9 - Webhooks
This method is used to verify card activation payload
"Status": "Processed",
"Action": "Activate",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Status | Card Action status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Created", "Processed", "Error") |
Action | Types of action to be performed in card | string | There are 7 Action Available: ("ChangePin", "Activate", "Block", "Unblock", "InactivateAndReissue", "Cancellation", "UpdateContactless") |
Pan | Last 4 digits of the card | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This method is used to verify card password change.
"Status": "Processed",
"IdentifierCard": "800009371",
"Method": "ChangePinCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Status | Card Action status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Created", "Processed", "Error") |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This Method is used to verify card lock.
"IdentifierCard": "800009371",
"Action": "Block",
"Status": "Processed",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "BlockCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Action | Types of action to be performed in card | string | There are 7 Action Available: ("ChangePin", "Activate", "Block", "Unblock", "InactivateAndReissue", "Cancellation", "UpdateContactless") |
Status | Card Action status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Created", "Processed", "Error") |
Pan | Last 4 digits of the card | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnidId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This Method is used to verify card unlock.
"IdentifierCard": "800005496",
"Status": "Processed",
"Action": "Unblock",
"Pan": "************9671",
"IsVirtual": false,
"Method": "UnblockCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Status | The Card Action status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Created", "Processed", "Error") |
Action | Types of action to be performed in card | string | There are 7 Action Available: ("ChangePin", "Activate", "Block", "Unblock", "InactivateAndReissue", "Cancellation", "UpdateContactless") |
Pan | Last 4 digits of the card | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnidId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This Method is used to verify card inactivation and resend.
"IdentifierCard": "800009371",
"Action": "InactivateAndReissue",
"Status": "Processed",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "InactivateAndReissueCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Action | Types of action to be performed in card | string | There are 7 Action Available: ("ChangePin", "Activate", "Block", "Unblock", "InactivateAndReissue", "Cancellation", "UpdateContactless") |
Status | The Card Action status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Created", "Processed", "Error") |
Pan | Last 4 digits of the card | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnidId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This Method is used to verify card cancellation
"IdentifierCard": "800009371",
"Action": "Cancel",
"Status": "Processed",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "CancelCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Action | The Type of action to be performed in card | string | There are 7 Action Available: ("ChangePin", "Activate", "Block", "Unblock", "InactivateAndReissue", "Cancellation", "UpdateContactless") |
Status | The Card Action status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Created", "Processed", "Error") |
Pan | Last 4 digits of the card | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnidId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This Method is used to verify card Update contactless
"IdentifierCard": "800009371",
"Action": "UpdateContactless",
"Status": "Processed",
"Pan": "************9671",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "UpdateCardContactless",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Action | The Type of action to be performed in card | string | There are 7 Action Available: ("ChangePin", "Activate", "Block", "Unblock", "InactivateAndReissue", "Cancellation", "UpdateContactless") |
Status | The Card Action status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Created", "Processed", "Error") |
Pan | Last 4 digits of the card | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnidId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This Method is used to check card status change.
"IdentifierCard": "800005496",
"Status": "Ativo",
"SubStatus": "Em processo de impressão",
"StatusCode": 4,
"EventIdentifier": null,
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "UpdateCardStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Status | The Card status | string | There are 10 Status available: ("Criado", "Solicitado", "Gerado", "Vinculado", "Ativo", "Erro no vínculo", "Erro na solicitação", "Inativo", "Em processo de vínculo", "") |
SubStatus | o Status referring to the physical state of the card: (“In process of printing”) | string | There are 3 SubStatus available: ("Em processo de impressão", "Impresso", "") |
StatusCode | Code corresponding to the Card Status | int | There are 9 StatusCode available: ("Criado" = 0, "Solicitado" = 1, "Gerado" = 2, "Vinculado" = 3, "Ativo" = 4, "Erro no vínculo" =5, "Erro na solicitação" = 6, "Inativo" = 7, "Em processo de vínculo" = 8) |
EventIdentifier | o The Batch Protocol, cards generated in batch will receive this field to identify the batch | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnidId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
This Method is used to check status of card purchases.
