3 - Cancel Payments

The methods described in this section refer to various forms of cancel the payments sent.

After included a payment on flow, its returned a document number, this ID will be used for these following methods, will make it possible to cancel payment sent to Fitbank, as the descriptions below:

Cancel Boleto Out

  "Method": "CancelBoletoOut", 
  "PartnerId": 10343, 
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421, 
  "DocumentNumber": "10056" 
PartnerId"Partner ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
BusinessUnitId"Business Unit ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
DocumentNumber"Unique recharge identifier"longYES
DocumentNumber"Unique recharge identifier"longYES
  "Success": true, 
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso" 

Cancel Payment GPS


  "Method": "CancelPaymentGps", 
  "PartnerId": 10343, 
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421, 
  "DocumentNumber": "10056" 

PartnerId"Partner ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
BusinessUnitId"Business Unit ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
DocumentNumber"Unique recharge identifier"longYES
  "Success": true, 
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso" 

Cancel Payment GARE

  "Method": "CancelPaymentGare", 
  "PartnerId": 10343, 
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421, 
  "DocumentNumber": "10056" 
PartnerId"Partner ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
BusinessUnitId"Business Unit ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
DocumentNumber"Unique recharge identifier"longYES
  "True": true, 
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso" 

Cancel Payment FGTS

  "Method": "CancelPaymentFgts", 
  "PartnerId": 10343, 
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421, 
  "DocumentNumber": "10056" 
PartnerId"Partner ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
BusinessUnitId"Business Unit ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
DocumentNumber"Unique recharge identifier"longYES
  "Success": true, 
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso" 

Cancel Payment DARJ

  "Method": "CancelPaymentDARJ", 
  "PartnerId": 10343, 
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421, 
  "DocumentNumber": "10056" 
PartnerId"Partner ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
BusinessUnitId"Business Unit ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
DocumentNumber"Unique recharge identifier"longYES
  "Success": true, 
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso" 

Cancel Payment DARF

  "Method": "CancelPaymentDARF", 
  "PartnerId": 10343, 
  "BusinessUnitId": 30421, 
  "DocumentNumber": "10056" 
PartnerId"Partner ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
BusinessUnitId"Business Unit ID provided by Fitbank"integerYES
DocumentNumber"Unique recharge identifier"longYES
  "Success": true, 
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso" 

OBS: If the specifications for the method are not contemplated, you will get a return as an example bellow:

    "Success": "false", 
    "Message": " ISE0014 - Informações enviadas estão inválidas. Veja a propriedade Validation do json para mais detalhes.", 
      “key”: “ReferenceNumber”,
      "Value”: [“ISI0253 - Informe apenas numeros”]