5 - Webhooks
Collection Order Webhook - UpdateCollectionOrderStatus
Collection Order webhooks will match the CollectionOrderType that was programmed in the GenerateCollectionOrder method: CollectionOrderType: PixQrCodeDinamicDueDate = 0, Boleto = 1, BoletoPixQrCode = 2, PixQrCodeDinamic = 3.
This webhook notifies the Collection Order Status.
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": null,
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043023",
"Status": "0",
"StatusDescription": "Created",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857578",
"Reason": null,
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": null,
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043074",
"Status": "2",
"StatusDescription": "Analising",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857579",
"Reason": null,
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": null,
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043023",
"Status": "3",
"StatusDescription": "Authorized",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857578",
"Reason": null,
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": null,
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043023",
"Status": "6",
"StatusDescription": "Registered",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857578",
"Reason": null,
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": "45098995000000000010010000159076363330329940",
"Pdf": "https://boletos.fitbank.com.br/pdf/2025-01-02/eakh54ee.pdf",
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": null,
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043023",
"Status": "11",
"StatusDescription": "AwaitingPayment",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857578",
"Reason": null,
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": "E18236120202501021756s0737ddf400",
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": 0,
"InterestValue": 0
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": 0
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043023",
"Status": "9",
"StatusDescription": "Settled",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857578",
"Reason": null,
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": "2025-01-02T14:57:18.86",
"PaymentValue": "0.01",
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": "Francisca Hernestiana Silva Araújo",
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"Bank": "260",
"BankBranch": "1",
"BankAccount": "77922934",
"BankAccountDigit": "9"
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": null,
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043074",
"Status": "8",
"StatusDescription": "Canceled",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857579",
"Reason": "EXC0013 - Manual Cancellation",
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": "b5f90bc6-c7f4-4457-900b-526cd388edb0",
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": "E3284600704190549966864763883940"
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043074",
"Status": "15",
"StatusDescription": "Canceled-Refund",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": "https://receipt.fitbank.com.br/receiptapi/pdf?filename=2024-08-21/ex2obkht.pdf",
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857579",
"Reason": "Amount refunded. Divergent data between Payer and Settlement",
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": "2023-09-28T09:54:18.05",
"RefundValue": "0.01",
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
"CollectionOrder": {
"Boleto": {
"BarCode": null,
"Pdf": null,
"QRCode": {
"HashCode": null,
"Image": null,
"EndToEndPixIn": null,
"EndToEndRefundPixIn": null
"Rate": {
"FineValue": null,
"InterestValue": null
"Rebate": {
"RebateValue": null
"InterestDate": null,
"FineDate": null,
"RateValue": 0.10,
"Receivers": [
"ReceiverName": "Chaves de Lima",
"ReceiverTaxNumber": "11403496005",
"SplitValue": null
"DocumentNumber": "3043023",
"Status": "12",
"StatusDescription": "Error",
"TaxNumber": "61774647346",
"ReceiptUrl": null,
"Identifier": "HERNECCCCD5AArA3A8Br6s265335857578",
"Reason": "Internal Processing Error",
"PrincipalValue": "0.01",
"PaymentDate": null,
"PaymentValue": null,
"RefundDate": null,
"RefundValue": null,
"Payer": {
"Name": null,
"AccountInfo": {
"TaxNumber": null,
"Bank": null,
"BankBranch": null,
"BankAccount": null,
"BankAccountDigit": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 1259
Parameter | Description | Type | Comments |
CollectionOrder | Object concerning CollectionOrder's info | OBJECT | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit ID Provided by FitBank | STRING | None |
QrCode | Object concerning QRCode's info | OBJECT | None |
HashCode | Identification code (copy and paste) | STRING | Base64 format |
Image | QR Code image | STRING | Base64 format |
EndToEndPixIn | PIX credit identifier provided by the Central Bank | STRING | None |
EndToEndRefundPixIn | PIX refund identifier provided by the Central Bank | STRING | None |
Boleto | Object concerning Boleto's info | OBJECT | It will only appear for the boleto types |
Barcode | Barcode of the generated boleto | STRING | It will only appear for the boleto types |
PDF of the generated boleto | STRING | It will only appear for the boleto types | |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt template | STRING | It will only be sent when the operation is in "Canceled-Refund" Status |
Rate | Interest and Fine applied on the issuance of the collection | OBJECT | It will only appear for the boleto type and QRCode with Due Date |
FineValue | Fine applied on the issuance of the collection | DECIMAL | None |
InterestValue | Interest applied on the issuance of the collection | DECIMAL | None |
Rebate | Object for rebate details. | OBJECT | It will only appear for the boleto types |
RebateValue | RebateValue of the boleto refers to the discount amount applied to the total value of the boleto. | DECIMAL | It will only appear for the boleto types |
InterestDate | Interest application date (if any) | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
FineDate | Fine application date (if any) | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
RateValue | Operation fee | DECIMAL | None |
Receivers | Object for receivers details. | OBJECT | None |
ReceiverName | Receiver Name | STRING | None |
ReceiverTaxNumber | Receiver's CPF/CNPJ | STRING | None |
SplitValue | Split Value between the receivers of the collection order | DECIMAL | None |
DocumentNumber | Collection order identification | STRING | None |
Identifier | ID reference | STRING | None |
Reason | Cancellation reason | STRING | It will only be sent when the operation is in "Canceled", "Canceled-Refund" and "Error" Status |
Status | Operation Status | STRING | None |
StatusDescription | Operation status description | STRING | None |
PrincipalValue | Principal amount of the collection order | DECIMAL | None |
PaymentValue | Payment Value | DECIMAL | None |
PaymentDate | Payment date | STRING | None |
RefundDate | Refund Date | STRING | None |
RefundValue | Refund Value | DECIMAL | None |
Payer | Object concerning Payer's data | - | None |
Name | Payer Name | STRING | None |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | STRING | None |
Bank | Payer's Bank Code | STRING | None |
BankBranch | Payer's Bank Agency Code | STRING | None |
BankAccount | Payer's Bank Account | STRING | None |
BankAccountDigit | Payer's Bank Account Digit | STRING | None |
The fields: Boleto, Barcode, PDF and Rebate, will only appear for the types of the boleto.