"IdentifierCard": "800000088",
"Pan": "************8962",
"PrincipalValue": 2.16,
"PaymentDate": null,
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Establishment": {
“Name”: “Padaria Canto”,
"MCC": "5941",
"TaxNumber": null,
"Address": "ALAMEDA GRAJAU, 215 2o",
"ZipCode": "006454050",
"City": "BARUERI",
"Country": "076"
"DocumentNumber": 1515,
"Status": "Liquidado(a)",
"Method": "PurchaseCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
IdentifierCard | Identifier number of the card | string | None |
Pan | Four last digits of the card | string | None |
PrincipalValue | Principal Value | decimal | None |
PaymentDate | Date of payment | string | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
Establishment | Data of the establishment | string | None |
Name | Name of the establishment | string | None |
MCC | Code of the establishment | string | None |
TaxNumber | CNPJ of the establishment | string | None |
Address | Address of the establishment | string | None |
ZipCode | CEP of the establishment | string | None |
City | City of the establishment | string | None |
Country | Country of the establishment | string | None |
DocumentNumber | Transaction identifier | long | None |
Status | Available purchase status | string | There are 8 Status available: ("Aceito(a)", "Negado(a)", "Cartão inválido", "Pré-liquidado(a)", "Liquidado(a)", "Pré-cancelado(a)", "Registrado(a)", "Cancelado(a)") |
Method | Name of the executed method | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier Number | long | None |
This Method is used to view Card Purchase Errors.
"IdentifierCard": "800000088",
"Code": 14,
"Message": "Transação negada pela processadora: Senha invalida. A senha digitada
pelo cliente nao confere",
"CreationDate": "2020-10-30T10:17:13.013",
"EstablishmentName": "Padaria Cantinho",
"EstablishmentCity ": "SÃO PAULO",
“TotalAmount ”: 4.50,
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "PurchaseCardError",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Message | Details of the error occurred | string | None |
CreationDate | Error date | string | |
Code | Error code | int | • PurchaseNotFound = 0 - We didn't find a purchase when we received the canceled one • AlreadyCanceled = 1- We get a cancellation when it's already canceled • InvalidCard = 2 - Invalid card • InsufficientFunds = 3 - Without balance • OperationNotPermitted = 4 - Card cannot transact • AccountNotFound = 5 - We didn't find the account • CardNotFound = 6 - We did not find the "CardID" • EntryModeNotPermitted = 7 - Purchase methods (internet, chip, contactless etc) not allowed by the BU • BusinessUnitNotFound = 8 - We didn't find the BU • CardHolderNotFound = 9 - We couldn't find the cardholder • CardOwnerNotFound = 10 - We couldn't find the owner of the card • InvalidConfiguration = 11- We don't use anymore • SubAccountNotFound = 12 - We did not find the sub account (card account) • WithdrawNotFound = 13 - Sent a withdrawal cancellation (for example) and we were unable to track it • ProcessorDenied = 14 - Processor denied (we have no justification) • PasswordNotProvided = 15 - The password was not provided, because the card is contactess (we barred it because it has who provide the password and did not) • ExceededTransactionLimit = 16 Transaction exceeded the limit ChargebackNotFound = 17 - A chargeback cancellation was requested and we did not find it in the system • BrandContractNotFound = 18 - We didn't find the flag settings • EstablishmentNotFound = 19 - Establishment not found •DuplicatePurchase = 20 - Duplicate purchase •InvalidMcc = 21 - Invalid MCC •PasswordError = 22 - Invalid password •FraudSuspect = 23 - Suspected transaction fraud |
EstablishmentName | Name of the establishment | string | None |
EstablishmentCity | City of establishment | string | None |
TotalAmount | Total purchase amount | decimal | None |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
This Method is used to view Card Chargeback Errors.
