Device Management
The objective of device management is to ensure security, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency in financial transactions, such as Pix. Through this system, it is possible to centrally control the devices associated with Business Units, allowing for the registration, consultation, and removal of devices. This contributes to risk mitigation, fraud prevention, and compliance with Central Bank requirements, providing a secure and reliable experience for customers.
FitBank offers device management to ensure security and compliance in operations such as Pix. This system allows the registration, consultation, and removal of devices associated with Business Units.
Below, we outline the usage details of the Device Management API.
Device Registration
To register a device, send a request with the payload:
"Method": "RegisterDevice",
"BusinessUnitId": "1234",
"PartnerId": "1422",
"Identifier": "abdc-ef123-abcd-12345",
"Name": "Taynara's Phone",
"Model": "Samsung Galaxy A21",
"Type": 0,
"AppVersion": "1.9",
"TaxNumber": "123.456.789-12"
"Success": true,
"DeviceIdentifier": "abdc-ef123-abcd-12345",
"Message": "Device successfully registered",
"Reason": [
"0 - StolenOrLost",
"1 - DamagedUnrepairable",
"2 - OutdatedIncompatible",
"3 - SecurityCompromised",
"4 - UsedIllegally"
"Success": false,
"Message": "Não é possível realizar o cadastro deste dispositivo, pois o CPF/CNPJ informado não encontra-se abaixo da Unidade de Negócio informada."
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type | Comments |
Method | Method to be used | YES | STRING | - |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
Identifier | Device identifier provided by the client | YES | STRING | - |
Name | Device Name | YES | STRING | - |
Model | Device Model | YES | STRING | - |
Type | Device Type | YES | INT | 0 - Web 1 - Mobile |
AppVersion | Version of the application installed on the device | YES | STRING | - |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of the FitBank account holder who is using this device | YES | STRING | - |
Device Consult
To consult a registered device, send a request with the payload:
"Method": "ConsultDevice",
"BusinessUnitId": "1234",
"PartnerId": "1422",
"DeviceIdentifier": "abdc-ef123-abcd-12345",
"TaxNumber": "123.456.789-12"
"Success": true,
"Message": "Device successfully queried",
"IsActive": true,
"Reason": "0 - StolenOrLost",
"Identifier": "abdc-ef123-abcd-12345",
"Name": "Taynara's Phone",
"Model": "Samsung Galaxy A21",
"Type": "Android",
"AppVersion": "1.9",
"TaxNumber": "123.456.789-12"
"Success": false,
"Message": "Não é possível realizar a consulta deste dispositivo, pois o DeviceIdentifier informado não encontra-se cadastrado para a Unidade de Negócio informada"
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type | Comments |
Method | Method to be used | YES | STRING | - |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
DeviceIdentifier | Device identifier provided by FitBank | YES | STRING | - |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of the FitBank account holder who is using this device | YES | STRING | - |
Device Cancel
To cancel a registered device, send a request with the payload:
"Method": "CancelDevice",
"BusinessUnitId": "1234",
"PartnerId": "1422",
"DeviceIdentifier": "abdc-ef123-abcd-12345",
"Reason": "1",
"TaxNumber": "123.456.789-12"
"Success": true,
"Message": "Device successfully removed"
"Success": "false",
"Message": "Não é possível realizar o cancelamento deste dispositivo, pois o DeviceIdentifier informado não encontra-se cadastrado para a Unidade de Negócio informada"
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type | Comments |
Method | Method to be used | YES | STRING | - |
BusinessUnitId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
PartnerId | Information provided by FitBank | YES | INT | - |
DeviceIdentifier | Device identifier provided by FitBank | YES | STRING | - |
Reason | Reason why the device was canceled: Stolen Or Lost Damaged Unrepairable Outdated Incompatible Security Compromised Used Illegally | INT | 0 - StolenOrLost 1 - DamagedUnrepairable 2 - OutdatedIncompatible 3 - SecurityCompromised 4 - UsedIllegally | |
TaxNumber | CPF/CNPJ of the FitBank account holder who is using this device | YES | STRING | - |
Updated 19 days ago