2.1 - Boleto issue
Boleto Issue
Issuance of collection boleto
API Method = GenerateBoleto
In the FitBank API, the GenerateBoleto
method is used to issue collection slips. Through the request, the customer must inform the following data:
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GenerateBoleto | YES |
MktPlaceId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
GroupTemplate | String | Send as number 2, by default | YES |
CustomerName | String | Payer's name | YES |
CustomerTaxNumber | String | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | YES |
CustomerMail | String | Payer’s mail | NO |
CustomerPhone | String | Payer’s Phone | YES |
City | String | Payer's City | YES |
Neighborhood | String | Payer's neighborhood | NO |
State | String | Payer's City (Ex: SP, RJ, BA, etc) | YES |
ZipCode | String | Payer's ZipCode | YES |
AddressLine1 | String | Payer's addressline | NO |
AddressLine2 | String | Payer's addressline additional | NO |
PhoneToSend | String | Phone number for sending notifications | NO |
MailToSend | String | Mail for sending notifications | YES |
SupplierTaxNumber | String | Payee's CPF/CNPJ | YES |
SupplierFullName | String | Payee's full name of boleto | YES |
SupplierTradingName | String | Payee's trading name of boleto | YES |
SupplierLegalName | String | Payee's legal name of boleto | YES |
SupplierBank | String | Payee's account bank number | NO |
SupplierBankBranch | String | Payee's account bank branch | NO |
SupplierBankAccount | String | Payee's account bank | NO |
SupplierBankAccountDigit | String | Payee's account bank account digit number | NO |
SupplierMail | String | Payee’s mail | NO |
SupplierPhone | String | Account holder's phone number | NO |
RateValue | Decimal | Rate Value | NO |
RateSent | Boolean | 0 - Default 1 - Value sent at the RateValue field | NO |
ExternalNumber | String | External identification number | YES (May be optional depending on parameterization) |
OurNumber | String | "Nosso Número" of the boleto | YES (May be optional depending on parameterization) |
Identifier | String | External identification number (It cannot be repeated) | YES |
Comments | String | Boleto Comments | NO |
Products | Object | Product list | YES |
SellerPersonType | Short | Type of Issuer of the boleto 0 - Individuals (natural person) 1 - Company (legal person) | YES |
SellerName | String | Legal Name of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
SellerTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
ReceiverPersonType | Short | Type of receiver of the boleto 0 - Individuals (natural person) 1 - Company (legal person) | YES |
ReceiverName | String | Legal Name of the Boleto receiver | YES |
ReceiverTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto receiver | YES |
ReceiverBank | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank | NO |
ReceiverBankBranch | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank Branch | NO |
ReceiverBankAccount | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank Account | NO |
ReceiverBankAccountDigit | String | Internal account receiver identification Bank Account Digit | NO |
Reference | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductCode | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductName | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductQty | Decimal | Transaction description | YES |
ProductValue | Decimal | Value of boleto | YES |
AutomaticType | Int | Send True, to activate the parameter for automatic Bank Transfer | NO |
AccountType | Int | 0 - Checking account 1 - Savings account | NO |
Bank | String | Bank Code | NO |
BankBranch | String | Bank Branch | NO |
BankAccount | String | Bank Account | NO |
BankAccountDigit | String | Bank Account Digit | NO |
ProductRateValueToTransfer | Decimal | Debit made at the supplier by transfer | NO |
DueDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | YES |
ExpirationDays | Decimal | Number of days to pay the boleto after the due date | NO |
TotalValue | Decimal | Value of boleto | YES |
FineDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
FinePercent | Decimal | Fine Percent | NO |
FineValue | Decimal | Fine Value | NO |
InterestPercent | Decimal | Interest Percent | NO |
InterestValue | Decimal | Interest Value | NO |
InterestType | Decimal | InterestType = 0 (daily) InterestType = 1 (monthly) | NO |
InterestDate | DateTime | Date for charging interest | NO |
DiscountDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
DiscountValue | Decimal | Discount Value | NO |
DiscountDate2 | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
DiscountValue2 | Decimal | Discount value | NO |
DiscountDate3 | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
DiscountValue3 | Decimal | Discount value | NO |
RebateValue | Decimal | Rebate Value | NO |
DivergentPaymentType | Decimal | AnyValue = 1 MinAndMaxValue = 2 NotAllowed = 3 OnlyMinValue = 4 | NO |
MinPaymentValue | Decimal | Minimum payment value (fill in cases of DivergentPaymentType2 or 4) | NO |
MaxPaymentValue | Decimal | Maximum payment value (fill in case of DivergentPaymentType 2 | NO |
Tags | String | Tag List | NO |
Issuance of reoccurring boleto
API Method = GenerateRecurrenceBoleto
The recurring bill is a charge that happens periodically, like a subscription plan. This time is defined in the contract.
