4 - Queries Payments
The methods described in this section refer to various forms of inquiry for the payments sent.
Barcode Query
Get infos by barcode
In this method is possible to consult all the payment types, there we made the digitable line conversion that is exposed in the payment document/guide, for a barcode. Is in that barcode we will make validations of all type of payments, due date, bank, value validation of check digit, blocklist (concessionaires that aren´t paid by Fitbank), and other things.
These methods don´t do any other type of external validations, in other words, it only make validations according to implemented for Fitbank, looking for Fitbank´s data base.
Method: 'GetInfosByBarcode',
PartnerId: 10343,
BusinessUnitId: 30421,
Barcode: '03394894500000087671760680778200262003064000'
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
Barcode | Boleto Bar Code | string | YES |
"Success": "true",
"Infos": "{"DigitableLine":"858900000395572602392020401190174513441212584858","Barcode":"85890000039572602392024011901745144121258485","DueDate":"2024-01-19T00:00:00","BankCode":null,"BankName":"Órgãos Governamentais","Value":3957.26,"ConcessionaireName":"FGTS Rescisório","ConcessionaireCode":"0239"}"
Parameter | Description |
DigitableLine | Digitable Line |
Barcode | BarCode |
DueDate | Due Date (optional, there are cases of utility bills where the due date is not included in the barcode, as it is an optional field for this type of payment) |
BankCode | Bank Code (optional, if it is a bank payment, it will return according to the mapping in the first three digits of the Barcode, it defines which bank the ticket belongs to, as internally registered) |
BankName | Bank Name (optional, if it's a bank payment and the bank code is identified, the name of the bank will be displayed as internally registered) |
Government Entities | Government Entities (optional, if it's a tax, it will return the name of the tax as internally registered) |
Value | Value of the ticket specified in the Barcode field, position 5 to 15 of the Barcode. |
ConcessionaireName | Concessionaire Name (optional, name of the concessionaire as internally registered) |
ConcessionaireCode | Concessionaire Code (optional, as registered internally, position 16 to 19 of the Barcode) |
Therefore, with this method we can indentify what type of payments is being paid, and wich path we should follow with the payment which can be two:
Concessionaires/Taxes/Other Payments: GetInfosByBarcode > GenerateBoletoOut/GeneratePayments
Banking: GetInfosByBarcode > GetInfosCIPByBarcode > GenerateBoletoOut/GeneratePayments
Get Infos CIP By Barcode
In this method, the consult will be directly with Núclea, in other words, it's an external consult, is able to make consults only for bank payment slip in barcode format.
Núclea was created for integrate Brazilian system payments (BSP), that emerged to control the volume transaction and to garante a good operation of banking process. It's responsible for the process of transferring values and payment, preventing fraud from occurring in operations, allowing it to happen safely and effectively
Therefore, bank payments slips in all banks, are registrer on nuclea, ensuring that all the informations and payment calculations will happen in a correct way.
Method: 'GetInfosCIPByBarcode',
PartnerId: 10343,
BusinessUnitId: 30421,
TaxNumber: '33109855046',
Barcode: '03394894500000087671760680778200262003064000'
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ | string | NO |
Barcode | Boleto Bar Code | string | NO |
"Success": "true",
"Infos": "{"Drawer":"NICELIA MARIA R G E INCENDIO L","TaxNumberBeneficiary":"42954300000150","TaxNumberDrawee":"00034709000108","PaymentDate":"2034-02-11T00:00:00","DateDueRegistration":"2024-02-11T00:00:00","BeneficiaryName":"NICELIA MARIA R G E INCENDIO L","DraweeName":"EDIFICIO DOM JOSE","DiscountValue":0.0,"InterestValue":0.0,"MaxPaymentValue":null,"MinPaymentValue":null,"FineValue":0.0,"NominalValue":279.94,"UpdatedValue":279.94,"TotalRebateValue":0.00,"TotalAddedValue":0.0,"SettlementDate":null,"DueDate":"2024-02-11T00:00:00Z","NextSettlement":false,"DigitableLine":"34191092060163979005229975580001296230000027994","Value":279.94,"MaxValue":null,"MinValue":null,"PaymentWasMade":false}"
