2.3 - Boleto query
Consult by ID
The GetBoletoInById and GetBoletoById methods allow you to query a specific boleto, returning all the boleto's information.
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GetBoletoById | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
DocumentNumber | String | Internal transaction identifier | YES |
The PaymentInfo will be filled in and returned when the boleto's status is Paid (status 5); otherwise, it will be returned as null. The information that will be returned in the PaymentInfo object is:
- Payment Channel: The method used to pay the boleto; Value paid; Value of rebate granted; Value of discount applied; Value of fine charged; Value of interest charged; Date the payment was made; Date on which the amount was credited to the beneficiary's account and Bank and branch where the boleto was paid.
"Method": "GetBoletoInById",
"PartnerId": 93234,
"BusinessUnitId": 40380,
"DocumentNumber": 135518
"Success": "true",
"Boleto": {
"DocumentNumber": 943,
"Status": 3,
"OurNumber": "0010110100000241",
"ExternalNumber": "0062531",
"Identifier": "f9a1597d-3d283eaf0",
"Barcode": "45095123800000010000010000963100025310000190",
"DigitableLine": "45090010060012440002553100001907597180000001000",
"Url": "http://pdf/2024-05-15/lp1dvguh.pdf",
"Date": {
"Creation": "15/05/2024",
"DueDate": "16/05/2024",
"Deadline": "20/06/2024",
"Cancel": null
"Values": {
"PrincipalValue": 10.00,
"Interest": {
"Value": 2.00,
"Percent": 0.00,
"Type": 0,
"Date": "17/05/2024"
"Fine": {
"Value": 1.00,
"Percent": 0.00,
"Date": "17/05/2024"
"Discount": [
"Value": 0.00,
"Date": "16/05/2024"
"Value": 0.00,
"Date": null
"Value": 0.00,
"Date": null
"RebateValue": 1.00,
"DivergentPayment": {
"Type": 3,
"MinValue": 0,
"MaxValue": 0
"ToSend": {
"Mail": "jonata@fitbank.com.br",
"Phone": "8899998890"
"Supplier": {
"Name": "Jonatas",
"TaxNumber": "41232310437",
"Banks": {
"Code": "450",
"Branch": "1",
"Account": "0011",
"AccountDigit": "1"
"Customer": {
"Name": "jonata",
"TaxNumber": "71232203304",
"Mail": null,
"Phone": null,
"Address": {
"AddressLine1": "R. 8 de setemnbro",
"AddressLine2": null,
"City": "Fortaleza",
"State": "CE",
"Neighborhood": null,
"ZipCode": "14525210"
"Split": [
"Product": {
"Reference": "ID1",
"Name": "Sorvete de morango",
"Quantity": 0,
"Value": 10.00,
"Receiver": {
"Name": "JooJ Beneficiario",
"TaxNumber": "01204145374",
"Banks": {
"Code": "655",
"Branch": "1",
"Account": "0002",
"AccountDigit": "1"
"Seller": {
"Name": "Samuel",
"TaxNumber": "12321003304"
"PaymentInfo": null
"Success": "true",
"Boleto": {
"DocumentNumber": 9401,
"Status": 5,
"OurNumber": "0010000100000000",
"ExternalNumber": "0002529",
"Identifier": "3f8ebeff-54a159cf0",
"Barcode": "45097971800000010000010000123900025290001111",
"DigitableLine": "45090010060012390002952900001703797180000001111",
"Url": "http://pdf/2024-05-15/0zuyccoj.pdf",
"Date": {
"Creation": "15/05/2024",
"DueDate": "16/05/2024",
"Deadline": "20/06/2024",
"Cancel": null
"Values": {
"PrincipalValue": 11.00,
"Interest": {
"Value": 2.00,
"Percent": 0.00,
"Type": 0,
"Date": "17/05/2024"
"Fine": {
"Value": 1.00,
"Percent": 0.00,
"Date": "17/05/2024"
"Discount": [
"Value": 0.00,
"Date": "16/05/2024"
"Value": 0.00,
"Date": null
"Value": 0.00,
"Date": null
"RebateValue": 1.00,
"DivergentPayment": {
"Type": 3,
"MinValue": 0,
"MaxValue": 0
"ToSend": {
"Mail": "jonatas@fitbank.com.br",
"Phone": "8899998890"
"Supplier": {
"Name": "Jonatas",
"TaxNumber": "44141230437",
"Banks": {
"Code": "450",
"Branch": "1",
"Account": "0011",
"AccountDigit": "1"
"Customer": {
"Name": "jonata",
"TaxNumber": "79321003304",
"Mail": null,
"Phone": null,
"Address": {
"AddressLine1": "R. 8 de Setembro",
"AddressLine2": null,
"City": "Fortaleza",
"State": "CE",
"Neighborhood": null,
"ZipCode": "12375210"
"Split": [
"Product": {
"Reference": "ID1",
"Name": "Sorvete de morango",
"Quantity": 0,
"Value": 10.00,
"Receiver": {
"Name": "Beneficiario",
"TaxNumber": "11114145374",
"Banks": {
"Code": "655",
"Branch": "1",
"Account": "0002",
"AccountDigit": "1"
"Seller": {
"Name": "Samuel",
"TaxNumber": "12321003304"
"PaymentInfo": {
"PaymentChannel": 1,
"PaidValue": 10.00,
"Rebate": 1.00,
"Discount": 0,
"Fine": 0,
"Interest": null,
"PaymentDate": "15/05/2024",
"CreditDate": "15/05/2024",
"PayerBankCode": "001",
"PayerBankBranchCode": "0001"
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GetBoletoById | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
DocumentNumber | String | Internal transaction identifier | YES |
The GetBoletoById method will be discontinued.