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GenerateRecurrenceBoleto | YES |
MktPlaceId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
GroupTemplate | String | Send as number 2, by default | YES |
CustomerName | String | Payer name | YES |
CustomerTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the payer | YES |
CustomerMail | String | E-mail of the payer | YES |
CustomerPhone | String | Phone number of the payer | YES |
Neighborhood | String | Payer neighborhood | NO |
PhoneToSend | String | Phone To Send | NO |
MailToSend | String | Mail To Send | YES |
City | String | Payer City | YES |
State | String | Payer City (Ex: SP, RJ, BA, etc) | YES |
ZipCode | String | Payer ZipCode | YES |
SupplierTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
SupplierFullName | String | Full Name of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
SupplierTradingName | String | Trading Name of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
SupplierLegalName | String | Legal Name of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
SupplierMail | String | Account holder's email | NO |
SupplierPhone | String | Account holder's phone number | NO |
RateValue | Decimal | Debit made at the supplier by boleto | YES |
RateSent | Boolean | 0 - Default 1 - Value send at the RateValue field | YES |
AddressLine1 | String | Payer address | YES |
AddressLine2 | String | Payer's Address additional | NO |
ExternalNumber | String | External identification number | YES |
Identifier | String | External identification number (It cannot be repeated) | YES |
Comments | String | Boleto Comments | NO |
Products | Object | Product list | YES |
SellerPersonType | Short | Type of Issuer of the boleto 0 - Individuals (natural person) 1 - Company (legal person) | YES |
SellerName | String | Legal Name of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
SellerTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing account | YES |
ReceiverPersonType | Short | Type of receiver of the boleto 0 - Individuals (natural person) 1 - Company (legal person) | YES |
ReceiverName | String | Legal Name of the Boleto receiver | YES |
ReceiverTaxNumber | String | CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto receiver | YES |
Reference | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductCode | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductName | String | Transaction description | YES |
ProductQty | Decimal | Transaction description | YES |
ProductValue | Decimal | Value of boleto | YES |
ProductRateValue | Decimal | Value of boleto | YES |
AutomaticType | Int | Send True, to activate the parameter for automatic Bank Transfer | NO |
AccountType | Int | 0 - Checking account 1 - Savings account | NO |
Bank | String | Bank Code | NO |
BankBranch | String | Bank Branch | NO |
BankAccount | String | Bank Account | NO |
BankAccountDigit | String | Bank Account Digit | NO |
ProductRateValueToTransfer | Decimal | Debit made at the supplier by transfer | NO |
DueDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | YES |
TotalValue | Decimal | Value of boleto | YES |
FinePercent | Decimal | Fine Percent | NO (OR) |
FineValue | Decimal | Fine Value | NO (OR) |
FineDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
InterestValue | Decimal | InterestValue | NO (OR) |
InterestPercent | Decimal | Interest Percent | NO (OR) |
DiscountDate | DateTime | (yyyy/mm/dd) | NO |
DiscountValue | Decimal | Discount Value | NO |
RebateValue | Decimal | Rebate Value | NO |
InstallmentsNumber | Int | Number of recurrece boleto | YES |
Carnet | Boolean | Carnet | YES |
Issuance of reoccurring boleto
API Method = GenerateRecurrenceBoletoIn
The recurring bill is a charge that happens periodically, like a subscription plan. This time is defined in the contract.