Parameter | Description |
Drawer | Beneficiary's Name |
TaxNumberBeneficiary | Beneficiary's Tax Identification Number (CPF/CNPJ) |
TaxNumberDrawee | Payer's Tax Identification Number (CPF/CNPJ) |
PaymentDate | Deadline for Payment |
DateDueRegistration | Due Date in Registration |
BeneficiaryName | Beneficiary's Name |
DraweeName | Payer's Name |
DiscountValue | Discount Value |
InterestValue | Interest Value |
MaxPaymentValue | Maximum Payment Value |
MinPaymentValue | Minimum Payment Value |
FineValue | Fine Value |
NominalValue | Nominal Value |
UpdatedValue | Updated Value |
TotalRebateValue | Total Rebate Value |
TotalAddedValue | Total Added Value |
SettlementDate | Settlement Date |
DueDate | Due Date |
NextSettlement | Next Settlement Date |
DigitableLine | Digitable Line |
Value | Value |
MaxValue | Maximum Value |
MinValue | Minimum Value |
PaymentWasMade | Payment was made |
1 - OBS: As this method is exactly for bank consult on CIP, the information, in other words, recorded will be returned in the response of the query. That is, if any information is in disagreement with the registration of the, slip it is necessary to pay attention to the slip that is being paid:
2 - OBS: We can´t consult slips type Concessionaire/ Tax slips in the CIP method, because these type of slips/guide type aren´t registred in the CIP, this instituition is responsible for keeping the information only in cases of bank slips.
If the query is not possible, it will be returned as:
"Success": "false",
"Message": "Não existe resultado para informação solicitada."
Get boleto out by barcode
In this method, the query will be carried out directly through the payment Barcode inserted in the flow, regardless of bank slip or concessionaire.
"Method": "GetBoletoOutByBarcode",
"PartnerId": 10343,
"BusinessUnitId": 30421,
"Barcode": "03394894500000087671760680778200262003064000"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
Barcode | Boleto BarCode | string | YES |
"Boletos":"[{\"Barcode\":\"34199966100000084991090068706498053390624000\",\"DueDate\":\"2024-03-20T00:00:00\",\"PaymentDate\":\"2024-03-12T00:00:00\",\"PrincipalValue\":84.99,\"InterestValue\":0.00,\"FineValue\":0.0,\"TotalValue\":84.99,\"DiscountValue\":0.00,\"ExtraValue\":0.00,\"PaymentValue\":84.99,\"Status\":5,\"WasAuthorized\":true,\"PaymentAuthentication\":\"13797A90-1DDF-4A2B-8109-E4EFBE5C5CE3\",\"ReceiptUrl\":\"https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-03-12/7267516644lijm.pdf\",\"ReturnMessage\":null,\"ReturnCode\":null,\"ReturnErrorMessage\":null,\"ReturnErrorCode\":null,\"SenderNameBank\":\"Bradesco\",\"SenderCodeBank\":\"237\",\"SenderBranch\":\"0504\",\"SenderAccount\":\"0482242\",\"SenderAccountDigit\":\"0\",\"Returns\":[],\"ProtocolId\":\"2aa0d1518ce34f5db928f61338054d88\",\"DocumentNumber\":202390206,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-03-12T19:01:51.477\",\"Tags\":[\"168197180\"],\"Description\":\"Bill Payment from by backend;168197180\"}]"
Parameter | Description |
Barcode | Barcode |
DueDate | Due date |
PaymentDate | Payment date |
PrincipalValue | Principal value |
InterestValue | Interest value |
FineValue | Fine value |
TotalValue | Total value |
DiscountValue | Discount value |
ExtraValue | Extra value |
PaymentValue | Payment value |
WasAuthorized | Was authorized |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment authentication |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
Consulta de lista
Get payments
This method allows you to view lots of payments inserted on Fitbank in a determinate period and status, in fact, the API will returns all the payments made within established filters
"Method": "GetPayments",
"PartnerId": 10343,
"BusinessUnitId": 30421,
"InitialDate": "2022/05/16",
"FinalDate": "2022/08/12",
"InitialPaymentDate": "2022/05/16",
"FinalPaymentDate": "2022/05/26",
"InitialDueDate": "2022/05/16",
"FinalDueDate": "2022/05/26",
"InitialExecutionDate": "2022/05/16",
