2 - Types of Payments

Banking and collection boletos

API Method = GenerateBoletoOut
Our platform pays every collection boleto type, as much as both bank collection and collection of collections and consumption invoices. Through the barcode (or serial number), we can consult a lot of payment data:

  • Collection boleto: Type of product segment, charged value (GetInfoByBarcode);
  • Bank boleto: beneficiary, value, due date, discounts, interest, and fines (Query method: GetInfoCipByBarcode).

All of these information are fundamental to validating and performing the payment, according to the regulation of FEBRABAN's collection boletos and bank boleto, regulated by CIP .

Types of boletos with barcodes accepted in the method

  • Collection boletos: dealerships (water, energy, internet, telephone, TV, etc.) and taxes (Taxes and Fees*);
  • Bank boletos.
    Method: 'GenerateBoletoOut',
    PartnerId: 10343,
    BusinessUnitId: 30421,
    Name: 'Paula',
    TaxNumber: '33109855046',
    BeneficiaryTaxNumber: '33409855046',
    BeneficiaryName: 'João Silva',
    GuarantorTaxNumber: '81422414043',
    GuarantorName: 'Maria Helena',
    PayerTaxNumber: '16982097030',
    PayerName: 'João Alves',
    MailToSend: '[email protected]',
    PhoneToSend: '8854324232',
    Barcode: '03394894500000087671760680778200262003064000',
    PrincipalValue: 168.67,
    DiscountValue: 0,
    ExtraValue: 0,
    PaymentDate: '2022/05/16',
    DueDate: '2022/05/20',
    Tags: {Pagamento: 'Pagamento'},
    Description: 'Pagamento',
    Identifier: '5354ge45l3',
    RateValue: 1.19,
    RateValueType: 1,
    PaymentSubType: 0,
    FeePayerFullName: 'Ana Silva Goes',
    FeePayerTaxNumber: '13067778000160',
    FeePayerMail: '[email protected]',
    FeePayerBank: '450',
    FeePayerBankBranch: '1024',
    FeePayerBankAccount: '8147341',
    FeePayerBankAccountDigit: '0',
    FeePayerTradingName: 'Comercial Pereira',
    FeePayerLegalName: 'Maria Ferreira Lima',
    FeePayerIdentityDocument: '19062375308',
    Bank: '033',
    BankBranch: '1024',
    BankAccount: '8147342',
    BankAccountDigit: '1',
    Entries: {
      Name: 'Paula',
      TaxNumber: '33109855046',
      Value: 80.45,
      Description: 'Pagamento',
      Bank: '033',
      BankBranch: '1024',
      BankAccount: '8147342',
      BankAccountDigit: '1'


Boletos with barcode are widely used in Brazil for a variety of transactions


MethodAPI method to be usedstring  YES
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by Fitbankinteger YES
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit ID provided by Fitbankinteger YES
NameBeneficiary's namestring YES
TaxNumberPayer's CPF or CNPJstring YES
BeneficiaryTaxNumberBeneficiary's CPF or CNPJstringNO
BeneficiaryNameBeneficiary's namestring NO
GuarantorTaxNumberGuarantor's tax numberstring NO
GuarantorName  Guarantor's namestring NO
PayerTaxNumberPayer's CPF or CNPJstring NO
PayerNamePayer's namestring NO
MailToSendBeneficiary's email string NO
PhoneToSendBeneficiary's phonestring NO
BarcodeBar codestring YES
PrincipalValuePayment valuenumber NO
DiscountValueDiscount Valuenumber NO
ExtraValueExtra ValuenumberNO
PaymentDatePayment date set to settle the payment string YES
DueDateBoleto Due Date string YES
TagsList of tags: (Ex.: Payment, API Test) object NO
DescriptionDescriptionstring NO
IdentifierId reference to the payment generated string NO
RateValueValue sent at the Ratenumber NO
RateValueType0 - Default integer NO
1 - Value sent at the RateValue fieldNO
PaymentSubTypePayment sub typeinteger NO
FeePayerFullNameFee Payer Full Namestring NO
FeePayerTaxNumberFee Payer Tax Numberstring NO
FeePayerMailFee Payer Mailstring NO
FeePayerBank Fee Payer Bank stringNO
FeePayerBankBranch Fee Payer Bank Branch string NO
FeePayerBankAccount Fee Payer Bank Account string NO
FeePayerBankAccountDigit Fee Payer Bank Account Digit string NO
FeePayerTradingName Fee Payer Trading Name string NO
FeePayerLegalNameFee Payer Legal Namestring NO
FeePayerIdentityDocumentFee Payer Identity Documentstring NO
BankBankstring NO
BankBranchBank Branchstring NO
BankAccountBank Accountstring NO
BankAccountDigitBank Account Digitstring NO
Entries  Entries  string NO
NameNamestring NO
TaxNumber Tax Number string NO
Value Value numberNO
Description Description NO
Bank Bank stringNO
BankBranch Bank Branch stringNO
BankAccount Bank Account stringNO
BankAccountDigit Bank Account Digit stringN

