

API Method = GetAccountBalanceList

The "GetAccountBalanceList" endpoint is a feature we provide to our customers for efficiently accessing batch account balances. Through this service, customers can retrieve a list of accounts, yielding the balance of all listed accounts.

Important: Each request can retrieve a list with up to 100 accounts.

"Method": "GetAccountBalanceList", 
"PartnerId": 308, 
"BusinessUnitId": 480, 
"Accounts": [ 
"TaxNumber": "01698768014", 
"Bank": "450", 
"BankBranch": "4453", 
"BankAccount": "71547", 
"BankAccountDigit": "2" 
"TaxNumber": "07282568006", 
"Bank": "450", 
"BankBranch": "4453", 
"BankAccount": "71522", 
"BankAccountDigit": "1" 
"Success": "true", 
"Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso", 
"AccountList": [ 
"TaxNumber": "01698768014", 
"Bank": "450", 
"BankBranch": "4453", 
"BankAccount": "71547", 
"BankAccountDigit": "2" 
"Balance": 1405.00, 
"BlockedBalance": 100.00 
"TaxNumber": "07282568006", 
"Bank": "341", 
"BankBranch": "4453", 
"BankAccount": "71522", 
"BankAccountDigit": "1" 
"Balance": 3305.00, 
"BlockedBalance": 10.00 

Definition of request fields

MethodStringMethod name
PartnerIdStringInformation provided by FitBank
BusinessUnitIdIntegerInformation provided by FitBank
TaxNumberStringTaxnumber account holder
TaxNumberStringTaxnumber account holder
BankStringBank Code (Ex.: “450”)
BankBranchStringBank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)
BankAccountStringBank Account (Ex.: “146492”)
BankAccountDigitStringAccount Digit (Ex.: “1”)

Definition of response fields

MethodStringMethod name
PartnerIdStringInformation provided by FitBank
BusinessUnitIdIntegerInformation provided by FitBank
TaxNumberStringTaxnumber account holder
TaxNumberStringTaxnumber account holder
BankStringBank Code (Ex.: “450”)
BankBranchStringBank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)
BankAccountStringBank Account (Ex.: “146492”)
BankAccountDigitStringAccount Digit (Ex.: “1”)
BalanceStringAccount Balance
BlockedBalanceStringBlocked balance in the account

Error scenarios responses

  1. If more than 100 accounts are inserted in a single request, the following exception will be returned:
"Success": false, 
"Message": "EXC0024 - O número de contas consultadas não deve ser superior a 100" 
"Validation": [] 
  1. If none of the entries in the list is properly filled, such as if any field is inadequately filled, the following exception will be returned:
"Success": false, 
"Message": "ISE0014 - Informações enviadas estão inválidas. Veja a propriedade Validation do json para mais detalhes." 
"Validation": [ 
"Key": "TaxNumber", 
"Value": [ 
"O campo TaxNumber é obrigatório." 