3 - Queries


This endpoint is responsible for retrieving scheduled information from the SLC. This endpoint is necessary to improve system functionality and allow users to access relevant scheduled information.

With the endpoint, we will facilitate access to scheduled SLC and banking address information, improving the usability of the system for users, as well as providing an efficient way to query and retrieve scheduled data.

  "Method": "GetSLCScheduled",
  "PartnerId": 125,
  "BusinessUnitId": 39,
  "TaxNumber": "11383863000192",
  "Bank": "450",
  "BankBranch": "0001",
  "BankAccount": "1075604398",
  "BankAccountDigit": "8",
  "Date": "2023-10-11"
    "Success": "true", 
    "TotalValue": "20.00", 
MethodAPI method to be usedYes
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitBankYes
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit ID provided by FitBankYes
TaxNumberUser's Social Security Number (CPF or CNPJ)Yes
BankPayer's Bank Code (Ex.: 450)Yes
BankBranchPayer's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: 0001)Yes
BankAccountPayer's Bank Account (Ex.: 146492)Yes
BankAccountDigitPayer's Account Digit (Ex.: 1)Yes
DateScheduled DateYes


This method is responsible for consulting the credit, debit and advance payments made for a certain period so that we can generate payment information for a customer.

  "Method": "GetSLCConciliationByDate",
  "PartnerId": 125,
  "BusinessUnitId": 39,
  "TaxNumber": "11383986000192",
  "Bank": "450",
  "BankBranch": "0001",
  "BankAccount": "1075604729",
  "BankAccountDigit": "8",
  "Type": ,
  "ArrangementCode": ,
  "AcquirerTaxNumber": "",
  "RemittanceIdentifier": ,
  "StartDate": "2023-11-30",
  "EndDate": "2023-12-06",
    "Success": "true",
    "Message": "Método executado com sucesso",
    "SLCConciliationList": [
      "DocumentNumber": 21,
      "AcquirerName": "ADIQ SOLUCOES PAGAMENTOS S.A",
      "AcquirerTaxNumber": "01425787006137",
      "Type": "Antecipação",
      "ArragmenteCode": "Visa",
      "TotalValue": 51.00,
      "PaymentDate": "2023-11-30",     
      "RemittanceIdentifier" : 20
     "DocumentNumber": 22,
     "AcquirerName": "01865787006873",
     "AcquirerTaxNumber": "GETNET S/A",
     "Type": "Débito",
     "ArragmenteCode": "Mastercard",
     "TotalValue": 100.00,
     "PaymentDate": "2023-12-06"   
     "RemittanceIdentifier" : 24
MethodAPI method to be usedYes
PartnerIdPartner ID provided by FitBankYes
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit ID provided by FitBankYes
TaxNumberUser's Social Security Number (CPF or CNPJ)Yes
BankPayer's Bank Code (Ex.: 450)Yes
BankBranchPayer's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: 0001)Yes
BankAccountPayer's Bank Account (Ex.: 146492)Yes
BankAccountDigitPayer's Account Digit (Ex.: 1)Yes
AcquirerTaxNumberCNPJ AccreditorYes
TypeTransaction TypeYes
ArrangementCodeArrangement (Ex.: Visa, Elo, Master)Yes
RemittanceIdentifierRemittance IdentifierNo
StartDateInicial Date-
EndDateFinal Date-
PageIndexInitial PaginationYes
PageSizeFinal PaginationYes


Bank details information will always be SPB data.

The "Type" field identifies the type of transaction

Credit: 0
Debit: 1
Anticipation: 2

The ArrangementCode field identifies the arrangement

MasterCard: 3
Maestro: 25

Visa: 4
Visa Electron: 26

ELO: 8
Elo Débito: 27

Cabal: 10
Cabal Débito: 30

American Express: 6



StartDate: Mandatory (Not required when RemittanceIdentifier is entered)

EndDate: Mandatory (Not mandatory when RemittanceIdentifier is entered)