"FinalExecutionDate": "2022/05/26",
"TaxNumber": "33109855046",
"Bank": "033",
"BankBranch": "1024",
"BankAccount": "8147342",
"BankAccountDigit": "1",
"Status": 5,
"PaymentType": 0
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
InitialDate | Initial Date (scheduling) of the period searched | string | NO |
FinalDate | Final Date (scheduling) of the period searched | string | NO |
InitialPaymentDate | Initial Date (scheduling) of the period searched | string | NO |
FinalPaymentDate | Final Date (scheduling) of the period searched | string | NO |
InitialDueDate | Initial Date (due date) of the period searched | string | NO |
FinalDueDate | Final Date (due date) of the period searched | string | NO |
InitialExecutionDate | Initial Date (settlement) of the period searched | string | NO |
FinalExecutionDate | Final Date (settlement) of the period searched | string | NO |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ | string | NO |
Bank | Bank | string | NO |
BankBranch | Branch Number | string | NO |
BankAccount | Account Number | string | NO |
BankAccountDigit | Account Digit | string | NO |
Status | Status | string | NO |
Payment Type | Type of payment for consultation | integer | NO |
1 - OBS: Banks are referred to the specific bank details of the paying accountDate range to be chosen must follow the search rule, by settlement date or by creation date, in other words, both fields cannot be searched together.
2 - OBS:The status field can be used in conjuction with the other date ranges
Status | Descrição |
0 | Created |
3 | Registred |
5 | Settled |
7 | Canceled |
9 | Waiting for balance |
3 - OBS:The payment type parameter is mandatory when using the method when called by date range, as show in the table bellow:
Type | Type of payment for consultation |
0 | BoletoOut |
1 | DARF |
2 | FGTS |
3 | GARE |
4 | DARJ |
5 | GRU |
"Payments":"{\"GAREs\":[],\"DARJs\":[],\"DARFs\":[],\"BOLETOs\":[{\"Barcode\":\"82630000000603415200000000000109539902312000\",\"DueDate\":\"2024-04-29T00:00:00\",\"PaymentDate\":\"2024-04-29T00:00:00\",\"PrincipalValue\":60.34,\"InterestValue\":0.00,\"FineValue\":0.0,\"TotalValue\":60.34,\"DiscountValue\":0.00,\"ExtraValue\":0.00,\"PaymentValue\":60.34,\"Status\":0,\"WasAuthorized\":true,\"PaymentAuthentication\":null,\"ReceiptUrl\":\"https://sandboxreceipt.fitbank.com.br/receipt/pdf?filename=2024-04-19/12752589jfwgy.pdf\",\"ReturnMessage\":null,\"ReturnCode\":null,\"ReturnErrorMessage\":null,\"ReturnErrorCode\":null,\"SenderNameBank\":\"Fitbank Pagamentos Eletronicos\",\"SenderCodeBank\":\"450\",\"SenderBranch\":\"0001\",\"SenderAccount\":\"583691\",\"SenderAccountDigit\":\"0\",\"Returns\":[],\"ProtocolId\":\"bf12a011aa0f14a0c4b1959\",\"DocumentNumber\":126902,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-04-19T10:11:31.477\",\"Tags\":[],\"Description\":\"ISI0308 - Concessionária\"}] ,\"GPSs\":[],\"FGTSs\":[],\"TEDs\":[],\"INTERNALTRANSFERs\":[]}"
Parameter | Description |
BarCode | Barcode |
DueDate | Due date |
PaymentDate | Payment date |
PrincipalValue | Principal value |
InterestValue | Value of interest to be added |
FineValue | Fine value |
TotalValue | Total value |
DiscountValue | Discount value |
ExtraValue | Extra value |
PaymentValue | Payment value |
WasAuthorized | Was authorized |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment authentication |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
ReturnMessage | Return message |
ReturnCode | Return code |
ReturnErrorMessage | Return error message |
ReturnErrorCode | Return error code |
SenderNameBank | Sender bank name |
SenderCodeBank | Sender bank code |
SenderBranch | Sender branch |
SenderAccount | Sender account |
SenderAccountDigit | Sender account digit |
Return | Return |
ProtocolID | Protocol ID |
DocumentNumber | Document number |
CreationDate | Creation date |
Description | Description |
Get Darf Out By Information
With this method, is possible consult in list all the payments information the DARF type, inserted Fitbank´s payments flow, through guide reference number. It will return specific DARF data after being inserted on flow.
