2.4 - Boleto cancellation

Boleto cancellation

The beneficiary may request the cancellation of the boleto at any time, as long as the boleto has only been issued or registered

If the boletos are in the process of payment or have been settled, their cancellation is not possible.

In the API, cancellation is available via the CancelBoleto method, requiring the boleto document number.

In the Client Portal, the beneficiary can access the "Accounts Receivable" screen, where the issued boletos will be listed, and the option to cancel them.

    "Method": "CancelBoleto",
    "PartnerId": 896,
    "BusinessUnitId": 1261,
    "DocumentNumber": 684841,
    "RateSent": 1,
    "RateValue": 2.0
    "Success": "true",
    "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso"


Method String CancelBoletoYES 
PartnerId NumberFitBank provided IDYES 
BusinessUnitId NumberFitBank provided IDYES 
DocumentNumber String Internal transaction identifierYES 
RateSentNumber0 - Do not send the cancellation fee and use the parameterized value
1 - send the cancellation fee in the requisition
RateValueDecimalBoleto cancellation feeNo, if the RateSent field = 0
Yes, if the RateSent field = 1

Bulk invoice cancellation

API Method = CancelBoletoInBatch

There are some situations in which it is necessary to perform bulk cancellation of invoices, such as account closure, cases of fraud, or even invoices issued with errors by the client. In all of these situations, manual intervention from the Operational Control team is required, where they must access the invoice management screen and filter for each invoice that needs to be canceled. This process consumes considerable time and effort from the team.

It is not necessary to validate the status of the invoices in the API. Only the TaxNumber provided should be validated to ensure it matches the TaxNumber used for issuing the invoices. If not, an exception should be returned.
Limited to 100 invoices at a time.

    "Method": "CancelBoletoInBatch",
    "PartnerId": 896,
    "BusinessUnitId": 1261,
    "TaxNumber": "122",
    "DocumentNumbers": [
    "Success": "true",
    "Message": "Método executado com sucesso",
    "Success": "false",
    "Message": "Informações inválidas",
    "Validation": [
            "DocumentNumber": 1234,
            "Value": "O DocumentNumber 1234 não pertence ao TaxNumber informado"
            "DocumentNumber": 123366,
            "Value": "O DocumentNumber 123366 não pertence ao TaxNumber informado"
    "Success": "false",
    "Message": "A quantidade de Boletos contida na requisição excede o limite permitido por envio",
    "Validation": []


Method String CancelBoletoInBatchYES 
PartnerId NumberFitBank provided IDYES 
BusinessUnitId NumberFitBank provided IDYES 
TaxNumberStringPayee's CPN/CNPJYES
DocumentNumbersArray of numbersInternal transaction identifierYES