5 - Webhooks
Boleto status webhooks
For the communication between systems, webhooks are used, which offer real time updates on the Boleto status.
In the field Status
the following returns are possible:
- 3 - Registered
- 5 - Paid
- 7 - Cancel
Registered boleto webhook
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": "1633565",
"Status": 3,
"OcurrenceDate": "2024-06-18T09:26:38.57",
"Barcode": "45097920600000002000067300000010001031992222",
"OurNumber": "0011001123333590",
"ExternalNumber": "2323233"
"ReturnMessage": "Entrada Confirmada",
"ReturnCode": "02",
"Identifier": "465656-ghfgfg-6465-wjaklv5",
"BusinessUnitId": "1261",
"Method": "UpdateBoletoInWebhook"
Paid boleto webhook
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": "1633565",
"Status": 5,
"OcurrenceDate": "2024-06-18T09:26:38.57",
"Barcode": "45097920600000002000067300000010001031992222",
"OurNumber": "0011001123333590",
"ExternalNumber": "2323233"
"PaymentInfo": {
"PrincipalValue": 10,
"PaymentChannel": 3,
"PaidValue": 8,
"Rebate": 2,
"Discount": 0,
"Fine": 0,
"Interest": 0,
"PaymentDate": "2024-06-17T00:00:00.00",
"CreditDate": "2024-06-18T09:26:38.57",
"PayerBankCode": 450,
"PayerBankBranchCode": 0001
"ReturnMessage": "Liquidação Normal",
"ReturnCode": "06",
"Identifier": "465656-ghfgfg-6465-wjaklv5",
"BusinessUnitId": "1261",
"Method": "UpdateBoletoInWebhook"
Canceled boleto webhook
Canceled after registration
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": "1633565",
"Status": 7,
"Reason": "Cancelamento de boleto processado",
"OcurrenceDate": "2024-06-18T09:26:38.57",
"Barcode": "45097920600000002000067300000010001031992222",
"OurNumber": "0011001123333590",
"ExternalNumber": "2323233"
"ReturnMessage": "Baixa automática",
"ReturnCode": "09",
"Identifier": "465656-ghfgfg-6465-wjaklv5",
"BusinessUnitId": "1261",
"Method": "UpdateBoletoInWebhook"
Canceled before registration
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": "1633565",
"Status": 7,
"Reason": "Cancelamento de boleto processado",
"OcurrenceDate": "2024-06-18T09:26:38.57",
"Barcode": "45097920600000002000067300000010001031992222",
"OurNumber": "0011001123333590",
"ExternalNumber": "2323233"
"ReturnMessage": "Entrada Rejeitada",
"ReturnCode": "03",
"Identifier": "465656-ghfgfg-6465-wjaklv5",
"BusinessUnitId": "1261",
"Method": "UpdateBoletoInWebhook"
Parameter | Type | Description |
Boleto | Object | - |
BoletoInfo | Object | - |
DocumentNumber | Decimal | Boleto Document Number |
Status | Decimal | 3 - Registered 5 - Paid 7 - Canceled |
Reason | String | Description of boleto cancellation. The "Reason" field is only sent for boletos with canceled status. |
OcurrenceDate | String | Date of occurrence: If boleto registered, then the registration date will be returned If boleto canceled, then the cancellation date will be returned If boleto paid, then the payment date will be returned |
Barcode | String | Barcode |
OurNumber | String | "Nosso Número" of the boleto |
ExternalNumber | String | External identification number |
PaymentInfo | Object | Only sent when the boleto status is Paid |
PrincipalValue | Decimal | Original boleto value |
PaymentChannel | Number | Payment Channel 1 - Branches 2 - Self-service terminal 3 - Internet 5 - Correspondent banking 6 - Phone/Call Center 7 - Electronic Archive 8 - DDA 9 - Digital banking correspondent |
PaidValue | Decimal | Paid Value |
Rebate | Decimal | Calculated rebate value |
Discount | Decimal | Calculated discount value |
Fine | Decimal | Calculated fine value |
Interest | Decimal | Calculated interest value |
PaymentDate | String | Payment Date |
CreditDate | String | Date of credit to the beneficiary's or final beneficiary's account |
PayerBankCode | Number | Boleto paying bank code |
PayerBankBranchCode | String | Branch of the paying bank |
ReturnMessage | String | Movement's Message Entrada Confirmada Entrada Rejeitada Liquidação Normal Baixa automática |
ReturnCode | String | Movement's Code 02 (Boleto Entry Confirmed) 03 (Entry Rejected) 06 (Normal Settlement) 09 (Automatic retirement) |
Identifier | String | Identifier |
BusinessUnitId | Number | FitBank provided ID |
Method | String | UpdateBoletoInWebhook |
Boleto Error Webhook
The Error webhook is used to notify when the boleto is not canceled due to insufficient balance in the account, or because it is in the payment process. Therefore, the cancellation was not completed.
