4 - Security and Access Control

Block Card

Temporarily blocks a card, preventing its use until it is unblocked. Ideal for security purposes.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "BlockCard",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485",
  "Pin": "MTIzNA==",
  "ReasonCode": "4"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Solicitação de bloqueio registrada com sucesso!"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card to be blocked.StringYes
PinPIN encoded in Base64 format, required for authentication.StringNo
ReasonCodeCode indicating the reason for blocking the card.StringYes
- Lost card (Lost) = 2
- Stolen card (Stolen) = 3
- Card lost on delivery or failed delivery (FailureOrLossOnDelivery) = 4
- Card suspended for fraud (SuspectedFraud) = 5
- Card cancellation ( Cancellation ) = 6
- Card temporary block (TemporaryBlock)= 8

Unblock Card

Unblocks a previously blocked card, restoring its normal functionality.



This method can only be used if reason code 8 is provided in the BlockCard method.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "UnblockCard",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485",
  "Pin": "MTIzNA=="
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Solicitação de desbloqueio registrada com sucesso!"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card to be unblocked.StringYes
PinPIN encoded in Base64 format, required for authentication.StringYes

Change Pin Card

Enables the security PIN of a card to be changed, enhancing protection against unauthorized access.



The current PIN is required to make the change.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "ChangePinCard",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485",
  "CurrentPin": "NDAyNw==",
  "Pin": "MTIzNA==",
  "PinCheck": "MTIzNA=="
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Solicitação de alteração de senha registrada com sucesso!"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card for which the PIN is being changed.StringYes
CurrentPinCurrent PIN encoded in Base64 format, used for authentication.StringYes
PinNew PIN encoded in Base64 format, to be set for the card.StringYes
PinCheckConfirmation of the new PIN, encoded in Base64 format. Must match Pin.StringYes

Reset Pin Card

Resets a card's PIN to its default setting, allowing the cardholder to set a new code.



The current PIN is not required to perform the reset.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "ResetPinCard",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485",
  "DateOfBirth": "1992/20/02"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Solicitação de alteração de senha registrada com sucesso!"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card for which the PIN is being reset.StringYes
DateOfBirthCardholder's date of birth in the format YYYY/DD/MM, used for verification.StringYes

Update Card Contactless

This method is used to enable or disable contactless card.

Example of requisition:

   "Method": "UpdateCardContactless", 
   "BusinessUnitId": 40561, 
   "PartnerId": 20442, 
   "Allow": false,  
   "IdentifierCard": "800082367" 
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Método executado com sucesso!"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card for which the PIN is being reset.StringYes
AllowField that allows to turn Contactless on and off the card.BoolYes