"Method": "GetDarfOutByInformations",
"PartnerId": 192,
"BusinessUnitId": 162,
"DocumentNumber": "200",
"DueDate": "2019-05-05",
"PrincipalValue": 100,
"TaxContributor": 86580641000188,
"ReferenceNumber": "0",
"CalculationPeriod": "2019-05-05"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner ID provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by FitBank | integer | YES |
DueDate | Due date of the document | string | NO |
PrincipalValue | Principal Value | number | NO |
TaxContributor | Contributor´s CPF/CNPJ | string | NO |
ReferenceNumber | Reference number | string | NO |
CalculationPeriod | Calculation period specified in the document | string | NO |
DocumentNumber | Payment document number | string | NO |
"DARFs":"[{\"TaxNumber\":\"42996360000135\",\"DarfType\":0,\"CalculationPeriod\":\"2021-11-04T00:00:00\",\"ReferenceNumber\":\"072022\",\"DueDate\":\"2024-03-12T00:00:00\",\"GrossRevenueValue\":0.00,\"GrossRevenuePercentage\":\"0.01\",\"PrincipalValue\":0.10,\"FineValue\":0.00,\"InterestValue\":0.00,\"Status\":7,\"WasAuthorized\":false,\"PaymentDate\":\"2024-03-12T00:00:00\",\"CodeRevenue\":\"3345\",\"NumberCompanyInscription\":\"9999\",\"PeriodCalculation\":\"2021-11-04T00:00:00\",\"NumberReference\":\"072022\",\"ValueInterestCharges\":0.00,\"NameContributor\":\"Security 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Parameter | Description |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ |
DarfType | Darf Type |
DueDate | Due date |
GrossRevenueValue | Gross Revenue Value |
GrossRevenuePercentage | Gross Revenue Percentage |
PrincipalValue | Principal Value |
FineValue | Fine Value |
InterestValue | Interest Value |
Status | Status |
WasAuthorized | Payment was authorized |
PaymentDate | Payment Date |
CodeRevenue | Revenue Code |
NumberCompanyInscription | Company's Registration Number |
PeriodCalculation | Calculation Period |
NumberReference | Reference Number |
ValueInterestCharges | Interest Charges Value |
NameContributor | Contributor's Name |
ValueRecipeGrossAccumulated | Accumulated Gross Recipe Value |
PercentageRecipeGrossAccumulated | Accumulated Percentage of Gross Recipe |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment Authentication |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
ReturnsMessage | Return Message |
ReturnCode | Return Code |
SenderNameBank | Sender Bank Name |
SenderCodeBank | Sender Bank Code |
SenderBranch | Sender Branch |
SenderAccount | Sender Account |
SenderAccountDigit | Sender Account Digit |
Returns | Returns |
ProtocolId | Protocol ID |
DocumentNumber | Document Number |
CreationDate | Creation Date |
Tags | Tags |
Description | Description |
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document number | string | YES |
Expected Date Payment
The payment expectation date is a query used to identify the date on which the payment will be processed. This may be either the date of inclusion or the next business day, if the payment is entered after the cutoff time.
