3 - Glossary
Reduction on the Boleto value, regardless of the due date, granted by the Beneficiary to the Boleto Payer.
Automatic write-off (Lapse of time)
Automatic write-off, or lapse-of-term write-off, occurs when the payment term of the boleto has expired. Thus, the bill of exchange will be written off by expiration of term and will no longer be eligible for payment.
Interbank Payment Chamber, responsible for ensuring the protection of transactions made by electronic means.
Natural person or legal person responsible for the collection, to whom the collection resources will be transferred.
Decrease on the amount granted by the Beneficiary to the Boleto Payer. As it depends on the discount date of the boleto, when there is no defined deadline for the discount, it may be applied until the due date of the boleto.
Registration days before expiration date
This refers to the number of days the boleto must be registered before the due date.
Value or percentage applied to the boleto amount for late payment. Interest for late payment is a recurring charge after the due date and continues until the date the boleto is paid.
Value or percentage applied to the boleto for late payment. It is a one-time charge, which can be made after the due date of the boleto.
Our Number
Boleto ID number, formatted as follows: CCCFFFFFDDDDDDDD
CCC - Portfolio number (3)
FFFFF - Customer code provided by the bank (5)
DDDDDDDD - Our Number informed by the client or generated by the system (8)
Document Number
Document number consisting of 7 digits generated by the system, or established by the payee of the boleto, when there is an invoice/duplicata, service contract, among others.
Payer (Drawee)
Individual or legal entity to whom the boleto is destined to be charged.
Drawee / Guarantor (Final Beneficiary)
Drawee/guarantor, when indicated in the Boleto, represents the final recipient that will receive the funds from the settlement of the Boleto.
Updated 4 days ago