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GetBoletoRecurrenceById | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BoletoCarnetId | String | Internal transaction identifier | YES |
"method": "GetBoletoRecurrenceById",
"partnerId": 216,
"businessUnitId": 328,
"BoletoCarnetId": "12345"
"Success": true,
"Message": "Método executado com sucesso",
"Data": {
"BoletoCarnetId": 12345,
"CarnetURL": "preenchido no caso de carnet, um único PDF",
"Installments": [
"DocumentNumber": 511813,
"Identifier": "151659677",
"Status": "5",
"Value": 7500,
"DueDate": "2023-12-20",
"Barcode": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"URL": "preenchido se for boleto recorrente - PDF único"
"DocumentNumber": 511814,
"Identifier": "151659656",
"Status": "5",
"Value": 7500,
"DueDate": "2023-12-20",
"Barcode": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"URL": "preenchido se for boleto recorrente - PDF único"
Consult by Date
The GetBoletoByDate and GetListBoletoByDate methods allow you to see all the boletos issued within a certain period of time.
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GetListBoletoByDate | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
Date | Object | - | YES |
Initial | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | YES |
Final | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | YES |
Type | Number | 0 - Generation date 1 - Payment date 2 - Due date | YES |
PageIndex | Number | Reference of which page will be accessed | YES |
PageSize | Number | Number of results that will be displayed on the same page | YES |
Status | Short | Created - 0 Registered - 3 Settlement - 5 Canceled - 7 | NO |
CustomerTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the payer | NO |
Supplier | Object | - | YES |
TaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
Bank | String | Internal account identification Bank | NO |
BankBranch | String | Internal account identification Bank Branch | NO |
BankAccount | String | Internal account identification Bank Account | NO |
BankAccountDigit | String | Internal account identification Bank Account Digit | NO |
"Method": "GetListBoletoByDate",
"PartnerId": 93234,
"BusinessUnitId": 40380,
"Date": {
"Initial": "2024-02-01",
"Final": "2024-02-05",
"Type": 0
"PageIndex": 0,
"PageSize": 10,
"Status": 3,
"CustomerTaxNumber": null,
"Supplier": {
"TaxNumber": "",
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Success": "true",
"Boletos": [
"Boleto": {
"BoletoInId": "3333333",
"OurNumber": 0,
"ExternalNumber": "333333",
"Identifier": "hhfgfg1212",
"Status": "",
"Values": {
"Principal": 0,
"Paid": 0
"Date": {
"Creation": "2024-04-03T14:45:12.750",
"DueDate": "2024-04-03T14:45:12.750Z",
"Deadline": "2024-04-04T14:45:12.750Z",
"OcurrenceDate": "2024-04-03T14:45:12.750Z"
"Customer": {
"Name": "Pagador",
"TaxNumber": ""
"Supplier": {
"Name": "Beneficiario",
"TaxNumber": "000.000.000-00"
"Barcode": "string",
"DigitableLine": "string",
"FileName": "string"
"Total": 50
- In the return from the GetListBoletoByDate method, the "OcurrenceDate" field is directly linked to the status of the boleto. Thus, if the boleto is registered, the boleto's registration date will be returned. If the boleto is paid, the payment date will be returned, and if the boleto is canceled, the cancellation date will be provided.
- In the return from the GetListBoletoByDate method, the "Deadline" field refers to the deadline for payment of the boleto after it has expired.
The GetBoletoByDate method will be discontinued.
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GetBoletoByDate | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
InicialDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | YES |
FinalDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | YES |
CustomerName | String | Payer name | NO |
CustomerTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the payer | NO |
CustomerBank | String | Payer's bank code | NO |
CustomerBankBranch | String | Payer's bank branch | NO |
CustomerBankAccount | String | Payer's bank account | NO |
CustomerBankAccountDigit | String | Payer's bank account digit | NO |
InicialDueDate | String | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
FinalDueDate | String | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
InicialPaymentDate | String | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
FinalPaymentDate | String | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
Status | Short | Created - 0 CanBeRegister - 1 Registered - 3 Settlement - 5 Canceled - 7 Error - 8 | NO |
RecieverTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto receiver | NO |
RecieverBank | Varchar | Internal account receiver identification Bank | NO |
RecieverBankBranch | Varchar | Internal account receiver identification Bank Branch | NO |
RecieverBankAccount | Varchar | Internal account receiver identification Bank Account | NO |
RecieverBankAccountDigit | Varchar | Internal account receiver identification Bank Account Digit | NO |
SellerTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing account | NO |
SellerBank | String | Seller Bank | NO |
SellerBankBranch | String | Seller Bank Branch | NO |
SellerBankAccount | String | Seller Bank Account | NO |
SupplierTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing account | NO |
SupplierBank | Varchar | Internal account identification Bank | NO |
SupplierBankBranch | Varchar | Internal account identification Bank Branch | NO |
SupplierBankAccount | Varchar | Internal account identification Bank Account | NO |
SupplierBankAccountDigit | Varchar | Internal account identification Bank Account Digit | NO |
PageIndex | String | Reference of which page will be accessed | NO |
PageSize | String | Number of results that will be displayed on the same page | NO |
Updated about 1 month ago