"Method": "ExpectedDatePayment",
"PartnerId": 10343,
"BusinessUnitId": 30421,
"ActualDatePayment": "2022/05/16",
"BarCode": "03394894500000087671760680778200262003064000"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method | string | YES |
Partner ID | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
Business Unit ID | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
Actual Date Payment | Payment inclusion date | string | YES |
Barcode | Boleto Bar code | string | NO |
"Success": true,
"ExpectedDatePayment": "2022/05/16"
Parameter | Description |
Expected Date Payment | Estimated Payment Date |
Consulta por ID de pagamento
After include a payment on flow, its returned a document number, this ID will be used for this following methods, will make it possible to consult informations of a payment sent to Fitbank. As the descriptions below
Get FGTS Out By ID
"Method": "GetFgtsOutById",
"PartnerId": 192,
"BusinessUnitId": 162,
"DocumentNumber": "11309"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document number | string | YES |
"FGTS":"\"TaxNumber\":\"42996360000135\",\"ReferenceNumber\":0,\"PrincipalValue\":0.10,\"CodeRevenue\":\"3345\",\"Barcode\":\"84800000000985601622018110831018100030355704\",\"FgtsIdentifier\":\"44\",\"SocialConnectivityCode\":48,\"SocialConnectivityDigit\":4,\"TotalValue\":0.10,\"Status\":7,\"WasAuthorized\":true,\"PaymentDate\":\"2023-12-20T00:00:00\",\"ContributorTaxNumber\":\"42996360000135\",\"NameContributor\":\"Security Team\",\"PaymentAuthentication\":null,\"ReceiptUrl\":\"https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2023-12-15/vgefbeeo.pdf\",\"ReturnMessage\":null,\"ReturnCode\":null,\"SenderNameBank\":\"Banrisul\",\"SenderCodeBank\":\"041\",\"SenderBranch\":\"0001\",\"SenderAccount\":\"0002\",\"SenderAccountDigit\":\"0\",\"ProtocolId\":\"1c4db06189c646d78102b0779bce975c\",\"DocumentNumber\":9645,\"CreationDate\":\"2023-12-15T15:56:29.143\",\"Tags\":null,\"Description\":null}"
Parameter | Description |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ |
ReferenceNumber | Reference number |
PrincipalValue | Principal value |
CodeRevenue | Revenue code |
Barcode | Barcode |
FgtsIndentifier | FGTS Identifier |
SocialConnectivityCode | Social Connectivity Code |
SocialConnectivityDigit | Social Connectivity Digit |
TotalValue | Total value |
Status | Status |
WasAuthorized | Payment was authorized |
PaymentDate | Payment date |
ContributorTaxNumber | Comtributor´s TaxNumber |
NameContributor | Contributor name |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment authentication |
ReturnMessage | Return message |
ReturnCode | Return code |
SenderNameBank | Sender bank name |
SenderCodeBank | Sender bank code |
SenderAccount | Sender account |
SenderAccountDigit | Sender account digit |
ProtocolId | Protocol ID |
DocumentNumber | Document number |
CreationDate | Creation date |
Tags | Tags |
Description | Description |
Get DARJ Out By ID
"Method": "GetDarjOutById",
"PartnerId": 192,
"BusinessUnitId": 162,
"DocumentNumber": "53442"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | Método API to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document Number | string | YES |
Parameter | Description |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ |
OriginDocument | Origin document |
CodeRevenue | Revenue code document |
StateRegistration | State registration |
NumberReference | Reference number |
PrincipalValue | Principal value |
FineValue | Fine value |
InterestValue | Interest value |
MonetaryValue | Monetary value |
TotalValue | Total value to be paid |
DueDate | Due date |
PaymentDate | Payment date |
NameContributor | Contributor's name |
DocumentNumber | Document number |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
ReturnsMessage | Return message |
ReturnCode | Return code |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment authentication |
