2.1 - Boleto issue

Boleto Issue

Issuance of collection boleto

API Method = GenerateBoleto
In the FitBank API, the GenerateBoleto method is used to issue collection slips. Through the request, the customer must inform the following data:

Method StringGenerateBoletoYES
MktPlaceId Long FitBank provided IDYES 
PartnerId Long FitBank provided IDYES 
BusinessUnitId Long FitBank provided IDYES 
GroupTemplate String Send as number 2, by defaultYES 
CustomerName String Payer's nameYES 
CustomerTaxNumber String Payer's CPF/CNPJYES 
CustomerMailStringPayer’s mailNO
CustomerPhone String Payer’s PhoneYES 
City String Payer's CityYES 
Neighborhood String Payer's neighborhoodNO
State String Payer's City (Ex: SP, RJ, BA, etc)YES 
ZipCode String Payer's ZipCodeYES 
AddressLine1 String Payer's addresslineNO
AddressLine2StringPayer's addressline additionalNO
PhoneToSendString Phone number for sending notificationsNO
MailToSend String Mail for sending notificationsYES 
SupplierTaxNumber String Payee's CPF/CNPJYES 
SupplierFullName String Payee's full name of boletoYES 
SupplierTradingName String Payee's trading name of boletoYES 
SupplierLegalName String Payee's legal name of boletoYES 
SupplierBankString Payee's account bank numberNO
SupplierBankBranch String Payee's account bank branchNO
SupplierBankAccountString Payee's account bankNO
SupplierBankAccountDigitStringPayee's account bank account digit numberNO
SupplierMailStringPayee’s mailNO
SupplierPhoneStringAccount holder's phone number NO
RateValue Decimal Rate ValueNO
RateSent Boolean 0 - Default
1 - Value sent at the RateValue field
ExternalNumber String External identification numberYES 
(May be optional depending on parameterization)
OurNumberString"Nosso Número" of the boletoYES
(May be optional depending on parameterization)
Identifier String External identification number (It cannot be repeated)YES 
CommentsStringBoleto CommentsNO
Products ObjectProduct listYES 
SellerPersonType Short Type of Issuer of the boleto
0 - Individuals (natural person)
1 - Company (legal person)
SellerName String Legal Name of the Boleto issuing accountYES 
SellerTaxNumber String CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing accountYES 
ReceiverPersonType Short Type of receiver of the boleto
0 - Individuals (natural person)
1 - Company (legal person)
ReceiverName String Legal Name of the Boleto receiverYES 
ReceiverTaxNumber String CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto receiverYES 
ReceiverBankStringInternal account receiver identification BankNO 
ReceiverBankBranchStringInternal account receiver identification Bank Branch NO
ReceiverBankAccountStringInternal account receiver identification Bank AccountNO 
ReceiverBankAccountDigitStringInternal account receiver identification Bank Account DigitNO
Reference String Transaction descriptionYES 
ProductCode String Transaction descriptionYES 
ProductName String Transaction descriptionYES 
ProductQty Decimal Transaction descriptionYES 
ProductValue Decimal Value of boletoYES 
AutomaticType IntSend True, to activate the parameter for automatic Bank TransferNO
AccountTypeInt0 - Checking account
1 - Savings account
BankStringBank CodeNO
BankBranchStringBank BranchNO
BankAccountStringBank AccountNO
BankAccountDigitStringBank Account DigitNO 
ProductRateValueToTransferDecimalDebit made at the supplier by transferNO
DueDate DateTime (yyyy/mm/dd)YES 
ExpirationDaysDecimalNumber of days to pay the boleto after the due dateNO
TotalValue Decimal Value of boletoYES
FinePercentDecimalFine PercentNO
FineValueDecimalFine ValueNO
InterestPercentDecimalInterest PercentNO
InterestValueDecimalInterest ValueNO
InterestTypeDecimalInterestType = 0 (daily)
InterestType = 1 (monthly)
InterestDateDateTimeDate for charging interestNO
DiscountValueDecimalDiscount ValueNO
DiscountValue2DecimalDiscount valueNO
DiscountValue3DecimalDiscount valueNO
RebateValueDecimalRebate ValueNO
DivergentPaymentTypeDecimalAnyValue = 1
MinAndMaxValue = 2
NotAllowed = 3
OnlyMinValue = 4
MinPaymentValueDecimalMinimum payment value
(fill in cases of DivergentPaymentType2 or 4)
MaxPaymentValueDecimalMaximum payment value
(fill in case of DivergentPaymentType 2
TagsString Tag ListNO

Issuance of reoccurring boleto

API Method = GenerateRecurrenceBoleto
The recurring bill is a charge that happens periodically, like a subscription plan. This time is defined in the contract.

