9 - Webhooks


This method is used to verify card activation payload

  "Status": "Processed",
  "Action": "Activate",
  "Pan":  "************9671",
  “IsVirtual”: false,
  "BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
StatusCard Action statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
ActionTypes of action to be performed in cardstringThere are 7 Action Available:
PanLast 4 digits of the cardstringNone
IsVirtual Identify if the card is virtualboolNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This method is used to verify card password change.

"Status": "Processed", 
"IdentifierCard": "800009371", 
"Method": "ChangePinCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

StatusCard Action statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This Method is used to verify card lock.

"IdentifierCard": "800009371", 
"Action": "Block",
"Status": "Processed", 
"Pan": "************9671", 
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "BlockCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
ActionTypes of action to be performed in cardstringThere are 7 Action Available:
StatusCard Action statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
PanLast 4 digits of the cardstringNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnidIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This Method is used to verify card unlock.

"IdentifierCard": "800005496", 
"Status": "Processed", 
"Action": "Unblock",
"Pan": "************9671", 
"IsVirtual": false,
"Method": "UnblockCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
StatusThe Card Action statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
ActionTypes of action to be performed in cardstringThere are 7 Action Available:
PanLast 4 digits of the cardstringNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnidIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This Method is used to verify card inactivation and resend.

"IdentifierCard": "800009371", 
"Action": "InactivateAndReissue", 
"Status": "Processed",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "InactivateAndReissueCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
ActionTypes of action to be performed in cardstringThere are 7 Action Available:
StatusThe Card Action statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
PanLast 4 digits of the cardstringNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnidIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This Method is used to verify card cancellation

"IdentifierCard": "800009371", 
"Action": "Cancel", 
"Status": "Processed",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "CancelCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
ActionThe Type of action to be performed in cardstringThere are 7 Action Available:
StatusThe Card Action statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
PanLast 4 digits of the cardstringNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnidIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This Method is used to verify card Update contactless

"IdentifierCard": "800009371", 
"Action": "UpdateContactless", 
"Status": "Processed",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "UpdateCardContactless", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
ActionThe Type of action to be performed in cardstringThere are 7 Action Available:
StatusThe Card Action statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
PanLast 4 digits of the cardstringNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnidIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This Method is used to check card status change.

"IdentifierCard": "800005496", 
"Status": "Ativo",
"SubStatus": "Em processo de impressão", 
"StatusCode": 4,
"EventIdentifier": null, 
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "UpdateCardStatus", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
StatusThe Card statusstringThere are 10 Status available:
"Erro no vínculo",
"Erro na solicitação",
"Em processo de vínculo",
SubStatuso Status referring to the physical state of the card: (“In process of printing”)stringThere are 3 SubStatus available:
("Em processo de impressão",
StatusCodeCode corresponding to the Card StatusintThere are 9 StatusCode available:
("Criado" = 0,
"Solicitado" = 1,
"Gerado" = 2,
"Vinculado" = 3,
"Ativo" = 4,
"Erro no vínculo" =5,
"Erro na solicitação" = 6,
"Inativo" = 7,
"Em processo de vínculo" = 8)
EventIdentifiero The Batch Protocol, cards generated in batch will receive this field to identify the batchstringNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnidIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone


This Method is used to check status of card purchases.

"IdentifierCard": "800000088", 
"Pan": "************8962", 
"PrincipalValue": 2.16, 
"PaymentDate": null, 
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Establishment": {
“Name”: “Padaria Canto”,
"MCC": "5941",
"TaxNumber": null,
"Address": "ALAMEDA GRAJAU, 215 2o", 
"ZipCode": "006454050",
"City": "BARUERI",
"Country": "076"
"DocumentNumber": 1515,  
"Status": "Liquidado(a)", 
"Method": "PurchaseCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

IdentifierCardIdentifier number of the cardstringNone
PanFour last digits of the cardstringNone
PrincipalValuePrincipal Value decimalNone
PaymentDateDate of paymentstringNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone
EstablishmentData of the establishmentstringNone
NameName of the establishmentstringNone
MCCCode of the establishmentstringNone
TaxNumberCNPJ of the establishmentstringNone
AddressAddress of the establishmentstringNone
ZipCodeCEP of the establishmentstringNone
CityCity of the establishmentstringNone
CountryCountry of the establishmentstringNone
DocumentNumberTransaction identifierlongNone
StatusAvailable purchase statusstringThere are 8 Status available:
"Cartão inválido",
MethodName of the executed methodstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit Identifier NumberlongNone


This Method is used to view Card Purchase Errors.