SenderNameBank | Sender bank name |
SenderBranch | Sender branch |
SenderAccount | Sender account |
SenderAccountDigit | Sender account digit |
Returns | Returns |
Status | Status |
ProtocolId | Protocol ID |
Tags | Tags |
Description | Description |
Get GPS Out By Id
"Method": "GetGpsOutById",
"PartnerId": 192,
"BusinessUnitId": 162,
"DocumentNumber": "11672"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document number | string | YES |
"Success": true,
"GPS": "{\"TaxNumber\":\"33109855046\",\"ReferenceNumber\":0,\"PrincipalValue\":168.67,\"FineInterestValue\":0.00,\"InterestValue\":0.0,\"TotalValue\":168.67,\"OtherValues\":0.00,\"Status\":0,\"WasAuthorized\":false,\"PaymentDate\":\"2022-05-10T00:00:00\",\"ContributorTaxNumber\":\"33109855046\",\"NameContributor\":\"Ana Victoria\",\"PaymentAuthentication\":null,\"ReceiptUrl\":\"http://www.pdfurl.com.br/pdf?filename=2022-04-08/or1cach0.pdf\",\"ReturnMessage\":null,\"ReturnCode\":null,\"SenderNameBank\":\"Santander\",\"SenderCodeBank\":\"033\",\"SenderBranch\":\"0120\",\"SenderAccount\":\"013003522\",\"SenderAccountDigit\":\"9\",\"Returns\":[],\"ProtocolId\":\"9bc429f9e2c342159146552704965ad0\",\"DocumentNumber\":60384,\"CreationDate\":\"0001-01-01T00:00:00\",\"Tags\":null,\"Description\":null}"
Parameter | Description |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ |
ReferenceNumber | Reference number |
PrincipalValue | Principal value |
FineInterestValue | Value of fine interest |
InterestValue | Value of interest |
TotalValue | Total value |
OtherValues | Other values |
Status | Status |
WasAuthorized | Payment was authorized |
PaymentDate | Payment date |
ContributorTaxNumber | Contributor´s TaxNumber |
NameContributor | Contributor's name |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment authentication |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
ReturnMessage | Return message |
ReturnCode | Return code |
SenderNameBank | Sender bank name |
SenderCodeBank | Sender bank code |
SenderBranch | Sender branch |
SenderAccountDigit | Sender account digit |
Returns | Returns |
ProtocolId | Protocol ID |
DocumentNumber | Document number |
CreationDate | Creation date |
Tags | Tags |
Description | Description |
Get Darf Out By Id
"Method": "GetDarfOutById",
"PartnerId": 192,
"BusinessUnitId": 162,
"DocumentNumber": "368422"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document number | string | YES |
"DARF": "{\"TaxNumber\":\"71027866000134\",\"DarfType\":0,\"CalculationPeriod\":\"2023-12-31T03:00:00\",\"ReferenceNumber\":null,\"DueDate\":\"2024-04-19T03:00:00\",\"GrossRevenueValue\":0.00,\"GrossRevenuePercentage\":\"0,00\",\"PrincipalValue\":91.61,\"FineValue\":18.32,\"InterestValue\":2.40,\"Status\":3,\"WasAuthorized\":true,\"PaymentDate\":\"2024-04-19T00:00:00\",\"CodeRevenue\":\"1708\",\"NumberCompanyInscription\":\"596286\",\"PeriodCalculation\":\"2023-12-31T03:00:00\",\"NumberReference\":null,\"ValueInterestCharges\":2.40,\"NameContributor\":\"BANCO BS2 S.A.\",\"ValueRecipeGrossAccumulated\":0.00,\"PercentageRecipeGrossAccumulated\":0.00,\"PaymentAuthentication\":null,\"ReceiptUrl\":\"https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-04-19/tsy3ffhj.pdf\",\"ReturnMessage\":\"PAGAMENTO AGENDADO\",\"ReturnCode\":\"BD\",\"SenderNameBank\":\"Itaú Unibanco\",\"SenderCodeBank\":\"341\",\"SenderBranch\":\"1646\",\"SenderAccount\":\"59628\",\"SenderAccountDigit\":\"6\",\"Returns\":[{\"Message\":\"PAGAMENTO AGENDADO\",\"Code\":\"BD\",\"OccurrenceMotive\":null}],\"ProtocolId\":\"574c23a5ffd14834a95d5b3114d61ef5\",\"DocumentNumber\":776020,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-04-19T11:55:52.17\",\"Tags\":null,\"Description\":null}"
Parameter | Description |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ |
DarfType | Darf Type |
DueDate | Due date |