Method String GenerateRecurrenceBoletoYES 
MktPlaceId Long FitBank provided IDYES 
PartnerId Long FitBank provided IDYES 
BusinessUnitId Long FitBank provided IDYES
GroupTemplate String Send as number 2, by defaultYES
CustomerName String Payer nameYES 
CustomerTaxNumber String CPF/CNPJ of the payerYES 
CustomerMail String E-mail of the payerYES 
CustomerPhone StringPhone number of the payerYES
Neighborhood String Payer neighborhoodNO
PhoneToSendStringPhone To SendNO
MailToSend String Mail To Send YES
City StringPayer CityYES 
State String Payer City (Ex: SP, RJ, BA, etc)YES 
ZipCode String Payer ZipCodeYES 
SupplierTaxNumber String CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing accountYES 
SupplierFullName String Full Name of the Boleto issuing accountYES 
SupplierTradingName String Trading Name of the Boleto issuing accountYES 
SupplierLegalName String Legal Name of the Boleto issuing accountYES 
SupplierMailStringAccount holder's emailNO
SupplierPhoneStringAccount holder's phone numberNO
RateValue Decimal Debit made at the supplier by boleto YES 
RateSent Boolean 0 - Default
1 - Value send at the RateValue field
AddressLine1 String Payer addressYES 
AddressLine2StringPayer's Address additionalNO
ExternalNumber String External identification numberYES 
Identifier String External identification number (It cannot be repeated)YES
Comments String Boleto CommentsNO 
Products ObjectProduct listYES
SellerPersonType Short Type of Issuer of the boleto
0 - Individuals (natural person)
1 - Company (legal person)
SellerName String Legal Name of the Boleto issuing accountYES
SellerTaxNumber String CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto issuing accountYES
ReceiverPersonType ShortType of receiver of the boleto
0 - Individuals (natural person)
1 - Company (legal person)
ReceiverName StringLegal Name of the Boleto receiverYES
ReceiverTaxNumber String CPF/CNPJ of the Boleto receiverYES
Reference String Transaction descriptionYES
ProductCode String Transaction descriptionYES
ProductName String Transaction descriptionYES
ProductQty Decimal Transaction descriptionYES
ProductValue Decimal Value of boletoYES
ProductRateValue Decimal Value of boletoYES
AutomaticTypeIntSend True, to activate the parameter for automatic Bank TransferNO
AccountTypeInt0 - Checking account
1 - Savings account
BankStringBank CodeNO
BankBranchStringBank BranchNO
BankAccountString Bank AccountNO 
BankAccountDigitStringBank Account DigitNO
ProductRateValueToTransfer DecimalDebit made at the supplier by transferNO
DueDate DateTime (yyyy/mm/dd)YES 
TotalValue Decimal Value of boletoYES 
FinePercent Decimal Fine PercentNO (OR)
FineValueDecimalFine ValueNO (OR)
InterestValue Decimal InterestValueNO (OR)
InterestPercentDecimalInterest PercentNO (OR)
DiscountDate DateTime (yyyy/mm/dd)NO 
DiscountValue Decimal Discount ValueNO
RebateValue Decimal Rebate ValueNO 
InstallmentsNumber Int Number of recurrece boletoYES
Carnet Boolean CarnetYES

Issuance of reoccurring boleto

API Method = GenerateRecurrenceBoletoIn
The recurring bill is a charge that happens periodically, like a subscription plan. This time is defined in the contract.

