3.3 - Queries

Search for a specific transaction


API Method = GetFuturePostingById

Makes it possible to perform a Future Posting search for your Id

    "Method": "GetFuturePostingById",
    "PartnerId": 1136,
    "BusinessUnitId": 494,
    "DocumentNumber": 461821,
    "TaxNumber": "070.181.053-07"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": {
    "DocumentNumber": 23504,
    "Status": 0,
    "OriginalValue": 90,
    "CurrentValue": 0,
    "InitialDate": "27/02/2024 00:00:00",
    "DueDate": "28/02/2024 00:00:00",
    "Description": "Future Posting",
    "DebitType": 1,
    "Tags": [
    "FromTaxNumber": 11111111111,
    "FromBank": null,
    "FromBankBranch": null,
    "FromBankAccount": null,
    "FromBankAccountDigit": null,
    "ToTaxNumber": 22222222222,
    "ToBank": null,
    "ToBankBranch": null,
    "ToBankAccount": null,
    "ToBankAccountDigit": null,
    "OperationId": 629912,
    "Identifier": "1045dffg-2daf-7ec-7526671de085",
    "RateValueType": 0,
    "RateValue": 0,
    "CaptureHistory": [
        "CapturedDate": "27/02/2024 00:00:00",
        "CapturedValue": 30
        "CapturedDate": "27/02/2024 00:01:00",
        "CapturedValue": 30
        "CapturedDate": "27/02/2024 00:02:00",
        "CapturedValue": 30
    "AutomaticType": {
      "Type": 3,
      "PayeeTaxNumber": 33333333333,
      "PayerTaxNumber": 22222222222,
      "DocumentNumber": 363465,
      "ExternalNumber": 1222111222,
      "Status": "Created",
      "PrincipalValue": 90,
      "PaidValue": 0


PartnerIdLongFitBank provided IDYES
BusinessUnitIdLongID provided by BU FitBankYES
DocumentnumberLongfuture posting document numberYES
TaxNumberStringPayer's CPF/CNPJYES

By operation data

API Method = GetFuturePosting

It makes it possible to perform a Future Posting search for the data:

  • Date starts from the period;
  • End date of the period;
  • CPF/CNPJ account: allows you to bring only future postings from an account;
  • Specific account data (optional);
  • Status (optional): If informed, returns Future Postings with the status reported.
    "Method": "GetFuturePosting", 
    "PartnerId": 341, 
    "InitialDate": "2022-09-22", 
    "FinalDate": "2022-08-20", 
    "TaxNumber": "209.209.209-99", 
    "PageIndex": 100,
    "PageSize": 1,
    "Bank": "209", 
    "BankBranch": "2003", 
    "BankAccount": "999999", 
    "BankAccountDigit": "2", 
    "Status": 0 
  "Success": true,
  "FuturePostings": [
      "DocumentNumber": 4259,
      "Status": 0,
      "OperationId": 127615,
      "Identifier": "1745e0e5fc-88cb-e6c6772bb103",
      "OriginalValue": 4,
      "CurrentValue": 0,
      "InitialDate": "07/04/2023 00:00:00",
      "DueDate": "15/04/2023 00:00:00",
      "DebitType": 0,
      "Tags": [],
      "FromTaxNumber": 11111111111,
      "ToTaxNumber": 22222222222,
      "AutomaticType": null
      "DocumentNumber": 4960,
      "Status": 0,
      "OperationId": 14616,
      "Identifier": "1745e0e2fc-88cb-e6c6772bb103",
      "OriginalValue": 4,
      "CurrentValue": 0,
      "InitialDate": "08/04/2023 00:00:00",
      "DueDate": "15/04/2023 00:00:00",
      "DebitType": 0,
      "Tags": [],
      "FromTaxNumber": 11111111111,
      "ToTaxNumber": 22222222222,
      "AutomaticType": {
        "Type": 3,
        "PayeeTaxNumber": 33333333333,
        "PayerTaxNumber": 44444444444,
        "DocumentNumber:447543": null,
        "ExternalNumber": 65665,
        "Status:Paid": null,
        "PrincipalValue": 100,
        "PaidValue": 100
PartnerIdLongFitBank provided IDYES
BusinessUnitIdLongID provided by BU FitBankYES
InicialDateLongStart date of future postingYES
FinalDateLongExpiration date of future postingYES
TaxnumberStringPayer's CPF/CNPJYES
PageIndexIntReference of which page will be accessedYES
PageSizeIntNumber of results that will be displayed on the same pageYES
BankStringBank numberNO
BankBranchStringBank branch identificationNO
BankAccountStringbank account detailsNO
BankAccountDigitStringbank account digitNO

Future Posting STATUS

Created = 0Release generated and waits to be processed.
Settled = 2Values are in the target account.
Canceled = 3Canceled by call in api
Balance error = 4Future Posting did not reach the amount or did not have enough balance for settlement
Authorized = 10The Future Posting is authorized to capture values.
PartiallySettled = 12The Future Posting has been partially captured.