2 - Available features

These are some functionalities available in FitBank's Collection Platform, as parameterizations that can be made in the operation.

Our Number and Barcode

  • Our Boleto Number can be issued in full by FitBank or can be entered by the customer.
  • The barcode is assembled from information generated by FitBank, or information sent by the customer. As long as it follows the standard set by the bank.

Our Number

Our number is composed of 8 digits, which can be informed by the customer in the "OurNumber" field of the GenerateBoleto method or generated by FitBank.

  • Automatic generation: FitBank will be responsible for automatically generating the "Our Number" that will be used to create the barcode.
  • Informed by the customer: FitBank will provide a range of "Our Number" (00000001 - 99999999) that must be used by the customer, the number informed cannot be repeated. Regardless of the number of days after the boleto is written off. That is, you will not be able to issue duplicate boletos.

When mapping the Our Number on the Boleto PDF, it will have the following structure:

Payee Code

The payee code is provided by FitBank and consists of 5 digits. Each new beneficiary of the boleto de cobrança receives a unique code, which will be used for all boletos issued in his name. FitBank provides the code during the onboarding with the customer and also sends it to the e-mail registered in the Business Unit.

CCC - Portfolio number (3)001
FFFFF - Customer code provided by the bank (5)12461
DDDDDDDD - Our Number informed by the client or generated by the system (8)98765432
Our Number in PDF0011246198765432

Document Number

The document number consists of 7 digits and represents the credit title that gave rise to the charge (such as Duplicate No., Invoice, etc.). This number must be entered in the "ExternalNumber" field of the GenerateBoleto method.

Divergent payments

Boletos with the possibility of divergent payment are those whose Recipient Institution informs at the time of registration in the centralized base that its Beneficiary Client will allow a single receipt of an value different from the value of the boleto.

Types of boletos that accept divergent payments

In this case, there will be no minimum or maximum limit for receipt, and the recipient can accept any value informed by the paying customer ≥ R$ 0.01.

Boletos that accept payments of amounts between the minimum and maximum range

In these cases, the Client must send the minimum and maximum value ≥ R$ 0.01 for payment at the time of inclusion, thus restricting the value of divergence from the nominal value of the boleto. In this case, the Receiving Institution will only be able to accept value reported for settlement that are within the the range informed by the Receiving Institution.

Boletos that do not accept divergent payments

In this case, the boleto only accepts payment of the full value, including interest, fines and rebates.

Boletos that only accept minimum payments

In this case, only the minimum value will be shown, which must be taken into account when the payment is made to the Receiving Institution, which may accept payment in any value greater than or equal to the value entered in the minimum amount field.

Interest, fine and rebate

When issuing collection boletos or recurrence boletos, the client can enter values related to late payment interest, fine, discount and rebate.


In the API or Portal, you can enter the interest value as a percentage or fixed value. In addition, the customer can choose whether the interest charge will be made on a monthly or daily basis.
The minimum value for this charge is one cent of a reais.

According to the CIP (Interbank Payment Chamber): "the value calculated as interest should be truncated to the second decimal place.” If the client enters the amount of interest where the calculation is less than R$0.01, for example, R$0.004, CIP will not recognize this value, making the interest calculation exempt.

For this reason, FitBank will round to R$0.01 amount of interest on all boletos whose calculation is less than the minimum amount stipulated by CIP.

Daily Interest Charge

In the Daily collection, the interest value will be charged on top of the main boleto value, either percentage or fixed value.

Example 1 – Daily fix value:
Collection mode: Daily
Interest value: R$3.00
Nominal value of boleto: R$ 100.00
Number of days of interest: 4 days
Total interest: R$ 12.00 (R$ 3.00 x 4 days)
Value to be charged: R$ 112.00

Example 2 – Daily percentage:
Collection mode: Daily
Interest percent: 2%
Nominal value of boleto: R$ 100.00
Total interest: (100 2%) NumberOfDays
Value to be charged: (Total value of interest + Boleto value)
2 days late = R$ 104.00
4 days late = R$ 108.00
6 days late = R$ 112.00

Monthly Interest Charge

The value passed on by the beneficiary, be it a percentage or a fixed value, will only be charged to the paying customer one month after the boleto expiration date.

Example 1 – Fixed Monthly Value:
Collection mode: Monthly
Nominal value of boleto: R$ 100,00
Interest value: 3.00
Days late: 30 days (1 month)
Value to be charged:
1 month late: R$103.00
2 months late: R$106.00

Example 2 – Monthly Percentage:
Collection Mode: Monthly
Nominal Value of Boleto: R$ 100,00
Interest Percent: 2%
Days late: 30 days (1 month)
Value to be charged:
1 month late: R$102.00
2 months late: R$104.00
P.S.: If the parameter is set to monthly and there is a delay in payment before the month is finalized, you will not be charged interest, because interest is only charged one month after the due date of the boleto.


The fine can be charged by percentage or fixed value. It is also possible to choose the fine charging date, if it is greater than the due date of the boleto. If the beneficiary does not inform the date for charging the fine, it will be charged on the due date + 1 day.

Example 1 – Fine Date
Nominal value of boleto: R$ 100.00
Value or percentage of the fine: 3.00
Due date: 29/09/2022
Date of penalty collection: 30/09/2022
Payment date: 30/09/2022
Value to be charged: R$103.00

Example 2 – Empty Fine Date
Nominal value of boleto: R$ 100,00
Value or percentage of the fine: 3,00
Due date: 29/09/2022
Date of penalty collection: Null (Default: Due date + 1 day)
Payment date: 30/09/2022
Value to be charged: R$103.00

Example 3 – Payment before the Penalty Date
Nominal value of boleto: R$ 100.00
Value or percentage of the fine: 3,00
Due Date: 29/09/2022
Date of penalty collection: 05/10/2022
Payment Date: 30/09/2022
Value to be charged: R$ 100.00. Although the boleto was overdue, it was paid before the penalty charge date.