Method String GenerateRecurrenceBoletoInYES 
PartnerId Long FitBank provided IDYES 
BusinessUnitId Long FitBank provided IDYES
PayeeObjectInformation about the Boleto's beneficiary.YES
Payee.NameString Name of the beneficiary (up to 50 characters).YES 
Payee.TaxNumberString Beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ (with or without formatting).YES 
Payee.BankString SPB account bank code (3 digits).YES 
Payee.BankBranchStringSPB account branch code.YES
Payee.BankAccountString SPB account number.NO
Payee.BankAccountDigitStringSPB account digit.NO
ReceiversObjectSplit/secondary beneficiary details.NO
Receivers.SplitPercentNumberPercentage split from the paid amount (mandatory if Receivers is sent).YES 
Receivers.NameString Name of the final beneficiary (up to 50 characters).YES 
Receivers.TaxNumberString Final beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ (with or without formatting).YES 
Receivers.BankString Specific account bank code (3 digits).YES 
Receivers.BankBranchString Specific account branch code.YES 
Receivers.BankAccountString Specific account number.YES 
Receivers.BankAccountDigitString Specific account digit.YES 
PayerObjectPayer's information.YES
Payer.NameStringName of the payer (up to 50 characters).YES
Payer.TaxNumberStringPayer's CPF/CNPJ (with or without formatting).YES 
ContactObjectPayer's contact information (email or phone required if sent).NO
Contact.MailString Email address (mandatory if Contact is sent).Conditional
Contact.PhoneStringPhone number (mandatory if Contact is sent).Conditional
AddressObjectPayer's address details.NO
Address.CityString Payer's city (up to 50 characters).Conditional
Address.StateString Payer's state (2-character abbreviation).Conditional
Address.ZipCodeStringPayer's postal code (exactly 8 digits, with or without formatting).Conditional
Address.AddressStringPayer's address (up to 40 characters).Conditional
BoletoInformationObjectObject containing information related to the boleto.YES
TypeNumberType of boleto:
0 - Collection Boleto,
NO, default: 0
RecurrenceObjectObject to define if it is a recurring boleto or carnet.NO
Recurrence.TypeNumberType of recurrence:
0 - Carnet,
1 - Recurring.
NO, default: 0
InstallmentsNumberNumberNumber of installments for carnet or recurring boleto.NO
ExternalNumberString Document number for the boleto (up to 7 digits). For carnet, it must be replicated across installments.Conditional
EspecieNumberType of boleto species:
2 - DM Trade Duplicate
4 - DS Service Duplicate
12 - NP Promissory Note
23 - NF Invoice
99 - Others
NO, default: 99
InstructionString Instructions for the boleto (up to 140 characters).NO
DateObjectObject containing due date and payment deadline information.YES
Date.DueDateStringDue date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Cannot be earlier than the boleto creation date.YES
Date.DaysAfterDueDateNumberNumber of days allowed for payment after the due date.NO
PaymentObjectObject for payment types (e.g., partial, divergent).NO
DivergentPaymentTypeNumberType of divergent payment:
1 - Any amount,
2 - Between Min and Max,
3 - Non-divergent,
4 - Minimum Only
NO, default: 3
MinValueNumberMinimum value for payment (required if Type is 2 or 4).Conditional
MaxValueNumberMaximum value for payment (required if Type is 2).Conditional
ValuesObjectRepresents the values to be used or referenced.YES
OriginalValueNumberThe value must be greater than 0. Consider the minimum and maximum value of the bill in the Risk parameterization.YES
FineObjectObject for fine details.NO
Fine.TypeNumberType of fine:
1 - Fixed value,
2 - Percentage,
3 - Exempt.
NO, default: 3
Fine.ValueNumberFine value (mandatory if Type is 1 or 2).Conditional
Fine.DateStringFine application date (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to D+1 if not informed.NO
RebateObjectObject for rebate details.NO
Rebate.TypeNumberRebate type:
1 - Fixed value,
3 - Exempt.
NO, default: 3
Rebate.ValueNumberRebate value (cannot exceed the boleto's principal amount).Conditional
InterestObjectObject for interest details.NO
Interest.TypeNumberType of interest:
1 - Value (calendar days)
2 - Percentage per day (calendar days)
3 - Percentage per month (calendar days)
5 - Exempt
6 - Value (business day)
NO, default: 5 
Interest.ValueNumberInterest value (mandatory for any Type other than 5).Conditional
Interest.DateStringInterest application date (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to D+1 if not informed.NO
DiscountObjectObject for discount details.NO
Discount.TypeNumberDiscount type:
0 - None,
1 - Fixed value until date,
2 - Percentage until date.
NO, default: 0
Discount.RangeObjectDiscount range object (only one range allowed).Conditional
Discount.Range.DateStringDiscount validity date (YYYY-MM-DD).Conditional
Discount.Range.ValueNumberDiscount value (must not exceed the boleto's principal amount).Conditional
NotificationObjectNotifications sent via email or phone. Requires at least one of these fields.NO
Notification.MailStringNotification email address.Conditional
Notification.PhoneStringNotification phone number in the format +55DDD9XXXXXXXX.Conditional
RateObjectObject for rate details.NO
Rate.SentNumberRate type:
0 - Parameterization,
1 - Sent in request,
2 - No charge.
NO, default: 0
Rate.ValueNumberRate value (mandatory if Sent is 1).Conditional
TagsArrayAdditional tags or labels associated with the boleto.NO
AdditionalInformationObjectAdditional information details.NO
AdditionalInformation.NameStringName of the additional field (up to 40 characters).Conditional
AdditionalInformation.ValueNumberValue of the additional field.Conditional