
246 | PreRateByPixOut |
247 | RateByPixOut |
249 | DebitCloseLoopCashBack |
250 | CreditCloseLoopCashBack |
251 | CancelDebitPixOut |
252 | CancelCreditPixOut |
253 | CreditReissueCardRate |
254 | DebitReissueCardRate |
255 | DebitBenefitTransfer |
256 | CreditBenefitTransfer |
259 | PreCreditCancelRefundFuturePosting |
260 | CancelCreditRefundPixIn |
261 | CancelDebitRefundPixIn |
263 | DebitRateGeneratePaymentOrder |
264 | CreditRateGeneratePaymentOrder |
265 | CancelRateGeneratePaymentOrder |
266 | ManualCreditCreditLock |
267 | ManualCreditDebitLock |
268 | ManualDebitCreditLock |
269 | ManualDebitDebitLock |
270 | DebitRateGenerateCollectionOrder |
271 | PreDebitRateGenerateCollectionOrder |
272 | CreditCollectionOrder |
273 | DebitCollectionOrder |
276 | CollectionOrderCancellationFee |
277 | Pre-credit boleto payment with deductions |
278 | CourtOrderCapture |
280 | DebitGeneratePaymentOrder |
281 | FuturePostingDebitCapture |
282 | Pre-credit settlement of card shipment |
283 | DischargeKeyAccount |
284 | Effectuation of card settlement shipment |
285 | WireTransferPreDebit |
286 | WireTransferDebit |
287 | WireTransferPreRate |
288 | WireTransferRate |
289 | JudicialOrderCredit |
290 | JudicialOrderDebit |
291 | WireTransferCredit |
292 | ManualEntryClosedAccountDebit |
293 | ManualEntryClosedAccountCredit |
298 | BinSponsorDebit |
299 | BinSponsorCredit |
302 | Tariffing Service |
303 | CancelWithdrawCardRatePreDebit |
304 | CancelWithdrawCardRatePreCredit |
305 | UnlockPreBinSponsorDebit |
306 | UnlockPreBinSponsorCredit |
307 | ResourceBlockade |
308 | ResourceUnlock |
309 | InternalBoletoPayment |
310 | CancelRateTransferPIX |
311 | DebitRateSPB |
312 | RateCollectionOrder |
313 | PreCreditBoletoWithOverpaid |
314 | BoletoWithOverpaid |
315 | RateByBoletoInSettlement |
316 | CreditPaymentCollectionRate |
317 | DischargePaymentCollectionKeyAccount |
318 | DebitTransferCardRate |
318 | PreDebitBoletoOutSTR |
319 | CreditTransferCardRate |
319 | DebitBoletoOutSTR |
320 | CreditTedInSME |
321 | PreDebitPurchaseCardIOFRate |
322 | CancelPurchaseCardIOFRatePreDebit |
323 | CancelPurchaseCardIOFRatePreCredit |
324 | PurchaseCardIOFRateDebit |
325 | PurchaseCardIOFRateCredit |
326 | CancelWireTransferPreDebit |
327 | PreRateCancelBoleto |
328 | RefundPreRateCancelBoleto |
329 | PreCreditPurchaseCardIOFRate |
330 | PreDebitWithdrawalClosedLoop |
331 | PreCreditWithdrawalClosedLoop |
332 | UnlockDebitWithdrawalClosedLoop |
333 | UnlockCreditWithdrawalClosedLoop |
336 | PreDebitClosedLoopPreAuthDeposit |
337 | PreCreditClosedLoopPreAuthDeposit |
338 | UnlockDebitDepositClosedLoop |
339 | UnlockCreditDepositClosedLoop |
340 | DebitDepositClosedLoop |
341 | CreditDepositClosedLoop |
342 | PreDebitJointPayment |
343 | PreCreditJointPayment |
344 | DebitJointPayment |
345 | CreditJointPayment |
346 | CancelDebitJointPayment |
347 | CancelCreditJointPayment |
348 | Debit of boleto payment (STR0026) |
349 | PreDebitBoletoOutSTR |
350 | DebitBoletoOutSTR |
358 | EntryOrderPreDebit |
359 | EntryOrderPreCredit |
360 | EntryOrderDebit |
361 | EntryOrderCredit |
362 | EntryOrderUnlockedDebit |
363 | EntryOrderUnlockedCredit |
364 | EntryOrderCancelDebit |
365 | EntryOrderCancelCredit |
366 | EntryOrderDebitSync |
367 | EntryOrderPreDebitSync |
368 | CourtOrderUnlock |
369 | TransferBySTRPaymentTributes |
370 | TransferByTESPaymentTributes |
371 | CourtOrderCancel |
372 | PreDebitToBlockBoletoSplit |
373 | RatePixInSentQRCode |
374 | PreDebitToBlockPixInSplit |
375 | DebitPixInByCollectionOrder |
376 | CreditPixInByCollectionOrder |
377 | OverPaymentFinesOrAdditionalFees |
378 | CancelPreDebitBoleto |
379 | DebitReconCollectionBoleto |
Updated about 1 month ago