7 - Merchant Register

5. Merchant Registration Flow

5.1 API: MerchantRegister

  • Description: This API is responsible for registering new merchants within the closed loop payment system.

  • Functionality:

    • Receives merchant information, such as business data, bank details, and required documents.
    • Performs initial validations to verify the compliance of the provided data.
    • Facilitates the integration of new merchants into the closed loop payment system.

        "Method": "MerchantClosedLoopRegister",
        "PartnerId": "",
        "BusinessUnitId": "",
        "ContractIdentifier": "",
        "MerchantName": "SUPER 24 MONTUFAR",
        "LegalName": "Super 24 - LegalTeste",
        "TaxNumber": "nulo",
        "Sector": "food",
        "Phone": "+50223629963",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "ConstitutionDate": "nulo",
        "CompanyAddress": {
          "postalCode": "01009",
          "street": "CALLE 12",
          "number": "2-21",
          "complement": "Calle Montufar",
          "neighborhood": "ZONA 9",
          "city": "Ciudad de Guatemala",
          "state": "Departamento de Guatemala",
          "reference": "Paleta Montufar",
          "CountryCode": "GT"

      "Success": "true",
      "Message": "The registration request for the Merchant [padaria] was received successfully! We will soon send you the status of the Merchant account creation",
      "MerchantIdentifier": "MER9a883bb8-35fb-4972-8ae3-294cba924314MER"

Parameter Descriptions:

methodStringName of the method to be executed
PartnerIdIntegerPartner Identifier
BusinessUnitIdIntegerBusiness Unit Identifier
ContractIdentifierIntegerIdentifier of the ClosedLoop contract
MerchantNameStringMerchant name
LegalNameStringLegal name of the company
TaxNumberIntegerCompany registration number
SectorStringCompany sector (e.g., Food)
PhoneStringCompany phone number
EmailStringCompany email address
ConstitutionDateDateDate of company's establishment (e.g., "2013-05-13")
MerchantAddressObjectObject containing company address details
postalCodeStringPostal code
streetStringStreet name
numberStringStreet number
complementStringAddress complement (e.g., "SALA 01 - 2 ANDAR")
referenceStringReference point (e.g., "Próximo aos Correios")
countryCodeStringCountry code (e.g., "BR")