This page will provide tips and information regarding the submission of data and documents in the account opening process.
In order for you to adequately prepare for your request, it is important to remember that the required documents may vary depending on the type of account and client profile. Additionally, it is essential that the documents comply with applicable rules and regulations to ensure the security and reliability of the information provided. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully check the requested documents and provide them in a complete and correct manner. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Fitbank customer service team, who are available to guide you through the entire account opening process.
What documents are required to open an account?
Fitbank, a financial institution, requires the Registration Document (RG) or the National Driver's License (CNH) as identification documents for opening personal accounts. These are the only documents that meet the company's internal evaluation guidelines. Therefore, it is important for the customer interested in opening an account with Fitbank to be aware of these requirements and to provide one of these documents to open their bank account.
The requirement for these documents aims to ensure the safety and integrity of financial transactions involving Fitbank's customers, as well as to prevent fraud and other illicit activities.
Natural person's documentation
To open an individual account in FitBank, it is necessary to have an official identification document, which can be the Registration Document (RG) or National Driver's License (CNH) and proof of address.
Below, there are some examples of how Registration Document (RG) and National Driver's License (CNH) look like:
Registration Document

National Driver's License (CNH)

Digital National Driver's License (CNH)
Document | Document Type | Description |
RG (Registro Geral) frente | 0 | Document of identification issued in Brazil containing personal information of the account holder, such as name, date of birth, photo, and identification number. |
RG (Registro Geral) verso | 7 | Reverse side of the RG. |
CNH (Carteira Nacional de Habilitação) frente | 3 | Document issued by the National Traffic Department (Denatran) that allows the account holder to drive motor vehicles in Brazil. The CNH contains personal information of the driver, such as full name, photo, date of birth, as well as information about the categories of vehicles that the driver is licensed to drive. |
CNH (Carteira Nacional de Habilitação) verso | 16 | Reverse side of the CNH. |
Proof of residence | 2 | Document that serves to prove the location where a person resides. The comprovante de endereço may be a utility bill, such as a water or electricity bill, a phone or gas bill, a lease agreement, among others. |
Minor Individuals
To open bank accounts for minors, documents are required from both the legal representative and the minor. The legal representative must present the same documents required to open a personal account, as described in the table above.
For the minor, it is necessary to present the Registro Geral (RG), which is an identification document issued in Brazil that contains personal information of the holder, such as name, date of birth, photo, and identification number. In addition, a Letter of attorney, which is option 6 in the table, is required to establish the link between the minor and their legal representative in cases where it is different from filiation.
These measures are taken to ensure the security and integrity of financial transactions involving minors, as well as to prevent fraud and other illicit activities.
Legal entity documentation
The table presents information on the legal nature of some companies and the required documents for opening bank accounts. For Microentrepreneur Individual (MEI) and Microenterprise (ME), personal documents of all partners are required. For Anonymous Society (S.A.) and Limited Liability Company (LTDA), personal documents of all partners or attorneys-in-fact (with the presentation of legal power of attorney), Company Anuall Billing (enum 17), Social Contract (enum 5), and proof of company address (enum 2) are required. For Individual Limited Liability Company (EIRELI), Single-Member Limited Liability Company (SLU), and Condominium, personal documents of all partners or attorneys-in-fact (with the presentation of legal power of attorney), Company Anuall Billing (enum 17), Constitutive Act (enum 11), and proof of registered address (enum 2) are also required. Additionally, for Condominium, the election minutes (enum 15) are required. These documents are necessary to ensure the security and integrity of financial transactions involving companies, as well as to prevent fraud and other illicit activities.