"IdentifierCard": "800000088",
"Code": 14,
"Message": "Transação negada pela processadora: Senha invalida. A senha digitada 
  pelo cliente nao confere",
"CreationDate": "2020-10-30T10:17:13.013",
"EstablishmentName": "Padaria Cantinho",
"EstablishmentCity ": "SÃO PAULO",
“TotalAmount ”: 4.50,
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "PurchaseCardError", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone
IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
MessageDetails of the error occurredstringNone
CreationDateError datestring
CodeError codeint• PurchaseNotFound = 0 - We didn't find a purchase when we received the canceled one
• AlreadyCanceled = 1- We get a cancellation when it's already canceled
• InvalidCard = 2 - Invalid card
• InsufficientFunds = 3 - Without balance
• OperationNotPermitted = 4 - Card cannot transact
• AccountNotFound = 5 - We didn't find the account
• CardNotFound = 6 - We did not find the "CardID"
• EntryModeNotPermitted = 7 - Purchase methods (internet, chip, contactless etc) not allowed by the BU
• BusinessUnitNotFound = 8 - We didn't find the BU
• CardHolderNotFound = 9 - We couldn't find the cardholder
• CardOwnerNotFound = 10 - We couldn't find the owner of the card
• InvalidConfiguration = 11- We don't use anymore
• SubAccountNotFound = 12 - We did not find the sub account (card account)
• WithdrawNotFound = 13 - Sent a withdrawal cancellation (for example) and we were unable to track it
• ProcessorDenied = 14 - Processor denied (we have no justification)
• PasswordNotProvided = 15 - The password was not provided, because the card is contactess (we barred it because it has who provide the password and did not)
• ExceededTransactionLimit = 16
Transaction exceeded the limit
ChargebackNotFound = 17 - A chargeback cancellation was requested and we did not find it in the system
• BrandContractNotFound = 18 - We didn't find the flag settings
• EstablishmentNotFound = 19 - Establishment not found
•DuplicatePurchase = 20 - Duplicate purchase
•InvalidMcc = 21 - Invalid MCC
•PasswordError = 22 - Invalid password
•FraudSuspect = 23 - Suspected transaction fraud
EstablishmentNameName of the establishmentstringNone
EstablishmentCityCity of establishmentstringNone
TotalAmountTotal purchase amountdecimalNone
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone


This Method is used to view Card Chargeback Errors.

"IdentifierCard": "800000071", 
"Pan": "************3925", 
"OriginalAmount": 4.58,
"ChargebackValue": 4.58, 
"PaymentDate": null, 
"Establishment": {
"MCC": "5411",
"TaxNumber": null, 
"Address": null, 
"ZipCode": "054380000", 
"City": "SAO PAULO",
"Country": "076"
"Status": "Liquidado",
"Detail": "Estorno de compra liquidado!", 
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "Chargeback", 
"BusinessUnitId": 347

Field Descripition:

MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone
IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
MessageDetails of the error occurredstringNone
PanLast four digits of the cardstringNone
OriginalAmountOriginal purchase pricedecimalNone
ChargebackValuechargeback valuedecimalNone
PaymentDatePay daystringNone
EstablishmentEstablishment detailsstringNone
MCCEstablishment codestringNone
TaxNumberCNPJ of the establishmentstringNone
AddressAddress of establishmentstringNone
ZIP Codeestablishment's zip codestringNone
CityCity of establishmentstringNone
CountryCountry of establishmentstringNone
DetailChargeback Status MessagestringThere are 3 Detail available:
("Estorno de compra com cartão pré-pago registrado!",
"Estorno de compra liquidado!",
"Estorno de compra cancelado!")
StatusError codestringThere are 10 Status available:
"Enviando para o banco",
"Sem saldo",
"Pré liquidado",
"Pode ser regerado")
IsVirtualIdentify if the card is virtualboolNone