Tax and Collection Guide without barcode

Some payment guides do have not a barcode and use dedicated methods for each type where data is entered manually.

They are:

  • DARF (Federal Collection Document)
    API Method: GeneratePaymentDARF
  • GPS (Social Security Guide)
    API Method: GeneratePaymentGPS
  • GARE (Collection State Document)
    API Method: GeneratePaymentGARE
  • DARJ (Collection of Rio de Janeiro Document)
    API Method: GeneratePaymentDARJ
  • FGTS (collection of the Severance Pay Fund)
    API Method: GeneratePaymentFGTS


Taxes with barcodes

The payments mentioned above are being updated to contain barcodes and can be paid using the same payment method as for boletos with barcodes: GenerateBoletoOut.

  "Method": "GeneratePaymentDARF",
  "PartnerId": 10343,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421,
  "TaxNumber": "33109855046",
  "FromBank": "450",
  "FromBankBranch": "1024",
  "FromBankAccount": "8142542",
  "FromBankAccountDIgit": "2",
  "DARFType": 1,
  "CalculationPeriod": "2022/06/05",
  "CodeRevenue": "4321",
  "ContributorTaxNumber": "87649862097",
  "ReferenceNumber": "012018",
  "DueDate": "2022/05/20",
  "GrossRevenueValue": 0,
  "GrossRevenuePercentage": "0.0",
  "PrincipalValue": 168.67,
  "FineValue": 1230,
  "InterestValue": 17890,
  "PaymentDate": "2022/05/16",
  "Description": "Pagamento",
  "Identifier": "5354ge45l3",
  "RateValueType": 1
  "Method": "GeneratePaymentGPS",
  "PartnerId": 10343,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421,
  "TaxNumber": "33109855046",
  "ContributorTaxNumber": "87649862097",
  "PrincipalValue": 168.67,
  "FineInterestValue": 0,
  "OtherValues": 0,
  "RateValue": 1.19,
  "PaymentDate": "2022/05/16",
  "DueDate": "2022/05/20",
  "RateValueType": 1,
  "Description": "Pagamento",
  "Identifier": "5354ge45l3",
  "PaymentCode": "3213",
  "ReferenceNumber": "012018",
  "JurisdictionDate": "102017",
  "FromBank": "450",
  "FromBankBranch": "1024",
  "FromBankAccount": "8142542",
  "FromBankAccountDigit": "2",
  "ContributorDocumentType": 2
  "Method": "GeneratePaymentGARE",
  "PartnerId": 10343,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421,
  "TaxNumber": "33109855046",
  "ContributorTaxNumber": "87649862097",
  "ReferenceNumber": "012018",
  "PrincipalValue": 168.67,
  "FineValue": 1230,
  "InterestValue": 17890,
  "TotalValue": 134.5,
  "RateValue": 1.19,
  "DueDate": "2022/05/20",
  "PaymentDate": "2022/05/16",
  "CodeRevenue": "4321",
  "StateRegistration": "67890",
  "ActiveDebit": "1",
  "QuoteNumberNotification": "213",
  "RateValueType": 1,
  "Description": "Pagamento",
  "Identifier": "5354ge45l3",
  "GareType": 0,
  "FromBank": "450",
  "FromBankBranch": "1024",
  "FromBankAccount": "8142542",
  "FromBankAccountDigit": "2"
  "Method": "GeneratePaymentDARJ",
  "PartnerId": 10343,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421,
  "TaxNumber": "33109855046",
  "ContributorTaxNumber": "87649862097",
  "ReferenceNumber": "012018",
  "PrincipalValue": 168.67,
  "FineValue": 1230,
  "InterestValue": 17890,
  "MonetaryValue": 22,
  "TotalValue": 134.5,
  "RateValue": 1.19,
  "DueDate": "2022/05/20",
  "PaymentDate": "2022/05/16",
  "CodeRevenue": "4321",
  "StateRegistration": "67890",
  "OriginDocument": 2,
  "RateValueType": 1,
  "Description": "Pagamento",
  "Identifier": "5354ge45l3",
  "FromBank": "450",
  "FromBankBranch": "1024",
  "FromBankAccount": "8142542",
  "FromBankAccountDigit": "2"
  "Tags": {
    "Pagamento": "Pagamento"
  "Method": "GeneratePaymentFGTS",
  "PartnerId": 10343,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421,
  "TaxNumber": "33109855046",
  "ContributorTaxNumber": "87649862097",
  "PrincipalValue": 168.67,
  "CodeRevenue": "4321",
  "Barcode": "03394894500000087671760680778200262003064000",
  "FgtsIdentifier": "9",
  "SocialConnectivityCode": 0,
  "SocialConnectivityDigit": 0,
  "PaymentDate": "2022/05/16",
  "RateValueType": 1,
  "Description": "Pagamento",
  "Identifier": "5354ge45l3",
  "FromBank": "450",
  "FromBankBranch": "1024",
  "FromBankAccount": "8142542",
  "FromBankAccountDigit": "2"