Parameter | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Method | String | GenerateRecurrenceBoletoIn | YES |
PartnerId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Long | FitBank provided ID | YES |
Payee | Object | Information about the Boleto's beneficiary. | YES |
Payee.Name | String | Name of the beneficiary (up to 50 characters). | YES |
Payee.TaxNumber | String | Beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ (with or without formatting). | YES |
Payee.Bank | String | SPB account bank code (3 digits). | YES |
Payee.BankBranch | String | SPB account branch code. | YES |
Payee.BankAccount | String | SPB account number. | NO |
Payee.BankAccountDigit | String | SPB account digit. | NO |
Receivers | Object | Split/secondary beneficiary details. | NO |
Receivers.SplitPercent | Number | Percentage split from the paid amount (mandatory if Receivers is sent). | YES |
Receivers.Name | String | Name of the final beneficiary (up to 50 characters). | YES |
Receivers.TaxNumber | String | Final beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ (with or without formatting). | YES |
Receivers.Bank | String | Specific account bank code (3 digits). | YES |
Receivers.BankBranch | String | Specific account branch code. | YES |
Receivers.BankAccount | String | Specific account number. | YES |
Receivers.BankAccountDigit | String | Specific account digit. | YES |
Payer | Object | Payer's information. | YES |
Payer.Name | String | Name of the payer (up to 50 characters). | YES |
Payer.TaxNumber | String | Payer's CPF/CNPJ (with or without formatting). | YES |
Contact | Object | Payer's contact information (email or phone required if sent). | NO |
Contact.Mail | String | Email address (mandatory if Contact is sent). | Conditional |
Contact.Phone | String | Phone number (mandatory if Contact is sent). | Conditional |
Address | Object | Payer's address details. | NO |
Address.City | String | Payer's city (up to 50 characters). | Conditional |
Address.State | String | Payer's state (2-character abbreviation). | Conditional |
Address.ZipCode | String | Payer's postal code (exactly 8 digits, with or without formatting). | Conditional |
Address.Address | String | Payer's address (up to 40 characters). | Conditional |
BoletoInformation | Object | Object containing information related to the boleto. | YES |
Type | Number | Type of boleto: 0 - Collection Boleto, | NO, default: 0 |
Recurrence | Object | Object to define if it is a recurring boleto or carnet. | NO |
Recurrence.Type | Number | Type of recurrence: 0 - Carnet, 1 - Recurring. | NO, default: 0 |
InstallmentsNumber | Number | Number of installments for carnet or recurring boleto. | NO |
ExternalNumber | String | Document number for the boleto (up to 7 digits). For carnet, it must be replicated across installments. | Conditional |
Especie | Number | Type of boleto species: 2 - DM Trade Duplicate 4 - DS Service Duplicate 12 - NP Promissory Note 23 - NF Invoice 99 - Others | NO, default: 99 |
Instruction | String | Instructions for the boleto (up to 140 characters). | NO |
Date | Object | Object containing due date and payment deadline information. | YES |
Date.DueDate | String | Due date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Cannot be earlier than the boleto creation date. | YES |
Date.DaysAfterDueDate | Number | Number of days allowed for payment after the due date. | NO |
Payment | Object | Object for payment types (e.g., partial, divergent). | NO |
DivergentPaymentType | Number | Type of divergent payment: 1 - Any amount, 2 - Between Min and Max, 3 - Non-divergent, 4 - Minimum Only | NO, default: 3 |
MinValue | Number | Minimum value for payment (required if Type is 2 or 4). | Conditional |
MaxValue | Number | Maximum value for payment (required if Type is 2). | Conditional |
Values | Object | Represents the values to be used or referenced. | YES |
OriginalValue | Number | The value must be greater than 0. Consider the minimum and maximum value of the bill in the Risk parameterization. | YES |
Fine | Object | Object for fine details. | NO |
Fine.Type | Number | Type of fine: 1 - Fixed value, 2 - Percentage, 3 - Exempt. | NO, default: 3 |
Fine.Value | Number | Fine value (mandatory if Type is 1 or 2). | Conditional |
Fine.Date | String | Fine application date (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to D+1 if not informed. | NO |
Rebate | Object | Object for rebate details. | NO |
Rebate.Type | Number | Rebate type: 1 - Fixed value, 3 - Exempt. | NO, default: 3 |
Rebate.Value | Number | Rebate value (cannot exceed the boleto's principal amount). | Conditional |
Interest | Object | Object for interest details. | NO |
Interest.Type | Number | Type of interest: 1 - Value (calendar days) 2 - Percentage per day (calendar days) 3 - Percentage per month (calendar days) 5 - Exempt 6 - Value (business day) | NO, default: 5 |
Interest.Value | Number | Interest value (mandatory for any Type other than 5). | Conditional |
Interest.Date | String | Interest application date (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to D+1 if not informed. | NO |
Discount | Object | Object for discount details. | NO |
Discount.Type | Number | Discount type: 0 - None, 1 - Fixed value until date, 2 - Percentage until date. | NO, default: 0 |
Discount.Range | Object | Discount range object (only one range allowed). | Conditional |
Discount.Range.Date | String | Discount validity date (YYYY-MM-DD). | Conditional |
Discount.Range.Value | Number | Discount value (must not exceed the boleto's principal amount). | Conditional |
Notification | Object | Notifications sent via email or phone. Requires at least one of these fields. | NO |
Notification.Mail | String | Notification email address. | Conditional |
Notification.Phone | String | Notification phone number in the format +55DDD9XXXXXXXX. | Conditional |
Rate | Object | Object for rate details. | NO |
Rate.Sent | Number | Rate type: 0 - Parameterization, 1 - Sent in request, 2 - No charge. | NO, default: 0 |
Rate.Value | Number | Rate value (mandatory if Sent is 1). | Conditional |
Tags | Array | Additional tags or labels associated with the boleto. | NO |
AdditionalInformation | Object | Additional information details. | NO |
AdditionalInformation.Name | String | Name of the additional field (up to 40 characters). | Conditional |
AdditionalInformation.Value | Number | Value of the additional field. | Conditional |
Updated 24 days ago