This Method is used to check status of card withdrawals

"IdentifierCard": "800007421", 
"PanLastDigits": "************4755", 
"PrincipalValue": 25.1, 
"PaymentDate": null,
"Status": "Liquidado(a)", 
"Method": "WithdrawCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359,
"DocumentNumber": 1515  

Field Descripition:

MethodName of the executed methodstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone
IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
PanLastDigitsFour last digits of the cardstringNone
PrincipalValuePrincipal ValuedecimalNone
PaymentDatePayment DateDateTimeNone
DocumentNumberTransaction identifierlongNone
StatusWithdrawal statusstringThere are 8 Status available:
"Cartão inválido"


This Method is used to check card recharge status

"IdentifierCard": "800007421", 
"PanLastDigits": "************4755", 
"PrincipalValue": 25.1, 
"PaymentDate": null,
"Status": "Liquidado(a)", 
"Method": "RechargeCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

MethodName of the executed methodstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone
IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
PanLastDigitsFour last digits of the cardstringNone
StatusStatus of rechargestringThere are 8 Status available:
"Cartão inválido",


This Method is used to check card discharge status

"IdentifierCard": "800007421", 
"PanLastDigits": "************4755", 
"PrincipalValue": 25.1, 
"PaymentDate": null,
"Status": "Liquidado(a)", 
"Method": "DischargeCard", 
"BusinessUnitId": 359

Field Descripition:

MethodName of the executed methodstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone
IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
PanLastDigitsFour last digits of the cardstringNone
StatusStatus of rechargestringThere are 8 Status available:
"Cartão inválido",


This Method is used to check the status of batch card request

 "CardBatch": {
 "Id": "UHH511SK",
 "Status": "Registrado",
 "Amount": 5,
 "Processed": 5,
 "StatusDescription": "Lote solicitado",
 "WasConfirmed": true,
 "CreationDate": "2022-07-19 14:00:00",
 "UpdateDate": "2022-07-19 14:00:00"
 "Method": "UpdateCardBatch",
"BusinessUnitId": 30485

Field Descripition:

MethodName of the executed methodstringNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone
CardBatchBatch DataobjectNone
IdLot identifierstringNone
AmountNumber of cards in the batchintNone
ProcessedNumber of cards processedintNone
StatusDescriptionDescription of the batch statusstringThere are 3 Status available:
("Lote com erro no processamento"
"Lote processado parcialmente"
"Lote processado")
WasConfirmedBatch ConfirmationboolNone
CreationDateBatch creation datestringNone
UpdateDateBatch update datestringNone
StatusStatus batch update stringThere are 4 Status available:


This webhook notifies when a transfer between two benefits happens

"PurchaseRuleNameFrom": "Pharmacy ",
 "PurchaseRuleNameTo": "Gas Station", 
 "PrincipalValue": 5.50,
 "PurhaseRuleIdFrom": 3,
 "PurhaseRuleIdTo": 1,
 "IdentifierCard": "800041449",
 "Pan": "************1234",
 "PaymentDate": "2023-01-30T08:36:05.537",
 "DocumentNumber": "352821",
 "Method": “CardBenefitTransfer”,
 "BusinessUnitId": 30420

Field Descripition:

PurchaseRuleNameFromName of the source rulestringNone
PurchaseRuleNameToName of the destination rulestringNone
PrincipalValuePrincipal ValuedecimalNone
PurhaseRuleIdFromRule destination idlongNone
PurhaseRuleIdToRule source idlongNone
IdentifierCardCard identifier numberstringNone
PanLast 4 digits of the cardstringNone
PaymentDateDate of transferstringNone
DocumentNumberIdentifier of Transaction numberstringNone
MethodName of method executedstringNone
BusinessUnitldBusiness Unit identifier numberlongNone