GrossRevenueValue | Gross Revenue Value |
GrossRevenuePercentage | Gross Revenue Percentage |
PrincipalValue | Principal Value |
FineValue | Fine Value |
InterestValue | Interest Value |
Status | Status |
WasAuthorized | Payment was authorized |
PaymentDate | Payment Date |
CodeRevenue | Revenue Code |
NumberCompanyInscription | Company's Registration Number |
PeriodCalculation | Calculation Period |
NumberReference | Reference Number |
ValueInterestCharges | Interest Charges Value |
NameContributor | Contributor's Name |
ValueRecipeGrossAccumulated | Accumulated Gross Recipe Value |
PercentageRecipeGrossAccumulated | Accumulated Percentage of Gross Recipe |
DueDate | Data de vencimento |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
ReturnsMessage | Return Message |
ReturnCode | Return Code |
SenderNameBank | Sender Bank Name |
SenderCodeBank | Sender Bank Code |
SenderBranch | Sender Branch |
SenderAccount | Sender Account |
SenderAccountDigit | Sender Account Digit |
Returns | Returns |
ProtocolId | Protocol ID |
DocumentNumber | Document Number |
CreationDate | Creation Date |
Tags | Tags |
Description | Description |
Get Boleto Out By Id
"Method": "GetBoletoOutById",
"PartnerId": 192,
"BusinessUnitId": 162,
"DocumentNumber": "48029"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document number | string | YES |
"Menssage":"Titulo":"{\"Barcode\":\"23795970800000166622372050001639391200360400\",\"DueDate\":\"2024-05-06T00:00:00\",\"PaymentDate\":\"2024-05-06T00:00:00\",\"PrincipalValue\":166.62,\"InterestValue\":0.00,\"FineValue\":0.0,\"TotalValue\":166.62,\"DiscountValue\":0.00,\"ExtraValue\":0.00,\"PaymentValue\":166.62,\"Status\":0,\"WasAuthorized\":false,\"PaymentAuthentication\":null,\"ReceiptUrl\":\"https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-04-30/914383516wc0gg.pdf\",\"ReturnMessage\":null,\"ReturnCode\":null,\"ReturnErrorMessage\":null,\"ReturnErrorCode\":null,\"SenderNameBank\":\"Bradesco\",\"SenderCodeBank\":\"237\",\"SenderBranch\":\"0504\",\"SenderAccount\":\"0482242\",\"SenderAccountDigit\":\"0\",\"Returns\":[],\"ProtocolId\":\"3c51bdcdba254649b27c5250394fda37\",\"DocumentNumber\":210324182,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-04-30T15:06:39.283\",\"Tags\":[\"\\\"@SEGURO PREDIAL PARC. 9/10\\\"\"],\"Description\":\"SEGURO PREDIAL PARC. 9/10\"}"
Parameter | Description |
DueDate | Expiration date of the boleto |
PaymentDate | Payment date |
PrincipalValue | Principal value |
InterestValue | Value of interest to be added to the boleto |
FineValue | Fine value |
TotalValue | Total value of the boleto to be paid |
DiscountValue | Discount value on the boleto |
ExtraValue | Extra value |
PaymentValue | Payment value |
Status | Status |
WasAuthorized | Was authorized |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment authentication |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
Description | Description |
Get GARE Out By Id
"Method": "GetGareOutById",
"PartnerId": 192,
"BusinessUnitId": 162,
"DocumentNumber": "32752"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document number | string | YES |
"Gare":"{\"TaxNumber\":\"91849713200\",\"DueDate\":\"2024-03-28T00:00:00\",\"StateRegistration\":\"110028\",\"ActiveDebit\":null,\"PrincipalValue\":15.00,\"FineValue\":0.00,\"InterestValue\":0.00,\"TotalValue\":15.00,\"Status\":7,\"WasAuthorized\":true,\"PaymentDate\":\"2024-03-28T17:48:43.177\",\"QuoteNumberNotification\":null,\"CodeRevenue\":\"1212\",\"ContributorTaxNumber\":\"03477309000165\",\"NumberReference\":\"032024\",\"NameContributor\":\"Alexandre de Oliveira\",\"PaymentAuthentication\":null,\"ReceiptUrl\":\"https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-03-28/ouomv5p2.pdf\",\"ReturnMessage\":\"Cancelado\",\"ReturnCode\":\"\",\"SenderNameBank\":\"Itaú Unibanco\",\"SenderCodeBank\":\"341\",\"SenderBranch\":\"1646\",\"SenderAccount\":\"59628\",\"SenderAccountDigit\":\"6\",\"Returns\":[{\"Message\":\"Cancelado\",\"Code\":\"\",\"OccurrenceMotive\":null}],\"ProtocolId\":\"493e2366291d4b6c93b50cdca3c8fe71\",\"DocumentNumber\":15723,\"CreationDate\":\"0001-01-01T00:00:00\",\"Tags\":null,\"Description\":null}"
