4 - Queries
Search by Payment Orders
API Method = GetPaymentOrder
Through this method, the customer is able to query Payment Orders by the CPF or CNPJ that generated the order (TaxNumber), by its Identifier applied by the customer in its emission (Identifier), by its Document Number generated after the successfull emission of the payment order (PaymentOrderId), by its status (PaymentOrderStatus) or by its payment date (PaymentDate).
It is also possible to organize how the search results can be presented, using the Index and PageSize fields.
"Method": "GetPaymentOrder",
"PartnerId": 30750,
"BusinessUnitId": 61799,
"TaxNumber": "77708946034",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentOrderId": null,
"PaymentOrderStatus": null,
"Identifier": null,
"Index": 0,
"PageSize": 10
"Success": "true",
"PaymentOrderList": [
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"PaymentOrderId": "8095",
"TaxNumber": 34423511894,
"Status": "Created",
"PaymentDate": "2022/11/01",
"Type": "PIX",
"Identifier": "2baf320b-7395-4d7bs-bsc7b-f8e0f4498sdb40aaad",
"ReasonCode": null
"Success": "true",
"PaymentOrderList": [
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"PaymentOrderId": "8095",
"TaxNumber": 34423511894,
"Status": "Registered",
"PaymentDate": "2022/11/01",
"Type": "PIX",
"Identifier": "2baf320b-7395-4d7bs-bsc7b-f8e0f4498sdb40aaad",
"ReasonCode": null
"Success": "true",
"PaymentOrderList": [
"ReceiptUrl": "https://teste.com.br/receipt/pdf?filename=2024-04-09/teste.pdf",
"EndToEndId": "E6400928967854670046184633063051",
"PaymentOrderId": "8095",
"TaxNumber": 34423511894,
"Status": "Settled",
"PaymentDate": "2022/11/01",
"Type": "PIX",
"Identifier": "2baf320b-7395-4d7bs-bsc7b-f8e0f4498sdb40aaad",
"ReasonCode": null
"Success": "true",
"PaymentOrderList": [
"PaymentOrderId": "8095",
"TaxNumber": 34423511894,
"Status": "Canceled",
"PaymentDate": "2022/11/01",
"Type": "PIX",
"Identifier": "2baf320b-7395-4d7bs-bsc7b-f8e0f4498sdb40aaad",
"ReasonCode": "EXC0025 - Beneficiary failed KYC process"
"PaymentOrderId": "8096",
"TaxNumber": 39984173623,
"Status": "Canceled",
"PaymentDate": "2022/08/25",
"Type": "PIX",
"Identifier": "3f87db17-b963-4661-b0cd-19f50316d7ce",
"ReasonCode": "EXC0023 - Beneficiary Diverges From PIX Key Owner"
"Success": "false",
"Message": "API0011 - Information sent is invalid. See json Validation property for more details",
"Validation": [
Parameters | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Method | API method to be used | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Partner ID provided by FitBank | YES | INT64 |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit ID provided by FitBank | YES | INT64 |
TaxNumber | User's Social Security Number (CPF or CNPJ) | NO | STRING |
PaymentDate | Date of the operation | NO | STRING |
PaymentOrderId | Payment order identification | NO | INT64 |
PaymentOrderStatus | Operation status | NO | INTEGER |
Identifier | External identifier | NO | STRING |
Index | Reference of which page will be accessed | NO | INTEGER |
PageSize | Number of results that will be displayed on the same page | NO | INTEGER |
In addition to the required fields, it is necessary to inform some transaction data in order to obtain a result.
JSON return from GetPaymentOrder
Parameters | Description | Comments | Type |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt's URL | None | STRING (TEXT) |
EndToEndId | Unique external operation identifier | None | STRING (TEXT) |
PaymentOrderId | Payment order identification | None | LONG (NUMBER) |
Name | Beneficiary's name | None | STRING (TEXT) |
TaxNumber | User's Social Security Number (CPF or CNPJ) | None | STRING (TEXT) |
Status | Operation status | None | STRING (TEXT) |
PaymentDate | Date of operation | None | STRING (TEXT) |
Type | Operation type | None | STRING (TEXT) |
Identifier | External identifier | None | STRING (TEXT) |
ReasonCode | Reason for canceling the payment order | If the payment order is not canceled it will appear as null | STRING (TEXT) |
SubReasonCode | Detail about the reason for canceling the payment order | If the payment order is not canceled it will appear as null | STRING (TEXT) |
PaymentOrder Status
Status | Title | Description |
0 | Created | Created Payment Order |
2 | Settled | Payment concluded either by PIX or TED |
3 | Canceled | EXC0023 - Beneficiary Diverges From PIX Key Owner. EXC0024 - Consult PixKey Error. EXC0025 - Beneficiary failed KYC process. EXC0033 - Beneficiary requires qualification process. |
4 | Registered | Registered after transaction validations |
6 | Error | Process failed |
ReasonCode + SubReasonCode
ReasonCode | SubReasonCode |
EXC0023 - Beneficiary Diverges From PIX Key Owner | NULL |
EXC0024 - Consult PixKey Error | EXCP002 - NotFound EXCP004 - InvalidFormat EXCP005 - Error EXCP006 - InternalError |
