4.2 Change QRCode
Change Dynamic Pix QRCode
API Method = ChangeDynamicPixQRCode
Changes the parameters of a charge with Dynamic QrCode.
You can modify the payer information, charged amount and expiration date.
"Method": "ChangeDynamicPixQRCode",
"PartnerId": 30519,
"BusinessUnitId": 51138,
"PixKey": "17699384008",
"TaxNumber": "84928589076",
"PayerTaxNumber": "65023491021",
"PayerName": "João da Silva Pereira",
"PrincipalValue": 123.45,
"ExpirationDate": "31/01/2022",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "Rua Niterói",
"AddressLine2": "string",
"ZipCode": "60731-305",
"Neighborhood": "Canindezinho",
"CityCode": "451",
"CityName": "Fortaleza",
"State": "Ceará",
"AddressType": 1,
"Country": "Brasil",
"Complement": "Apto 01",
"Reference": "Próximo ao mercado"
"ChangeType": 0,
"AdditionalData": [
"Name": "pagamento",
"Value": "300"
"PayerRequest": "pagamento",
"DocumentNumber": 854127,
"TransactionPurpose": 1,
"TransactionValue": null,
"TransactionChangeType": null,
"AgentModality": 2
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type | Comments |
Method | ChangeDynamicPixQRCode | YES | STRING | - |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
PixKey | Receiver's PIX key | YES | STRING | - |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of the collector/receiver, meaning, who will have the PIX key and generates the charge | NO | STRING | - |
PayerTaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of the payer | NO | STRING | - |
PayerName | Name of the payer | NO | STRING | - |
PrincipalValue | Value of the collection | YES | NUMBER | - |
ExpirationDate | Date until the transaction expires | NO | STRING | - |
Address | Adress of the receiver | NO | OBJECT | - |
AddressLine | First adress of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
AddressLine2 | Second adress of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
ZipCode | ZipCode of the receiver | YES | STRING | Valid Formats: 61801490 61801-490 Limit: 10 characters |
Neighborhood | Neighborhood of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
CityCode | City code of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
CityName | City of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
State | State of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
AddressType | Type of adress of the receiver | NO | INT | Commercial = 0 Residential = 1 |
Country | Country of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
Complement | Aditional information to the adress of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
Reference | Reference to the adress of the receiver | NO | STRING | - |
ChangeType | Parameter that allows the amount charged to be changed or not at the moment of payment | YES | INT | None = 0 (Does not allow value change) Allowed = 1 (Allows value change) |
AdditionalData | Additional information of the collection | NO | ARRAY OF OBJECTS | - |
Name | Name of the custom parameter to be add with transaction | NO | STRING | - |
Value | Value of the custom parameter to be add with transaction | NO | STRING | Does not necessarily have to be the indication of a monetary value |
PayerRequest | Message or description that can be added if desirable | NO | STRING | Maximum number of accepted characters: 140 characters |
DocumentNumber | Document number (ID) of the dynamic QrCode from which you want to change information | YES | NUMBER | - |
TransactionPurpose | Purpose of the collection | NO | INT | PurchaseOrTransfer = 0 PurchaseWithChange = 1 Withdraw = 2 For a common payment transaction, by default fill as 0 |
TransactionValue | Value of the transaction | NO | NUMBER | Applicable only if the QrCode is set as PIX Withdraw or PIX Change. If not, must be filled as null |
TransactionChangeType | Type of the collection transaction | NO | INT | None = 0 Allowed = 1 Applicable only if the QrCode is set as PIX Withdraw or PIX Change. If not, must be filled as null |
AgentModality | Agent modality of the withdraw transaction | NO | INT | PSS = 0 (Withdrawal Service Provider) CommercialEstablishment = 1 Other = 2 By default, fill as 2, unless it refers to a PIX Withdraw transaction |
Change Pix QRCode Due Date
API Method = ChangePixQRCodeDueDate
The method can be used to modify QRCode data, including payer information, due date, number of days to expiration and values.