It is a cashier's desk that serves to collect taxes, contributions, and fees that are included in financial transactions. It is the main tool for collecting taxes from the Federal Revenue Service. As a result, its use is mandatory in the daily lives of individuals and companies.


MethodGenerate Payment DARF
MethodAPI MethodstringYES
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitbankintegerYES
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit Identifier provided by FitbankintegerYES
TaxNumberPayer's CPF or CNPJstringYES
FromBankBank CodestringNO
FromBankBranchAgency NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountAccount NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountDIgitAccount Digit NumberstringNO
DARFTypeDARF TypeintegerYES
CalculationPeriodCalculation PeriodstringYES
CodeRevenueCode RevenuestringYES
ContributorTaxNumberContributor Tax NumberstringYES
ReferenceNumberReference NumberstringNO
DueDateExpiration DatestringNO
GrossRevenueValueGross Revenue ValuenumberNO
GrossRevenuePercentageGross Revenue PercentagestringNO
PrincipalValuePrincipal ValuenumberYES
FineValueFine ValuenumberNO
InterestValueInterest ValuenumberNO
PaymentDatePayment datestringYES
TagsTag ListobjectNO
IdentifierUnique IdentifierstringNO
RateValueTypeRate Value TypeintegerNO


The Social Security Guide (GPS) It is the valid document for the collection of social contributions (INSS) that will be used by contributors, whether optional or not. Payment must be made monthly and without delays, so that the worker can guarantee access to social security benefits.


MethodGenerate Payment GPS
MethodAPI MethodstringYES
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitbankintegerYES
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit Identifier provided by FitbankintegerYES
TaxNumberPayer's CPF or CNPJstringYES
ContributorTaxNumberContributor Tax NumberstringYES
PrincipalValuePrincipal ValuenumberYES
FineInterestValueFineInterest ValuenumberNO
OtherValuesOther valuesnumberNO
RateValueRate ValuenumberNO
PaymentDatePayment's datestringYES
DueDateExpiration DatestringNO
TagsTag ListobjectNO
RateValueTypeRate Value TypeintegerNO
IdentifierUnique IdentifierstringNO
PaymentCodePayment CodestringYES
ReferenceNumberReference NumberstringNO
FromBankBank CodestringNO
FromBankBranchAgency NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountAccount NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountDIgitAccount Digit NumberstringNO
ContributorDocumentTypeContributor Document TypeintegerNO


The state revenue collection guide is a document used to collect ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) and other public revenues from a state.
The GARE can be used for two purposes: refunding or correcting information.
Refund: returning to the company amounts paid incorrectly as taxes;
Correction: aimed at making changes to tax information, state institution, active debt, installment number, and other fields on tax forms.


