Signatory Management

Adding Signatory

Adding a signatory is the process of including a new person as responsible or authorized in an existing account. This procedure is fundamental in financial and compliance contexts, as identity verification and validation are crucial to ensure security and regulatory compliance.

To facilitate this process, Fitbank offers a tool that helps clients add signatories, whether due to changes in the company's corporate structure or the absence of signatories at the time of account creation.

When adding a signatory, it is essential to ensure that all individuals included as responsible parties in the account are thoroughly verified and approved. This includes confirming the signatory's identity, validating the documents provided, and ensuring there are no inconsistencies or associated risks.

Add Signatory Process

The process of adding a signatory follows a structured, step-by-step flow, ensuring a thorough and secure evaluation. Initially, all necessary data and documents from the signatory are collected. Next, it is verified whether the Holder (account owner) specified in the request is an active and verified account holder in Fitbank. If the Holder is not identified as an active account holder, the request is rejected and marked as denied.

To add this new signatory to an existing account, a KYC (Know Your Customer) process is conducted using the data and documents submitted via "addSigner." Only if the new signatory is approved will the request undergo a rigorous evaluation by our compliance and risk team to assess whether the signatory belongs to the corporate structure of that company/account.

In both approval and denial scenarios, a webhook is sent to the client notifying them of the status of their request. Additionally, Fitbank provides an endpoint called "GetRequestSigner," which returns the details of the request.

Signer Addition Rules

To proceed, your account must be active and unlocked, and you must have previously been approved through our KYC process.

Below is the request template and all the required data for this process. As with the account opening process, the information must be filled out correctly and accurately, as all details will be verified. Identification documents must also be intact to ensure that your request will be approved. The process rules are the same as those for account opening, as detailed in the Openning modes.

    "Method": "AddSigner",
    "PartnerId": 1111,
    "BusinessUnitId": 11111,
    "HolderTaxNumber": "11115555000107",
    "Justification" : "O quadro societário sofreu alterações com um novo integrante",
            "Name": "Fernando Lima Lins",
            "TaxNumber": "00004646000107",
            "Mail": "[email protected]",
            "Occupation": "Diretor de T.I.",
            "Phone": "85994444444",
            "PersonRoleType": 3,
            "MotherFullName": "Josefa Sousa Santos",
            "FatherFullName": "Mario Andrade Santos Peixoto",
            "Nationality": "Brasileiro",
            "BirthCity": "São Paulo",
            "BirthState": 5,
            "Gender": 0,
            "MaritalStatus": 1,
            "SpouseName": "Jualiana Queiroz de Castro",
            "IdentityDocument": "0000000000",
            "BirthDate": "01/01/2001",
       		  "PubliclyExposedPerson": false,
            "WasSigned": true,
            "SignatureDate": "07/12/2019",
        "Documents": [
                "DocumentFile": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUII=",
                "DocumentFormat": 4,
                "DocumentName": "RG Frente",
                "DocumentType": 0,
                "Description": "Enviando documento"
                "DocumentFile": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUh5CYII=",
                "DocumentFormat": 4,
                "DocumentName": "RG VERSO",
                "DocumentType": 7,
                "Description": "Enviando documento"
            "Addresses": [
                    "AddressLine": "Av José Bastos",
                    "AddressLine2": "4140",
                    "ZipCode": "60431086",
                    "Neighborhood": "Rodolfo Teófilo",
                    "CityCode": 85,
                    "CityName": "Fortaleza",
                    "State": 12,
                    "AddressType": 0,
                    "Country": "Brasil",
                    "Complement": "CASA",
                    "Reference": "Point of Reference for the Address"

