2.2 Consult Pix Key

FitBank's internal PIX key queries


Method API = GetPixKeyStatus

It is possible to query the PIX key status to check if it is registered or canceled, for example.

This method queries only PIX keys registered in FitBank's database.

  "Method": "GetPixKeyStatus", 
  "PartnerId": 30500,
  "BusinessUnitid": 51062,
  "PixKey": "66228808000139",
  "TaxNumber": "66228808000139",
  "Bank": "450",
  "BankBranch": "1234",
  "BankAccount": "56789",
  "BankAccountDigit": "1",
  "PixKeyType": 0


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who will have the PIX keyYESSTRING
BankBank Code (Ex.: “450”)YESSTRING
BankBranchBank agency code (Ex.: “0001”)YESSTRING
BankAccountBank account (Ex.: “146492”)YESSTRING
BankAccountDigitAccount Digit (Ex.: “1”)YESSTRING
PixKeyTypeSocialSecurity = 0 TaxNumber = 1 E-mail = 2 PhoneNumber = 3 RandomKeyCode = 4YESINT

Key Status:

  • Created: Key registration request has been received by FitBank
  • Registering: The key registration request is in the process of being registered in DICT
  • Registered: The key was registered in DICT and is ready for use
  • Canceled: The key was canceled
  • Disabled: The key was disabled
  • Error: Error in processing the key register in DICT


Method API = GetPixKeys

It is possible to query the PIX keys that belong to an account, regardless of its status. This method only queries PIX keys registered in FitBank's database.

If desirable, it is also possible to list and filter the keys of an account through its type, for example. The parameter PixKeyType must be added to the request.

 	"Method": "GetPixKeys", 
 	"PartnerId": 30500,
 	"BusinessUnitid": 51062,
 	"TaxNumber": "66228808000139",
 	"Bank": "450",
 	"BankBranch": "1234",
 	"BankAccount": "56789",
 	"BankAccountDigit": "1"


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who has the PIX keyYESSTRING
BankBank Code (Ex.: “450”)YESSTRING
BankBranchBank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)YESSTRING
BankAccountBank Account (Ex.: “146492”)YESSTRING
BankAccountDigitBank Account Digit (Ex.: “1”)YESSTRING