Other types of companies.
*The types of companies below require the same type of LTDA document:
Pure Simple Society (Sociedade Simples Pura)
Company in participation account (Sociedade em conta de participação).
Cooperative (Cooperativa)
Private Association (Associação Privada)
Legal Nature | Required Documents |
Microentrepreneur Individual (MEI) | Personal documents of all partners |
Microenterprise (ME) | Personal documents of all partners |
Sociedade Anônima (S.A.) / Sociedade Limitada (LTDA) Sociedade Simples Pura; Sociedade em conta de participação. Cooperativa; Associação Privada. | Personal documents of all partners or attorneys-in-fact (legal power of attorney n.º 6 must be attached), Social Contract n.º 5 and proof of company address n.º 2, Company Anuall Billing n.º 17 |
Individual Limited Liability Company (EIRELI) Sole Proprietary Limited Company (SLU) | Personal documents of all partners or attorneys-in-fact (legal power of attorney n.º 6 must be attached), Constitutive Act n.º 11 and proof of registered address n.º 2, Company Anuall Billing n.º 17 |
Condominium (Condomínio) | Personal documents of all partners or attorneys-in-fact (legal power of attorney n.º 6 must be attached), Constitutive Act n.º 11 and proof of registered address n.º 2, Election Minutes n.º 15 |
Fundos de Investimentos em Direitos Creditórios (FIDC) | Personal documents of all partners or attorneys-in-fact (legal power of attorney n.º 6 must be attached), Bylaws of the fund (indicated in "Social Contract" n.º 5), proof of company address n.º 2, Company Anuall Billing n.º 17 and Regulating of Funds (indicated in "others") n.º 13. |
How to sending the documents correctly:
Some care is needed when sending documents. For example:
- It must be original, no copies or erasures allowed;
- It must be within its expiration date;
- Scanned documents, notarized, copied or screen prints will not be accepted;
- When taking a picture of the documents, you must pay attention to the ambient lighting and to the image quality (make sure the documentation is not cut off or has poor sharpness);
- It should be outside the plastic cover;
- It must be in good condition: no damages, tears or dents;
- Digital documents, as the digital version of National Driver’s License, must have the QR Code for validation;
- The only documentation that can be sent open is the CNH (can be sent both front and back);
- The documents must be issued by the competent agencies;
- In the case of digital documents, it is necessary to have a validation QRCode;
- In the case of digital documents, it's necessary to send the file extracted from the portal;
- The size of the data and document submission request cannot exceed 10 MB;
- The documents must be sent front and back, with different file names;
- The documents must be submitted in base64;
- The accepted file formats are: PDF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
Thus, by following these standards, the documents will be properly evaluated and the process can be successfully completed.
Formats not accepted
- Scanned documents, notarized, copied or screen prints will not be accepted
Good practices for filling out account opening forms
When filling out the account opening registration, it is important to provide accurate and correct information to facilitate the process. Below are some guidelines for filling in the fields:
- Identification of the Individual:
- If opening a personal account, use the field
to enter your CPF without dots or dashes. Remember that this field should not be filled with other documents, such as RG or any other form of identification.
- If opening a personal account, use the field
- Identification for Legal Entities:
- If opening a corporate account, also use the field
to provide the company's CNPJ. Again, make sure the number provided is without dots and dashes.
- If opening a corporate account, also use the field
- Identification Data:
- When providing names for registration, fill them in completely, without abbreviations. This will help avoid identification problems and speed up the registration process.
- Contact Information:
- Provide valid and up-to-date phone numbers and email addresses. This will facilitate contact in case of the need for communication about the account.
Resubmitting documents
In the scenario of document resend, it's important to highlight that, after the analysis of the documentation in the process of information extraction and documentoscopia, it may be necessary for the client to resend the document if it doesn't comply with the established guidelines above. In this case, the account will be put on hold, and the client will receive a request to resend the documents.
To ensure that the resend process is successful, the ResendDocument method is used. However, it's important to note that the documents can only be resent for analysis a maximum of three times, and if this amount is exceeded, the account will be rejected. Additionally, it's necessary to wait for the new analysis and feedback of the process when resending the documents.
These guidelines aim to ensure that the process of information extraction and documentoscopia is carried out satisfactorily, avoiding the rejection of the client's account and ensuring the efficiency of the process.

Updated over 1 year ago