- 0 - Insufficient balance
- 1 - Write-off Processing
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": "12345",
"OcurrenceDate": "2025-05-29",
"Barcode": "45097920600000002000067300000010001031992222",
"OurNumber": "123456789",
"ExternalNumber": "1234567",
"Identifier": "d511111-acba-44c",
"Error": 0,
"Message": "A ação não pode ser concluída por falta de saldo na conta",
"BusinessUnitId": "673",
"Method": "ErrorBoleto"
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": "12345",
"OcurrenceDate": "2025-05-29",
"Barcode": "45097920600000002000067300000010001031992222",
"OurNumber": "123456789",
"ExternalNumber": "1234567",
"Identifier": "d511111-acba-44c",
"Error": 1,
"Message": "A ação não foi concluída pois o boleto encontra-se em processo de baixa",
"BusinessUnitId": "673",
"Method": "ErrorBoleto"
Parameter | Type | Description |
Boleto | Object | - |
BoletoInfo | Object | Boleto Information |
DocumentNumber | String | Boleto Document Number |
OcurrenceDate | String | Date of occurrence |
Barcode | String | Barcode |
OurNumber | String | OurNumber |
ExternalNumber | String | ExternalNumber |
Identifier | String | Identifier |
Error | Number | 0 - Insufficient balance 1 - Write-off Processing |
Message | String | Description of the returned message from the status |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID |
Method | String | ErrorBoleto |
Boleto Pre-Settled Webhook
Boleto settlement follows a two-stage process. Initially, in the first stage, the institution issuing the boleto is notified of the payment made. Then, in the second stage, the payment is received and credited to the beneficiary customer's account.
The pre-settlement webhook sends a notification to the customer when FitBank receives the boleto payment information, which corresponds to the first stage of the process. These notifications are sent from 5am for boletos paid up to 11.59pm on the previous day and from 3pm for boletos paid up to 1.29pm on the current day.
This notification is not the settlement of the boletos, as the amounts are only credited to the beneficiary's account once payment has been received, in the second phase of the process. This follows the established settlement cycles, starting at 08:20 or 16:10.
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": "4900067",
"Status": "PreSettled",
"OcurrenceDate": "2024-04-04T17:31:45.367",
"Barcode": "45095900000000000010010000054524087700000000",
"OurNumber": "0010000000000000",
"ExternalNumber": "4957867"
"PaymentInfo": {
"PaymentChannel": "3",
"PaidValue": 0.01,
"PaymentDate": "2024-04-04T00:00:00",
"PayerBankCode": "450",
"PayerBankBranchCode": "0001"
"Identifier": "e449f322-4cbe-b727-8d5cc3e760ce",
"Method": "SendBoletoInWebhook",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
Parameter | Type | Description |
BoletoInfo | Object | Boleto Information |
DocumentNumber | String | Boleto Document Number |
Status | String | PreSettled |
OcurrenceDate | String | Status change date |
Barcode | String | Barcode |
OurNumber | String | OurNumber |
ExternalNumber | String | ExternalNumber |
PaymentInfo | Object | Payment Information |
PaymentChannel | String | Payment Channel 1 - Branches 2 - Self-service terminal 3 - Internet 5 - Correspondent banking 6 - Phone/Call Center 7 - Electronic Archive 8 - DDA 9 - Digital banking correspondent |
PaidValue | Decimal | Paid Value, including interest, fines, discounts and rebates |
PaymentDate | String | Payment Date |
PayerBankCode | String | Payer Bank Code |
PayerBankBranchCode | String | Payer Bank Branch Code |
Identifier | String | Identifier |
Method | String | SendBoletoInWebhook |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID |
Boleto Change Webhook
When you send a change statement, Webhooks are sent that contain the status of the change in the boleto. They are:
- Status 3 = Processed (Final success status);
- Status 5 = Instruction registration error.
You can send multiple change instructions for a boleto in a single request. In this case, a webhook will be sent for each instruction type.
Example: If the boleto contains 3 change instructions in one request, 3 webhooks will be sent
(To see the existing types of instructions, you can go to the link.)
"DocumentNumber": "2394793",
"Identifier": "5067dbfb-234d-9e86-1c460891",
"OldValue": "0.10",
"NewValue": "0.05",
"InstructionType": 0,
"Status": 3,
"TotalValue": 1,
"PartnerId": 678,
"Method": ChangeBoleto,
"BusinessUnitId": 1261
"DocumentNumber": "2394603",
"Identifier": "f1716826-4bbb-4456-9ae515dc4",
"OldValue": "2023-01-31",
"NewValue": "2023-02-01",
"InstructionType": 1,
"Status": 3,
"TotalValue": 1,
"PartnerId": 678,
"Method": ChangeBoleto,
"BusinessUnitId": 1261
"DocumentNumber": "2394627",
"Identifier": "85706573-e575-872a-2c96f4",
"OldValue": "1.00",
"NewValue": "2.0",
"InstructionType": 2,
"Status": 3,
"TotalValue": 2,
"PartnerId": 678,
"Method": ChangeBoleto,
"BusinessUnitId": 1261
Parameter | Type | Description |
DocumentNumber | String | Boleto Document Number |
Identifier | String | Identifier |
OldValue | String | value before change |
NewValue | String | value after change |
InstructionType | Int | Type of changed information ChangeRebateBoleto = 0 ChangeDueDateBoleto = 1, ChangePrincipalValueBoleto = 2 |
Status | Int | Change status 3 - Processed 5 - Error |
TotalValue | Decimal | Boleto value |
PartnerId | String | FitBank provided ID |
Method | String | "ChangeBoleto" |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID |
Boleto Write-Off Cancellation Webhook
There is a process called "Boleto Write-Off Cancellation", which can occur within 2 business days. In this way, the Recipient FI returns the bill to the Recipient FI, who consequently must refund the amount to the end customer (payer of the bill).
