4.4 Consult QRCode


API Method = GetPixQRCodeById

This method allows the user to consult a PIX charge by its DocumentNumber, entered after the QrCode issuance request.

     "Method": "GetPixQRCodeById",
     "PartnerId": 30519,
     "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
     "DocumentNumber": 854127,
     "TaxNumber": "84928589076"


PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
DocumentNumberDocument number (ID) of the static or dynamic QrCode that is to be consultedYESNUMBER
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who generated the QrCode chargeYESSTRING


API Method = GetPixQRCodeByIdentifier

This method allows the user to consult a PIX charge through a DocumentNumber or Identifier.

  "method": "GetPixQRCodeByIdentifier",
  "PartnerId": 30519,
  "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
  "TaxNumber": "84928589076",
  "DocumentNumber": 854127,
  "Identifier": "ac1e955d-905d-436f-9881-f8dbdda58c73"


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who generated the QrCode chargeYESSTRING
DocumentNumberDocument number (ID) of the static or dynamic QrCode that is to beNOINT
IdentifierCollection identifier assigned by collection issuerNOSTRING



This method should only be used to query QRCodes generated by the GeneratePixQrCodeDueDate API.

API Method = GetPixQrCodeByTxId

This method allows the user to consult a QRCodeDueDate from its TxId.

    "Method": "GetPixQrCodeByTxId",
    "PartnerId": 896,
    "BusinessUnitId": 1261,
    "TaxNumber": "50231669020",
    "TxId": "AAAA6323232AAAAA1212AAAAsdsdsd1"
    "Success": "true",
    "PixQRCodeInfo": {
        "PixQRCodeType": "DynamicDueDate",
        "ImageUrl": null,
        "HashCode": "00020101021226930014br.gov.bcb.pix2571qrcode-h.fitbank.com.br/QR/v2/cobv/696be2d4-804f-4121-a7ad-1fb3871578d75204000053039865802BR5912Stefanne DDA6009Fortaleza62070503***630449A0",
        "TxId": "AAAA6323232AAAAA1212AAAAsdsdsd1",
        "Status": "Processed",
        "PixKey": "44bc2c95-fa76-439d-ad1e-cffd373956e4"
    "PixQRCodeDueDate": {
        "Date": {
            "CreationDate": "2024-06-07T15:43:52.790Z",
            "DueDate": "2024-06-30",
            "DaysAfterDueDate": 5
        "Payer": {
            "TaxNumber": "35253363068",
            "Name": "Pagador"
        "Payee": {
            "TaxNumber": "50231669020",
            "Name": "Benenficiario"
        "Value": {
            "PrincipalValue": 80.00,
            "Fine": {
                "Type": 2,
                "Value": 2.00
            "Rebate": {
                "Type": 2,
                "Value": 2.00
            "Interest": {
                "Type": 2,
                "Value": 2.00
            "Discount": {
                "Type": 2,
                "DiscountRange": [
                        "Date": "2024-06-10",
                        "Value": 3.00
                        "Date": "2024-06-11",
                        "Value": 3.00
                        "Date": "2024-06-12",
                        "Value": 0.10
    "PayerRequest": "solicitação ao pagador > comentários enviados do pagador para o recebedor"
    "Success": "false",
    "Message": "TxId inexistente",
    "Validation": []


PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who generated the QrCode chargeYESSTRING
TxIdQRCode identifier (TxID)YESSTRING

QRCode Status sent in the API:

  • Created: The request for QrCode generation was received by FitBank
  • Registering: The QrCode is in the process of being registered at the Central Bank (Banco Central)
  • Processed: The QrCode is ready for use
  • Settled: The QrCode was successfully paid
  • Error: QrCode registration processing error at the Central Bank (Banco Central)
  • Canceled: Canceled QrCode
  • Expired: Expired QrCode