CollectionOrder Status
Upon receiving the Collection Order, the payer is then notified as to its status:
Status | Status Description | Type | Description |
0 | Created | STRING (TEXT) | The Collection Order was created |
2 | Analysing | STRING (TEXT) | Payer under review in KYC process |
3 | Authorized | STRING (TEXT) | Payer Approved in KYC |
6 | Registered | STRING (TEXT) | The Collection was registered |
8 | Canceled | STRING (TEXT) | EXC0004 - Payer failed during the KYC process EXC0005 - Invalid billing email address EXC0006 - Collection has expired and payment has not been made EXC0007 - Divergent data between Payer and Settlement EXC0011 - Balance insufficient for fee collection EXC0012 - Payer failed in the validation process EXC0013 - Manual Cancellation INF0008 - Is a qualified person, you must send a Collection Order again, with the data { Name, Email, Phone, Country, Nationality, Occupation, ...} |
9 | Settled | STRING (TEXT) | Completed Billing Order (payment settled) |
11 | Awaiting Payment | STRING (TEXT) | Awaiting Payment |
12 | Error | STRING (TEXT) | EXC0008 - Internal Processing Error |
15 | Canceled-Refund | STRING (TEXT) | INF0010 - Amount refunded. Divergent data between Payer and Settlement INF0014 - Receiver Account Validation Failed INF0016 - Amount refunded. Payer is a qualified person. INF0017 - Amount refunded. Payer screening has failed during the KYC process |
Payer Webhook - UpdateCollectionOrderPayerStatus
This webhook notifies the Payer Status.
"CollectionOrderPayer": {
"Name": "José Reinaldo Sales Soares",
"Status": "Created",
"TaxNumber": "20282702091",
"Phone": "88999999999",
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Reason": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderPayerStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 61859
"CollectionOrderPayer": {
"Name": "José Reinaldo Sales Soares",
"Status": "Analysing",
"TaxNumber": "20282702091",
"Phone": "88999999999",
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Reason": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderPayerStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 61859
"CollectionOrderPayer": {
"Name": "José Reinaldo Sales Soares",
"Status": "Approved",
"TaxNumber": "20282702091",
"Phone": "88999999999",
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Description": null,
"Reason": null
"Method": "CollectionOrderPayerStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 61859
"CollectionOrderPayer": {
"Name": "José Reinaldo Sales Soares",
"Status": "Denied",
"TaxNumber": "20282702091",
"Phone": "88999999999",
"Mail": "[email protected]",
"Reason": [
"Identified that the Payer is at ONU with a percentage of 92, 00% with the following name ‘SILVA CHICO ALVES’ using evaluation ‘TokenSortRatio’;",
"Identified that the Payer is at ONU with a percentage of 92, 00% with the following name ‘SILVA CHICO ALVES’ using evaluation ‘TokenSetRatio’;"
"Method": "CollectionOrderPayerStatus",
"BusinessUnitId": 61859
Parameters | Description | Type | Comments |
Name | Payer name | STRING (TEXT) | None |
Status | Payer status indication | STRING (TEXT) | Created = 0 Analysing = 1 Approved = 2 Denied = 3 |
TaxNumber | CPF or CNPJ of the payer | STRING (TEXT) | None |
Phone | Payer phone | STRING (TEXT) | None |
Payer mail | STRING (TEXT) | None | |
Reason | Reason for denying the payer | STRING (TEXT) | None |
Method | API method | STRING (TEXT) | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business Unit ID provided by FitBank | STRING (TEXT) | None |
Created = Created Payer
Analysing = Payer under review in KYC process
Approved = KYC approved payer
Denied = Reapproved KYC payer
Response webhook
To confirm receipt of the webhook, return us the following json:
"Success": true,
"Message": "Operation successfully completed."
Updated 20 days ago