All refund traceability by FitBank (Recipient IF) already exists, because the write-off cancellation records are confirmed in the ACMP 615 files, in the LDL messages, and in consultations on the invoices returned in the PCR.
FItBank makes this refund within business days from the date of payment. The Receiving FI must refund the amount to the Final Payer.
The Webhook should only be sent for the following return reasons:
- 51 - Payment slip settled for excess or minor value;
- 68 - Duplicate transfer by the FI Receiving Slip of settled payments;
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInfo": {
"DocumentNumber": " ",
"OurNumber": " ",
"ExternalNumber": " ",
"Barcode": " ",
"TypableLine": " "
"PaymentInfo": {
"PaymentChanel": "1",
"OriginalValue": 10,
"FinalValue": 11,
"Rebate": 0.2,
"Discount": 0.2,
"Fine": 0.2,
"Interest": 0.2,
"PaidValue": 9,
"PaymentDate": "2022-12-15T14:17:11.66",
"PayerBankCode": null,
"PayerBankBranchCode": null
"ReasonCode": 51,
"Identifier": " ",
"BusinessUnitId": "",
"Method": "Cancelamento de Baixa"
Parameter | Type | Description |
DocumentNumber | String | Boleto Document Number |
PaymentChanel | Number | Payment Channel 1 - Branches 2 - Self-service terminal 3 - Internet 5 - Correspondent banking 6 - Phone/Call Center 7 - Electronic Archive 8 - DDA 9 - Digital banking correspondent |
OriginalValue | String | Initial value |
FinalValue | String | Expected Value for Settlement, plus interest, fine, discount and rebate |
Rebate | Decimal | Calculated rebate value |
Discount | Decimal | Calculated discount value |
Fine | Decimal | Calculated fine value |
Interest | Decimal | Calculated interest value |
PaidValue | Decimal | Paid Value |
PaymentDate | String | Payment Date |
PayerBankCode | Number | Boleto paying bank code |
PayerBankBranchCode | String | Branch of the paying bank |
ReasonCode | Number | Reason for return informed by the Treasury |
Identifier | String | Identifier |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID |
Method | String | "Cancelamento de Baixa" |
Boleto Recurrence Webhook
The issuance of recurring bills is carried out asynchronously. When using the GenerateRecurrinceBoletoIn API, the system only returns the ID of the generated recurrence.
Subsequently, all invoices associated with this recurrence will be issued. For the customer to have access to the IDs of each bill, they must receive a webhook with this information.
"Payee": {
"Name": "Fulano",
"TaxNumber": "***851***13",
"Bank": {
"Code": 260,
"Branch": 1332,
"Account": 1132,
"AccountDigit": 1
"Payer": {
"Name": "Fulano",
"TaxNumber": "16985164013"
"Installments": [
"DocumentNumber": 26566,
"DueDate": "2023-12-20"
"DocumentNumber": 26567,
"DueDate": "2023-12-20"
"DocumentNumber": 26568,
"DueDate": "2023-12-20"
"DocumentNumber": 26569,
"DueDate": "2023-12-20"
"ExternalNumber": "12245",
"URL": "",
"BoletoRecurrenceId": 12345,
"BusinessUnitId": 672,
"Method": "BoletoRecurrenceIn"
Parameter | Type | Description |
Payee | Object | Beneficiary information. |
Payee.Name | String | Beneficiary's name. |
Payee.TaxNumber | String | Beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ. |
Payee.Bank | Object | Beneficiary's bank information. |
Payee.Bank.Code | Number | Beneficiary's bank code. |
Payee.Bank.Branch | Number | Beneficiary's bank branch. |
Payee.Bank.Account | Number | Beneficiary's account number. |
Payee.Bank.AccountDigit | Number | Beneficiary's account check digit. |
Payer | Object | Payer information. |
Payer.Name | String | Payer's name. |
Payer.TaxNumber | String | Payer's CPF/CNPJ. |
Installments | Array of Objects | List of installments associated with the payment. |
Installments[].DocumentNumber | Number | Document number related to the installment. |
Installments[].DueDate | String | Installment due date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". |
ExternalNumber | String | External identification number of the payment. |
URL | String | Return URL (only present when Type is "Carnê"). |
BoletoRecurrenceId | Number | Unique identifier for the "Carnê", returned when generating recurring boletos. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Business unit identifier. |
Method | String | Payment method, specified here as "BoletoRecurrenceIn". |
Updated 2 months ago