3.2 Consult PixOut
Consulting a PixOut
API Method = GetPixOutById
Through this method it is possible to query a PixOut by its internal ID (Document Number) or the information passed in the "Identifier" field in the GeneratePixOut method The Tax Number inserted in the order must refer to the account that generated the payment.
"Method": "GetPixOutById",
"PartnerId": 30519,
"BusinessUnitId": 51138,
"DocumentNumber": 854127,
"TaxNumber": "84928589076",
"Bank": "450",
"BankBranch": "0001",
"BankAccount": "440246",
"BankAccountDigit": "3",
"Identifier": "f460b564-a1ab-4af1-a98c-c6035007133d"
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Method | Method to be used | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
DocumentNumber | Payment's internal ID generated after the payment request | DESIRABLE | NUMBER |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | YES | STRING |
Bank | Payer's Bank Code (Ex.: “450”) | YES | STRING |
BankBranch | Payer's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccount | Payer's Bank Account (Ex.: “146492”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccountDigit | Payer's Account Digit (Ex.: “1”) | YES | STRING |
Identifier | Payment identifier assigned by the payer | DESIRABLE | STRING |
API Method = GetPixOutByDate
Through this method it is possible to consult a PixOut by a date filter. The TaxNumber entered in the request must refer to the account that generated the payment.
"Method": "GetPixOutByDate",
"PartnerId": 30519,
"BusinessUnitId": 51138,
"TaxNumber": "84928589076",
"Bank": "450",
"BankBranch": "0001",
"BankAccount": "440246",
"BankAccountDigit": "3",
"StartDate": "2021/10/06",
"EndDate": "2021-10-29",
"PageIndex": 0,
"PageSize": 10
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Method | Method to be used | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | YES | STRING |
Bank | Payer's Bank Code (Ex.: “450”) | YES | STRING |
BankBranch | Payer's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccount | Payer's Bank Account (Ex.: “146492”) | YES | STRING |
BankAccountDigit | Payer's Account Digit (Ex.: “1”) | YES | STRING |
StartDate | Start date for the search | YES | STRING |
EndDate | End date for the search | YES | STRING |
PageIndex | Reference of which page will be accessed. Starts at index 0 | YES | INT |
PageSize | Number of results that will be displayed on the same page | YES | INT |
Updated 4 months ago