Parameter | Description |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ |
DueDate | Due date |
StateRegistration | State registration |
ActiveDebit | Active debit |
PrincipalValue | Principal value |
FineValue | Fine value |
InterestValue | Value of interest to be added to the boleto |
TotalValue | Total value of the boleto to be paid |
Status | Status |
WasAuthorized | Payment was authorized |
PaymentDate | Payment date |
QuoteNumberNotification | Quote number notification |
CodeRevenue | Revenue code |
ContributorTaxNumber | Contributor's TaxNumber |
NumberReference | Reference number |
NameContributor | Contributor's name |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment authentication |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt URL |
SenderCodeBank | Sender bank code |
SenderBranch | Final sender |
SenderAccount | Sender's account |
SenderAccountDigit | Sender's account digit |
Returns | Returns |
Message | Message |
Code | Code |
OccurrenceMotive | Occurrence motive |
ProtocolId | Protocol ID |
DocumentNumber | Document number |
CreationDate | Creation date |
"Method": "GetGruOutById",
"PartnerId": 10343,
"BusinessUnitId": 30421,
"DocumentNumber": "10056"
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandotory |
Method | API Method to be used | string | YES |
PartnerId | Partner Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit Identifier provided by Fitbank | integer | YES |
DocumentNumber | Document number | string | YES |
"Success": "true",
"GRU": "{\"TaxNumber\": \"71208940000119\",\"DueDate\": \"2024-08-14T00:00:00\",\"PrincipalValue\": 7783.00,\"DiscountValue\": 0.00,\"OtherDeductions\": 0.00,\"FineValue\": 0.00,\"InterestValue\": 0.00,\"OtherValues\": 0.00,\"TotalValue\": 7783.00,\"Status\": 0,\"WasAuthorized\": true,\"PaymentDate\": \"2024-08-13T00:00:00\",\"RevenueCode\": \"123456\",\"ContributorTaxNumber\": \"32212001000196\",\"ContributorName\": \"Empresa XYZ\",\"ReferenceNumber\": \"201942011\",\"GruOutType\": 0,\"ManagerUnit\": \"1234\",\"BarCode\": \"89620000000778300012018110831018100030355704\",\"Competence\": \"06/2024\",\"PaymentAuthentication\": null,\"ReceiptUrl\": null,\"SenderAccount\": \"12306\",\"SenderAccountDigit\": \"6\",\"SenderBranch\": \"845\",\"SenderCodeBank\": \"341\",\"SenderNameBank\": \"Itaú Unibanco\",\"ProtocolId\": null,\"DocumentNumber\": 196,\"CreationDate\": \"2024-08-13T11:57:05.25\",\"Tags\": [],\"Description\": null,\"ReturnMessage\": null,\"ReturnCode\": null,\"Returns\": []}"
Parameter | Description |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF or CNPJ |
DueDate | Due Date |
PrincipalValue | Principal Value |
DiscountValue | Discount Value |
OtherDeductions | Other Deductions |
FineValue | Fine Value |
InterestValue | Interest Value |
OtherValues | Other Values |
TotalValue | Total Value |
Status | Status |
WasAuthorized | Was Authorized |
PaymentDate | Payment Date |
RevenueCode | Revenue Code |
ContributorTaxNumber | Contributor's Tax Number |
ContributorName | Contributor Name |
ReferenceNumber | Reference Number |
GruOutType | Gru Out Type |
ManagerUnit | Manager Unit |
BarCode | Barcode |
Competence | Competence |
PaymentAuthentication | Payment Authentication |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt Url |
SenderAccount | Sender Account |
SenderNameBank | Sender Bank Name |
ProtocolId | Protocol Id |
DocumentNumber | Document Number |
CreationDate | Creation Date |
Tags | Tags |
Description | Description |
ReturnMessage | Return Message |
ReturnCode | Return Code |
Returns | Returns |
Updated 26 days ago