8 - Usage Limits Management

Create Card Usage Limit

Used to set a spending limit on a card/locker account, restricting the maximum amount that can be used within a specific period.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "CreateCardUsageLimit",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "Type": 1,
  "LockerAccount": "123456", 
  "PurchaseRuleId": "1", 
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485" 
  "TimeLimits": {
    "StartTime": "08:00",
    "EndTime": "22:00"
  "TransactionLimits": {
    "MaxTransactionsPerDay": 10,
    "MaxTransactionAmount": 5000,
    "MaxTotalValue": 20000
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Método executado com sucesso.",

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes

Update Card Usage Limit

Allows updating an existing spending limit on a card/locker account. The new limit will replace the previous value.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "UpdateCardUsageLimit",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "Type": 1,
  "LockerAccount": "123456",
  "PurchaseRuleId": "5812",
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485",
  "TransactionLimits": {
    "MaxTransactionsPerDay": 15,
    "MaxTransactionAmount": 7000,
    "MaxTotalValue": 30000
  "TimeLimits": {
    "StartTime": "06:00",
    "EndTime": "20:00"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Método executado com sucesso.",

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes

Get Card Usage Limits

etrieves the current spending limits applied to a card/locker account, including details on the amount and period restrictions.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardUsageLimits",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "Type": 1,
  "IdentifierCard": null,
  "LockerAccount": "123456"
  "Success": true,
  "Message": "Consulta realizada com sucesso",
  "Result": {
    "Type": 1,
    "LockerAccount": "123456",
    "TimeLimits": {
      "StartTime": "06:00",
      "EndTime": "20:00"
    "TransactionLimits": {
      "MaxTransactionsPerDay": 15,
      "MaxTransactionAmount": 7000,
      "MaxTotalValue": 30000
    "MerchantLimits": [
        "MerchantId": "987654321012345",
        "LimitValue": 10000

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes