3.1 - Generate
Generate a Future Posting
API Method = GenerateFuturePosting
This method makes it possible to record the Future Posting on the account, to charge amounts from the source account to a Future Posting clearing account and to distribute the payments on the scheduled day.
Generates a new version, with the data:
• Bank details of the payer's account;
• Documents of the payer;
• Bank details of the target account;
• Recipient documents;
• Debit form data;
• Start date;
• End date (expiration);
• Launch values;
• Fees and type of fees.
"Method": "GenerateFuturePosting",
"PartnerId": "{{PartnerId}}",
"BusinessUnitId": "{{BusinessUnitId}}",
"InitialDate": "2024/08/09",
"DueDate": "2034/01/01",
"TaxNumber": "45748851000155",
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null,
"Identifier": "{{$guid}}",
"ReceiverName": "João",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "12345678963",
"ReceiverBank": "450",
"ReceiverBankBranch": "0001",
"ReceiverBankAccount": "123575",
"ReceiverBankAccountDigit": "9",
"DebitType": 1,
"Value": 0.01,
"AutomaticType": 3,
"RateValueType": 2,
"RateValue": 0,
"OriginatorRestrictionType": 2,
"Description": "teste fp",
"Tags": [
"boleto fp"
"ReceiverBankingData": {
"FuturePostingPayeeType": 1,
"PayeeBusinessUnitId": 494,
"PayeeTaxNumber": "12546998756",
"PayeeName": "Maria",
"BankCode": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null,
"OurNumber": "12345678",
"ExternalNumber": "1234567"
"Success": "true",
"DocumentNumber": 447839
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GenerateFuturePosting | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
InitialDate | String | Initial Date | NO |
DueDate | String | Due Date | YES |
TaxNumber | String | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | YES |
BankCode | String | Payer's Bank | NO |
BankBranch | String | Payer's Bank Branch | NO |
BankAccount | String | Payer's Bank Account | NO |
BankAccountDigit | String | Payer's Bank Account Digit | NO |
Identifier | String | External identification number(It cannot be repeated). | YES |
ReceiverName | String | Payee's Name | YES |
ReceiverTaxNumber | String | Payee's CPF/CNPJ | YES |
ReceiverBank | String | Payee's Bank | NO |
ReceiverBankBranch | String | Payee's Bank Branch | NO |
ReceiverBankAccount | String | Payee's Bank Account | NO |
ReceiverBankAccountDigit | String | Payee's Bank Account Digit | NO |
DebitType | Long | DebitType: Total = 0 / Partial = 1 | YES |
Value | Long | Future Posting Value | YES |
AutomaticType | Long | Automatic Bank Transfer: Nothing (default) = 0 / AutomaticFuturePosting = 1 | YES |
RateValueType | Long | Rate Value Type: Sent = 0 / Default = 1 / None = 2 | YES |
RateValue | Long | Rate Value | YES |
Description | String | Description | NO |
Tags | String | Tags | NO |
ReceiverBankingData | Object | An object that contains the information for the TED or Boleto. | NO |
FuturePostingPayeeType | Long | Type of boleto generation: 0 - Boleto generated in the same BU as the FP / 1 - Boleto generated in a different BU from the FP issuance. | YES |
PayeeBusinessUnitId | Long | Indicates the BU issuing the boleto when BoletoPayeeType = 1. | YES |
PayeeTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the receiving account/beneficiary of the boleto (regular/specific account). | YES |
PayeeName | String | Name of the receiving account/beneficiary of the boleto (regular/specific account). | YES |
BankCode | String | Payee's External Bank Code | NO |
BankBranch | String | Payee's External Bank Branch | NO |
BankAccount | String | Payee's External Bank Account | NO |
BankAccountDigit | String | Payee's External Bank Account Digit | NO |
OurNumber | Long | "Our Number" indicated on the boleto. | YES |
ExternalNumber | Long | "ExternalNumber" indicated on the boleto. | YES |
Updated 6 months ago