"method": "ChangePixQrCodeDueDate",
"PartnerId": 896,
"BusinessUnitId": 1261,
"TxId": "AAAA6323232AAAAA1212AAAAsdsdsd1",
"PixKey": "44bc2c95-fa76-439d-ad1e-cffd373956e4",
"Date": {
"DueDate": "2024-06-30",
"DaysAfterDueDate": "5"
"Payee": {
"TaxNumber": "50231669020",
"Name": "Stéfanne DDA",
"ISPB": "",
"Bank": "450",
"BankBranch": "0001",
"BankAccount": "6354103",
"BankAccountDigit": "1"
"Payer": {
"TaxNumber": "35253363068",
"Name": "Teste",
"Mail": "mail@mail.com",
"Adress:": "Logradouro do pagador",
"City": "cidade do pagador",
"State": "CE",
"ZipCode": "11111111"
"PrincipalValue": "80.00",
"Fine": {
"Type": "2",
"Value": "2.00"
"Rebate": {
"Type": "2",
"Value": "2.00"
"Interest": {
"Type": "2",
"Value": "2.00"
"Discount": {
"Type": "2",
"DiscountRange": [
"date": "2024-06-10",
"value": "3.00"
"date": "2024-06-11",
"value": "3.00"
"date": "2024-06-12",
"PayerRequest": "solicitação ao pagador > comentários enviados do pagador para o recebedor",
"AdditionalInformation": [
"Name": "pagamento",
"Value": "300"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0601 - QRCode alterado com sucesso"
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type | Comments |
Method | ChangePixQrCodeDueDate | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | Not subject to change |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | Not subject to change |
TxId | Transaction Identifier | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
PixKey | Receiver's pix key | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
Date | - | YES | OBJECT | - |
DueDate | Collection Due Date | YES | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
DaysAfterDueDate | Expiration date in calendar days | NO | STRING | If the number of days for the QRCode to expire after its due date is not specified, the default value of 30 days will be used. |
Payee | - | YES | OBJECT | Not subject to change |
TaxNumber | Payee's CPF/CNPJ | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
Name | Payee's name | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
ISPB | Payee's ISPB | YES (OR) | STRING | Not subject to change |
Bank | Payee's bank | YES (OR) | STRING | Not subject to change |
BankBranch | Payee's Bank Branch | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
BankAccount | Payee's Bank Account | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
BankAccountDigit | Payee's Bank Account Digit | YES | STRING | Not subject to change |
Payer | - | YES | OBJECT | - |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | YES | STRING | - |
Name | Payer's Name | YES | STRING | - |
Payer's Mail | NO | STRING | - | |
Address | Payer's Address | NO | STRING | - |
City | Payer's City | NO | STRING | - |
State | Payer's State | NO | STRING | - |
ZipCode | Payer's ZipCode | YES | STRING | - |
PrincipalValue | Original value of the charge | YES | STRING | - |
Fine | - | NO | OBJECT | - |
Type | Type of fine | NO | STRING | 0 - No fine will be charged 1 - Fixed Value 2 - Percentual |
Value | Value of fine | NO | STRING | - |
Rebate | - | NO | OBJECT | - |
Type | Type of rebate | NO | STRING | 0 - No rebates will be granted 1 - Fixed Value 2 - Percentual |
Value | Value of rebate | NO | STRING | - |
Interest | NO | OBJECT | - | |
Type | Type of Interest | NO | STRING | 0 - No interest will be charged 1 - Value (calendar days) 2 - Percentage per day (calendar days) 3 - Percentage per month (calendar days) 5 - Value (working days) 6 - Percentual ao dia (dias úteis) 7 - Percentage per month (working days) |
Value | Value of Interest | NO | STRING | - |
Discount | NO | STRING | - | |
Type | Type of Discount | NO | STRING | 0 - No discount will be granted 1 - Fixed price until the date specified 2 - Balue in percent up to the date informed |
DiscountRange | NO | STRING | When changing the discount, providing a new range, regardless of the number of existing discount bands, all of them will be replaced by the new bands entered. | |
date | discount date | NO | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
value | discount value | NO | STRING | - |
PayerRequest | Text to be submitted to the payer | NO | STRING | Limit 140 characters |
AdditionalInformation | - | NO | OBJECT | - |
Name | Field name | NO | STRING | - |
Value | Field data | NO | STRING | - |
Updated 4 months ago