MethodMethod To Be UsedYesString
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
BusinessUnitIDInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
HolderTaxNumberTax identification number (CNPJ/CPF) of the company or individual account ownerYesString
JustificationReason for adding this new signatory(ies)YesString
SignerList of signatoriesYesObject
NameFull name of the new signatoryYesString
TaxNumberTax identification number (CNPJ/CPF) of the new signatoryYesString
MailEmail of the new signatoryYesString
OccupationProfessional occupationYesString
PhoneContact phoneYesString
MotherFullNameMother's full nameYesString
FatherFullNameFather's full nameNoString
NationalityCountry of originYesString
BirthCityCity of originYes
BirthStateState of originYes
GenderGenderYesINT0 - Male, 1 - Female, 3 - Other.
MaritalStatusMarital statusYes
SpouseNameWife NameNoString
IdentityDocumentIdentity NumberNoString
BirthDateDate of birthYes
PubliclyExposedPersonPublicly exposed personnelYes
WasSignedAccount acceptance form signature informationYes
SignatureDateInformation on the date of signing the account acceptance termYes
DocumentFileBase document file 64Yes
DocumentFormatDocumentation FormatYes0 - PDF, 1 - JPG, 2 - JPEG - 4 - PNG.
DocumentNameName of the Identification DocumentYes
DocumentTypeType of Identification DocumentYes
DescriptionDescription of documentationYes
AddressLineMain addressNo
AddressLine2House numberNo
ZipCodePostal CodeNo
CityCodeCity CodeNo
CityNameCity's nameNo
StateStateNo"0" - AC | "1" - AL | "2" - AP | "3"- AM | "4" -BA | "5" - CE | "6" - DF |"7" - ES |"8"- GO | "9" - MA | "10" - MT |"11" -MS |"12" - MG |"13" - PA |"14" - PB| "15" - PR |"16" - PE |"17" - PI | "18" - RJ | "19" - RN | "20" - RS | "21" - RO | "22" - RR | "23" - SC | "24" - SP | "25" -SE |"26" - TO (Please input the Birth State of the account holder)
AddressTypeType of addressNo0 - Commercial, 1 - Residential.
ComplementAddress complementNo
ReferenceLocation reference pointNo



  "Success": "true",
  "message": "Solicitação de adição de signatário gerada com sucesso!",
  "USN": "6846464_5464646-hg5465s",



  "Success": "False",
  "message": "ISE0211 - Não foi possível encontrar o HolderTaxnumber indicado 11115555000107 ",


You will subsequently receive a webhook informing you whether your request has been approved or not, following the proposed model below:

    "BusinessUnitId": 11111,
    "USN": "11115-55500s-fdn0107",
    "HolderPerson": "Empresa Full Name LTDA",
    "SignerPerson": "Fernando Lima Lins",
    "Description": "Sua solicitação foi aprovada.Parabéns, você agora é reconhecido como signatário da conta",
    "RequestDate": "01/05/2024 11:03:58 AM",
    "Method": "UpdateSignerWebhook"

Consultation of Signatory Addition Request"

Method = GetRequestSigner

The GetRequestSigner method will be responsible for obtaining the request data that was generated by the previously mentioned AddSigner endpoint. This method aims to retrieve the information from the endpoint and return the status of the request.

Response Structure

The response of the GetRequestSigner method will include:

  • Request Identifiers: The unique identifiers of the request, allowing for tracking and auditing.
  • Signer Details: Detailed information about the signer that was added by the AddSigner method.

It is recommended to use the webhook, but if you need to actively check the status of your request, you can use the endpoint below:

  "Method": "GetRequestSigner",
  "PartnerId": "47643",
  "BusinessUnitID": "35345",
  "USN": "3276438276-4234 - w834332"



  "Success": "true",
  "RequestStatus": "Gerada",
  "USN": "6846464_5464646",
  "HolderData": {
    "TradingName": "Nome do Holder",
    "Taxnumber": "123456789",
    "data de constituição": "01/01/2000"
  "SignatoryData": {
    "Name": "Nome do Signatário",
    "TaxNumber": "987654321",
    "BirthDate": "01/01/1990",
    "PersonRoleType": "",
    "Justification": ""



  "Success": "false",
  "Message": ""


MethodMethod To Be UsedYesString
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
BusinessUnitIDInformation provided by FitBankYesINT
RequestStatusInform the status of the requestYesINT
Tranding NameAccount Holder's NameYesString
TaxnumberCNPJ/CPF of the Holder/SignatoryYesString
NameSignatory's NameYesString
Birth DateDate of BirthYes
JustificationJustification of the RequestYesString


The evaluation process for adding a signatory may take up to 48 hours to complete.