Rebate is a reduction in the boleto value, granted regardless of the due date of the boleto. It is entered as a fixed value.
Example 1 – Rebate
Nominal value of boleto: R$ 100.00
Rebate value: R$ 10.00
Due date: 29/09/2022
Payment date: 10/10/2022
Value to be charged: R$ 90,00

Discount Range

What is Discount?
Discount is a reduction in the amount payable on a boleto granted by the payee. The discount is applied if the client makes the payment before the stipulated due date.

How it works?
Currently, FitBank provides a range of up to 3 discounts per boleto. The discounts must be entered in a fixed value, and each must have a specific date.

Boleto value: R$ 100,00
Due Date: 11/30/2022

Discount: R$30.00
Discount Date: 11/10/2022

Discount 2: R$20.00
Discount Date 2: 11/20/2022

Discount 3: R$10.00
Discount Date 3: null (By default, the system enters the due date of the boleto)

If paid by 11/10, the discount will be R$30, then the amount to be paid will be R$70;
If paid by 11/20, the discount will be R$20.00; then the amount to be paid will be R$80.00;
If paid by the due date, the discount will be R$ 10.00; then the amount to be paid will be R$ 90.00
If paid after the due date, there will be no discount.

Rules and Restrictions

  • The beneficiary can issue a boleto with up to 3 discounts.
    If the payee chooses only one discount, they must enter the DiscountValue and DiscountDate fields in the API request;

    If the payee chooses two discounts, he/she must enter the fields DiscountValue, DiscountValue2, DiscountDate and DiscountDate2 in the API request;

    If the beneficiary chooses three discounts, he/she must enter all the fields related to the discounts in the API request;

    The beneficiary cannot skip the order of the discounts. Example: If the beneficiary only wants one discount on the boleto, he cannot use Discount2 or Discount3.

  • If the beneficiary uses all three discounts, he must enter DiscountDate3, but if he does not fill it in, the due date will be used as default.

  • The discount dates must be different from each other.

  • If the beneficiary informs only the values without informing the discount dates, only the first value will be considered when registering the boleto and it will use the due date.
    Value of the boleto: R$ 100,00
    Due Date: 11/30/2022
    Discount: R$ 20.00
    Discount Date: null
    Discount 2: R$ 10.00
    Discount Date 2: null
    Discount 3: R$ 5.00
    Discount Date 3: null

    The boleto will be registered only with the first Discount and the date used will be the due date of the boleto. So:
    If paid by 11/30/2022. The discount will be R$20.00, so the amount to be paid will be R$80.00;
    If paid after the due date, there will be no discount.

  • There is no value validation in the discount fields, i.e. the 3rd discount value can be higher than the 2nd or 1st discount values. Just as the value of the 2nd discount can be greater than the value of the 1st discount. The beneficiary is fully responsible for the values entered in the requisition.


The Merchant/beneficiary is the individual or legal entity responsible for the sale of a product or service, who deals directly with the boleto issuing bank.

The drawer/guarantor is the individual or legal entity responsible for providing the service or selling the product, appearing when there is an intermediary between him and the bank that issues the boleto. We can understand him as the final beneficiary that will receive the value referring to the boleto.

Thus, when clientFIT 'A' issues a boleto to client 'B', clientFIT 'A' will be the assignor/beneficiary of the boleto, while client 'B' will be the drawer/creditor.

Registration availability: via API.

Split Payments

The Split Payments tool is used to facilitate the division of a payment among different recipients. The payee can issue a boleto by inserting one or more vendors, thus allowing each to receive a portion of the value:

Total boleto value: R$ 100.00
Recipient value 1: R$ 40.00
Recipient Value 2: R$ 60.00
Restriction: If there are 2 or more recipients, you cannot change the boleto's main value.
Availability: API

Registration days before expiration date

In FitBank, the customer can issue a boleto and choose to register it immediately or within a certain range of days before the due date. This way, if cancellation occurs before registration, there is no registration fee. However, if there is no definition by the customer, and the interval between the issue date and the due date is greater than 35 days, FitBank assumes the period of 35 days before the due date as the default for registering the boleto.

Practical example: A vendor (ClientFit) offers a service to its customer and issues a boleto carnet in 5 parts. If the service is cancelled in the 3rd installment, the supplier can cancel the remaining boletos without paying the registration fee, because they were not registered.

E-mail/SMS Notifications

To decrease delinquency, the boleto payee can choose to send parameterized reminders via email or SMS to their customer. Reminders include notification per boleto issued and notification before and after the boleto expires.

Customers who use the Portal to manually issue boletos must enter the payer's email or phone number, which is required. However, if the payee chooses not to send the reminders, FitBank can disable the sending of notification to them.

In the API, customers can fill in the field PhoneToSend, and the payer will only receive a reminder via SMS about the due date of the boleto. The MailToSend field has the option to add more than one email address, separated by a semicolon.

Example: "MailToSend": "pagador@cliente.com.br; beneficiario@empresa.com.br". This way, the notification will be sent to both the payee of the boleto and to your customer. When notifying by email, the PDF of the boleto is sent.