Account Rate

Method = AccountRate

The AccountRate method plays a pivotal role in our platform, serving as an essential tool for adjusting both service rates and percentages (RateValue, PercentageValue). It's integral to setting up and continually updating the rates associated with accounts and business units.

  "BusinessUnitId": 939, required
  "PartnerId": 1407, required
  "Method": "AccountRate", required
  "OperationType": 40, 
  "RatePercentage": 0.01,
  "RateValue": 0.00, 
  "AccountKey": null, 
  "TaxNumber": "07140691320", required
  "Bank": null,
  "BankBranch": null,
  "BankAccount": null,
  "BankAccountDigit": null


MethodMethod To Be UsedYesString
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
BusinessUnitIDInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the account for which you are making the changes.YesString
Operation TypeThe operation for which you wish to modify the rates/percentages. (TED, PIX IN, PIX OUT, etc.)YesINT3 - TED, 40 - PIX
Rate PercentagePercentage value you wish to change.INT
Rate ValueValue you wish to modify.
AccountKeyRequest IdentifierYesINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the owner of the accountYesString
BankBank Code (Ex.: “450”)INT
BankBranchBank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)INT
BankAccountBank Account (Ex.: “146492”)INT
BankAccountDigitBank Account Digit (Ex.: “1”)INT

Account Rate Batch

Method = AccountRateBatch

The Account Rate Batch method is designed to enable batch updates of account rates. This method extends the functionality of the individual rate update method, known as Method = AccountRate, allowing multiple rates to be updated simultaneously. Instead of performing updates one at a time, the Account Rate Batch groups several updates into a single process, enhancing efficiency and reducing the time required to implement significant changes to account rates.

  "BusinessUnitId": 939, obrigatório
  "PartnerId": 1407, obrigatório
  "Method": "AccountRateBatch", obrigatório
  "OperationType": 40, obrigatório
  "RatePercentage": 0.01,
  "RateValue": 0.00,
  "Accounts": [ obrigatório
    "AccountKey": null, obrigatório 
    "TaxNumber": "07140691320" obrigatório


MethodMethod To Be UsedYesString
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
BusinessUnitIDInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the account for which you are making the changes.YesString
Operation TypeThe operation for which you wish to modify the rates/percentages. (TED, PIX IN, PIX OUT, etc.)YesINT3 - TED, 40 - PIX
Rate PercentagePercentage value you wish to change.
Rate ValueValue you wish to modify.
AccountsList of TaxNumbers and AccountKeys for rate updates.Yes-\
AccountKeyRequest IdentifierYesINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the owner of the accountYesString



If your request to the method is successful, the returned message will follow the model below:

  "Success": true,
  "Message": "Atualização de taxas realizado com sucesso",



If your request to the method is unsuccessful, the message returned will follow the model below:

  "Success": false,
  "Message": "Uma ou mais contas especificadas não foram encontradas.",
  "FailedAccounts": [
      "TaxNumber": "07140691320",
      "AccountKey": null


Important Points

  • In batch requests, AccountRate can handle up to 100 account alterations.
  • This quantity is parameterized; if a parameter is configured, it will follow the specified quantity; otherwise, the default batch alteration limitation will be only 10.
  • It's necessary to include the TaxNumbers for each account being altered in batch operations.