EXC0025 - Beneficiary failed KYC process | EXCB0001 - Beneficiary appears on OFAC’s sanction list EXCB0002 - Beneficiary appears on UN’s sanction list EXCB0003 - Beneficiary appears on FitBank's internal block list EXCB0004 - Situation with data inconsistency that does not allow to claim that the hit is false. More identification information related to the beneficiary is needed EXCB0005 - The beneficiary is sanctioned EXCB0006 - Identified that the Beneficiary is on the internal list |
EXC0026 - Payment Order failed Risk process | NULL |
EXC0028 - Payment Order process failed | EXC0001 - Occurrence with Type {0} not found.. OCR0001 - Insufficient balance to pay the transaction and/or fees. OCR0002 - Transaction canceled by the Institution. OCR0003 - Transaction canceled by user request. SPI0001 - An error occurred while processing the PIX transaction. SPI0002 - Transaction settlement interrupted due to SPI timeout. SPI0003 - Transaction interrupted due to an error on the receiving user's participant. SPI0004 - PIX transaction sender timeout. SPI0005 - Invalid/non-existent agency and/or account number of the receiving user. SPI0006 - Blocked payee account. SPI0007 - Receiving user's account is closed. SPI0008 - Incorrect type for the receiving user's transactional account. SPI0009 - The transaction type is not supported/authorized in the receiving user's account. SPI0010 - Transaction with this Processing Type is not allowed. SPI0011 - Returning an instant payment is not allowed. SPI0012 - The direct participant is not settling the paying user. SPI0013 - PIX transaction with zero value is not allowed. SPI0014 - Money Order/Return Exceeds Allowed Limit for Account Type. SPI0015 - Insufficient balance in the paying user's PI account. SPI0017 - Divergence between the sum of block values. SPI0018 - Invalid number of transactions. SPI0019 - CPF/CNPJ of the recipient differs from the Account holder's data. SPI0020 - Unauthorized PIX transaction initiator. SPI0022 - Incorrect receiving user's CPF/CNPJ. SPI0023 - Incorrect or incompatible message content. SPI0024 - Transaction rejected by receiving user participant. SPI0025 - Participant who signed the message is not authorized. SPI0026 - Transaction rejected due to time exceeded between messages. SPI0027 - The participant is not registered or has not yet started the operation in the SPI. SPI0028 - Invalid message sending date and time. SPI0029 - The transaction exceeds the maximum time limit for returning a PIX transaction. SPI0030 - Inconsistency between transaction purpose and message. SPI0032 - ISPB of the participant facilitating service PIX Withdrawal or PIX Exchange non-existent. SPI0033 - Invalid or non-existent Paying Participant ISPB. SPI0034 - Invalid or non-existent receiving participant's ISPB. SPI0035 - Transaction rejected because paying user is sanctioned. |
Request FX Forecast
API Method = GetFXforecast
The Request FX Forecast API allows our clients to manage the cash flow of their accounts. This endpoint aims to offer our customers a comprehensive view of their funds, facilitating cash flow management and strategic decision-making. Please note that this API is just to give you information for create your own forecast. To have detailed statement on a single account, GetAccountEntryPaged is our standard API.
"Method": "GetFXforecast",
"PartnerId": 1019,
"BusinessUnitId": 1019
"Success": "true",
"Currency": "USD",
"DateTimeLastTransaction": "2023-04-17T09:04:39.110",
"CurrentBalance": "184976.75"
"DateTimeLastExchangeCut": "2023-04-17T08:56:53.957",
"LastExchangeRate": "4.8751"
"Currency": "BRL",
"DateTimeLastTransaction": "2023-04-17T09:04:39.110",
"TotalValue": "698048.000000000000",
"TotalFee": "21798.700000000000"
Parameters | Description |
Method | API method to be used |
PartnerId | Partner ID provided by FitBank |
BusinessUnitID | Business Unit ID provided by FitBank |
JSON return from GetFXforecast
Parameters | Description |
FXCurrency | Foreign Currency Block |
Currency | Foreign currency associated with the account (USD) |
DateTimeLastTransaction | Exact time of the last foreign currency transaction |
CurrentBalance | Current account balance in dollars (or in the respective foreign currency) |
LastExchangeCutMade | Block of Last Exchange Performed |
DateTimeLastExchangeCut | Time of the last currency cut performed (cut time) |
LastExchangeRate | Exchange rate used in the last cut |
LocalCurrencyNonExchanged | Non exchanged Local Currency Block |
Currency | Local currency associated with the account (BRL) |
DateTimeLastTransaction | Exact time of last transaction in local currency |
TotalValue | Total amount of transactions in local currency that have not yet been subjected to currency cutoff |
TotalFee | Total sum of local currency rates not exchanged since the last exchange rate cut |
To be clear, this calculation will be only a prediction, because the correct FX rate only will be defined in the moment of next FX window.
Updated 20 days ago