4.3 Cancel QRCode
Cancel Pix QRCode
API Method = CancelPixQRCode
This method can be used to cancel dynamic PIX QRCode charges. Currently, it is not possible to cancel a Static Pix QrCode, according to the parameters used by partner processing company JD Consultores and followed by FitBank.
"Method": "CancelPixQRCode",
"PartnerId": 163,
"BusinessUnitId": 196,
"TaxNumber": "12345678912",
"DocumentNumber": 92541
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Method | CancelPixQRCode | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of who generated the QrCode charge | YES | STRING |
DocumentNumber | Document number (ID) of the QrCode that is to be cancelled | YES | NUMBER |
Cancel QRCode Pix with due date
API Method = CancelQRCodePix
This method should only be used to cancel QRCodes generated by the GeneratePixQrCodeDueDate API.
This method allows you to cancel a QRCodeDueDate. If the QRCode is paid for or expired, it cannot be canceled.
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type |
Method | CancelQRCodePix | YES | STRING |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of who generated the QrCode charge | YES | STRING |
TxId | QRCode identifier (TxID) | YES | STRING |
Updated 8 months ago