
API Method = GenerateStatementAsync

This endpoint aims to provide a view of the statement and financial transactions, which are essential elements for controlling and monitoring personal and business finances. It allows a clear and detailed view of the transactions made over a period of up to two days, facilitating the analysis of balances, revenues, expenses, and fees.

For better performance, this feature sends the file compiling the requested information via email.

The files, to facilitate reconciliation in different external systems, can be created in the following formats:

  • PDF
  • OFX
  • CSV
  • CNAB
    "Method": "GenerateStatementAsync",
    "PartnerId": 1136,
    "BusinessUnitId": 494,
    "TaxNumber": "39391365817",
    "Bank": "",
    "BankBranch": "",
    "BankAccount": "",
    "BankAccountDigit": "",
    "Email": "",
    "Type": 1,
    "InitialDate": "2024/08/05",
    "FinalDate": "2024/08/06",
    "Url": ""
    "Success": "true", 
    "Message": "Método executado com sucesso" 

Definition of request fields

MethodMethod namestring
PartnerIdInformation provided by Fitbanklong
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by Fitbanklong
BankProvided for differentiation at the time of account openingstring
BankBranchProvided for differentiation at the time of account openingstring
BankAccountProvided for differentiation at the time of account openingstring
BankAccountDigitProvided for differentiation at the time of account openingstring
Type"The 'Type' field is used to describe the category of the bank transaction, providing additional text to complement the 'subtype' field."int
InitialDateInitial Date (scheduling) of the period searchedDatetime
FinalDateFinal Date (scheduling) of the period searchedDatetime