"IdentifierCard": "800000071",
"Pan": "************3925",
"OriginalAmount": 4.58,
"ChargebackValue": 4.58,
"PaymentDate": null,
"Establishment": {
"MCC": "5411",
"TaxNumber": null,
"Address": null,
"ZipCode": "054380000",
"City": "SAO PAULO",
"Country": "076"
"Status": "Liquidado",
"Detail": "Estorno de compra liquidado!",
“IsVirtual”: false,
"Method": "Chargeback",
"BusinessUnitId": 347
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Message | Details of the error occurred | string | None |
Pan | Last four digits of the card | string | None |
OriginalAmount | Original purchase price | decimal | None |
ChargebackValue | chargeback value | decimal | None |
PaymentDate | Pay day | string | None |
Establishment | Establishment details | string | None |
MCC | Establishment code | string | None |
TaxNumber | CNPJ of the establishment | string | None |
Address | Address of establishment | string | None |
ZIP Code | establishment's zip code | string | None |
City | City of establishment | string | None |
Country | Country of establishment | string | None |
Detail | Chargeback Status Message | string | There are 3 Detail available: ("Estorno de compra com cartão pré-pago registrado!", "Estorno de compra liquidado!", "Estorno de compra cancelado!") |
Status | Error code | string | There are 10 Status available: ("Criado", "Enviando para o banco", "Registrado", "Rejeitado", "Liquidado", "Cancelado", "Erro", "Sem saldo", "Pré liquidado", "Pode ser regerado") |
IsVirtual | Identify if the card is virtual | bool | None |
This Method is used to check status of card withdrawals
"IdentifierCard": "800007421",
"PanLastDigits": "************4755",
"PrincipalValue": 25.1,
"PaymentDate": null,
"Status": "Liquidado(a)",
"Method": "WithdrawCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359,
"DocumentNumber": 1515
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Method | Name of the executed method | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
PanLastDigits | Four last digits of the card | string | None |
PrincipalValue | Principal Value | decimal | None |
PaymentDate | Payment Date | DateTime | None |
DocumentNumber | Transaction identifier | long | None |
Status | Withdrawal status | string | There are 8 Status available: "Aceito(a)" "Negado(a)" "Cartão inválido" "Pré-liquidado(a)" "Liquidado(a)" "Pré-cancelado(a)" "Registrado(a)" "Cancelado(a)" |
This Method is used to check card recharge status
"IdentifierCard": "800007421",
"PanLastDigits": "************4755",
"PrincipalValue": 25.1,
"PaymentDate": null,
"Status": "Liquidado(a)",
"Method": "RechargeCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Method | Name of the executed method | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
PanLastDigits | Four last digits of the card | string | None |
Status | Status of recharge | string | There are 8 Status available: ("Aceito(a)", "Negado(a)", "Cartão inválido", "Pré-liquidado(a)", "Liquidado(a)", "Pré-cancelado(a)", "Registrado(a)", "Cancelado(a)") |
This Method is used to check card discharge status
"IdentifierCard": "800007421",
"PanLastDigits": "************4755",
"PrincipalValue": 25.1,
"PaymentDate": null,
"Status": "Liquidado(a)",
"Method": "DischargeCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 359
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Method | Name of the executed method | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
PanLastDigits | Four last digits of the card | string | None |
Status | Status of recharge | string | There are 8 Status available: ("Aceito(a)", "Negado(a)", "Cartão inválido", "Pré-liquidado(a)", "Liquidado(a)", "Pré-cancelado(a)", "Registrado(a)", "Cancelado(a)") |
This Method is used to check the status of batch card request
"CardBatch": {
"Id": "UHH511SK",
"Status": "Registrado",
"Amount": 5,
"Processed": 5,
"StatusDescription": "Lote solicitado",
"WasConfirmed": true,
"CreationDate": "2022-07-19 14:00:00",
"UpdateDate": "2022-07-19 14:00:00"
"Method": "UpdateCardBatch",
"BusinessUnitId": 30485
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Method | Name of the executed method | string | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
CardBatch | Batch Data | object | None |
Id | Lot identifier | string | None |
Amount | Number of cards in the batch | int | None |
Processed | Number of cards processed | int | None |
StatusDescription | Description of the batch status | string | There are 3 Status available: ("Lote com erro no processamento" "Lote processado parcialmente" "Lote processado") |
WasConfirmed | Batch Confirmation | bool | None |
CreationDate | Batch creation date | string | None |
UpdateDate | Batch update date | string | None |
Status | Status batch update | string | There are 4 Status available: ("Criado", "Registrado", "Registrando", "Erro") |
This webhook notifies when a transfer between two benefits happens
"PurchaseRuleNameFrom": "Pharmacy ",
"PurchaseRuleNameTo": "Gas Station",
"PrincipalValue": 5.50,
"PurhaseRuleIdFrom": 3,
"PurhaseRuleIdTo": 1,
"IdentifierCard": "800041449",
"Pan": "************1234",
"PaymentDate": "2023-01-30T08:36:05.537",
"DocumentNumber": "352821",
"Method": “CardBenefitTransfer”,
"BusinessUnitId": 30420
Field Descripition:
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
PurchaseRuleNameFrom | Name of the source rule | string | None |
PurchaseRuleNameTo | Name of the destination rule | string | None |
PrincipalValue | Principal Value | decimal | None |
PurhaseRuleIdFrom | Rule destination id | long | None |
PurhaseRuleIdTo | Rule source id | long | None |
IdentifierCard | Card identifier number | string | None |
Pan | Last 4 digits of the card | string | None |
PaymentDate | Date of transfer | string | None |
DocumentNumber | Identifier of Transaction number | string | None |
Method | Name of method executed | string | None |
BusinessUnitld | Business Unit identifier number | long | None |
Updated 2 months ago