
API Method = GetChargeDetails

When the asynchronous billing service is active, charges will be grouped by product, and the billing will be processed only once per cycle.

In the Business Unit account statement, it will only show that the cycle charge was made. To provide visibility into which operations were charged in this grouping, we have the GetChargeDetails endpoint, where you can view the settlement process and billing date, increasing transparency and facilitating decision-making. It clearly displays all the details of the billing cycle.

    "Method": "GetChargeDetails", 
    "PartnerId": 84, 
    "BusinessUnitId": 106,  
    "ChargeId": "664f8dcdac5e74ab1f65b01b",  
    "PageSize": 3,  
    "PageIndex": 0  
    "Success": "true", 
    "Status": "Liquidado",  
    "Billing": [ 
            "Identifier": "677eba5186422455ad9acd01",  
            "DocumentNumber": "25905",  
            "PricingContext": "Emissão de Ordem de Pagamento", 
            "CreationDate": "08/01/2025 14:48:01", 
            "PricingValue": 0.05 

    "TotalValue": 0.05 

Definition of request fields

    MethodMethod namestring
    PartnerIdInformation provided by Fitbanklong
 BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by Fitbanklong
    ChargeIdThe information obtained from the document that may or may not have been sensitized already (information provided by FitBank)string
    PageSizeThis field is responsible for specifying the number of entries per page to be
    PageIndexThis field is responsible for specifying which page will be returnedint

Definition of responses fields

DocumentNumberPayment Document NumberString
PricingContextContext or type of feeString
CreationDateCreation dateDate Time
PricingValueFee AmountDecimal
Total valueTotalValueDecimal