MethodGenerate Payment GARE
MethodAPI MethodstringYES
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitbankintegerYES
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit Identifier provided by FitbankintegerYES
TaxNumberPayer's CPF or CNPJstringYES
ContributorTaxNumberContributor Tax NumberstringYES
ReferenceNumberReference NumberstringNO
PrincipalValuePrincipal ValuenumberYES
FineValueFine ValuenumberNO
InterestValueInterest ValuenumberNO
TotalValueBoleto Total AmountnumberNO
RateValueRate ValuenumberNO
DueDateDue DatestringNO
PaymentDatePayment's datestringYES
TagsTag ListobjectNO
CodeRevenueCode RevenuestringYES
StateRegistrationState RegistrationstringYES
ActiveDebitActive DebitstringNO
QuoteNumberNotificationQuote Number NotificationstringNO
RateValueTypeRate Value TypeintegerNO
IdentifierUnique IdentifierstringNO
FromBankBank CodestringNO
FromBankBranchAgency NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountAccount NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountDIgitAccount Digit NumberstringNO


Used for collecting taxes and fees from residents of the state of Rio de Janeiro.


MethodGenerate Payment DARJ
MethodAPI MethodstringYES
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitbankintegerNO
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit Identifier provided by FitbankintegerNO
TaxNumberPayer's CPF or CNPJstringYES
ContributorTaxNumberContributor Tax NumberstringYES
ReferenceNumberReference NumberstringNO
PrincipalValuePrincipal ValuenumberYES
FineValueFine ValuenumberNO
InterestValueInterest ValuenumberNO
MonetaryValueMonetary ValuenumberNO
TotalValueBoleto Total AmountnumberNO
RateValueRate ValuenumberNO
DueDateDue DatestringNO
PaymentDatePayment's datestringYES
TagsTag ListobjectNO
CodeRevenueCode RevenuestringYES
StateRegistrationState RegistrationstringYES
OriginDocumentOrigin DocumentnumberNO
RateValueTypeRate Value TypeintegerNO
IdentifierUnique IdentifierstringNO
FromBankBank CodestringNO
FromBankBranchAgency NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountAccount NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountDIgitAccount Digit NumberintegerNO


The FGTS guide is a document used for the collection of the Severance Pay Fund (FGTS), a right guaranteed to Brazilian workers governed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).


MethodGenerate Payment FGTS
MethodAPI MethodstringYES
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitbankintegerYES
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit Identifier provided by FitbankintegerYES
TaxNumberPayer's CPF or CNPJstringYES
ContributorTaxNumberContributor Tax NumberstringYES
PrincipalValuePrincipal ValuenumberYES
CodeRevenueCode RevenuestringYES
BarcodeBoleto Bar CodestringYES
FgtsIdentifierIdentificador FgtsstringNO
SocialConnectivityCodeSocial Connectivity CodeintegerYES
SocialConnectivityDigitSocial Connectivity DigitintegerYES
PaymentDatePayment DatestringYES
TagsTag ListobjectNO
RateValueTypeRate Value TypeintegerNO
IdentifierUnique IdentifierstringYES
FromBankBank CodestringNO
FromBankBranchAgency NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountAccount NumberstringNO
FromBankAccountDIgitAccount Digit NumberstringNO

Generate´s Responses


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  "Url": "http://www.pdfurl.com.br/pdf?filename=2021-05-25/ygbhszcw.pdf" 


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  "DocumentNumber": 30336, 
  "Url": "http://www.pdfurl.com.br/pdf?filename=2021-05-25/b4ecclde.pdf\"" 


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  "Url": "http://www.pdfurl.com.br/pdf?filename=2021-05-25/o4u0hmb0.pdf" 


  "Success": true, 
  "DocumentNumber": 30336, 
  "Url": "http://www.pdfurl.com.br/pdf?filename=2021-05-25/tvhuu5kz.pdf" 