3 - Canceling

Cancelling a Collection Order

The Collection Order client may, at any time, request the cancellation of an issued Collection Order.



The cancellation request will be refused when the collection order is in the following statuses: Pre-canceled, Canceled, Error Balance, Error or Settled.

API Method = CancelCollectionOrder

  "Method": "CancelCollectionOrder",
  "PartnerId": 30770,
  "BusinessUnitId": 61847,
  "DocumentNumber": 10247


MethodName of the method to be usedYESSTRINGNone
PartnerIdPartner identifier provided by FitBankYESBIGINTNone
BusinessUnitIdBusiness unit identifier provided by FitBankYESBIGINTNone
DocumentNumberOperation document numberYESINTEGERNone

Successful Response:

  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "ISI0499 - Collection order canceled"

Failure Response:

  "Success": "false",
  "Message": "EXC0016 - Status not allowed"

CollectionOrder Status

StatusStatus DescriptionTypeDescription
0CreatedSTRING (TEXT)The Collection Order was created
2AnalysingSTRING (TEXT)Payer under review in KYC process
3AuthorizedSTRING (TEXT)Payer Approved in KYC
6RegisteredSTRING (TEXT)The Collection was registered
8CanceledSTRING (TEXT)EXC0004 - Payer failed during the KYC process
EXC0005 - Invalid billing email address
EXC0006 - Collection has expired and payment has not been made
EXC0007 - Divergent data between Payer and Settlement
EXC0011 - Balance insufficient for fee collection
EXC0012 - Payer failed in the validation process
EXC0013 - Manual Cancellation
INF0008- Is a qualified person, you must send a Collection Order again, with the data { Name, Email, Phone, Country, Nationality, Occupation, ...}
9SettledSTRING (TEXT)Completed Billing Order (payment settled)
11Awaiting PaymentSTRING (TEXT)Awaiting Payment
12ErrorSTRING (TEXT)EXC0008 - Internal Processing Error
15Canceled-RefundSTRING (TEXT)INF0010 - Amount refunded. Divergent data between Payer and Settlement
INF0014 - Receiver Account Validation Failed
INF0016 - Amount refunded. Payer is a qualified person.
INF0017 - Amount refunded. Payer screening has failed during the KYC process