Deposit Transaction

Deposit Transaction


The Deposit Transaction functionality within the Arrangement allows end users to add money to their digital account by depositing cash at any registered store through this payment method. This is useful when users want to add funds to their digital account for future transactions or to maintain an available balance for immediate use.

This API is responsible for generating a purchase transaction. When triggered, it creates a QR Code or a 6-digit Token that the end user will use to confirm the purchase via their application.


      "Method": "GenerateDepositClosedLoop",
      "BusinessUnitId": 66,
      "PartnerId": 66,
      "ContractIdentifier": "CONf67e004b-e82c-4dd0-ba29-9d63f3cb21ccCON",
      "TotalValue": 0.20,
      "MerchantAccountKey": "378320-014700-0146333-1",
      "Identifier": "identificador do deposito12",
      "ClientId": "790564-790564-7905654-2",
      "InitiationType": 1

      "Success": true,
      "Message": "Deposit generated successfully",
      "TransactionIdentifier": "TRA3625e252-3a1a-459c-87ca-74134b3ee471TRA",
      "TransactionCode": "220337"

Parameter Descriptions:

MethodMethod namestring"GeneratePurchaseClosedLoop"Yes
PartnerInformation provided by FitBankbigint"847561"Yes
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankint"234334"Yes
PurchaseIDNoteID of the transactionbigint"847561"Yes
StatusTransaction statustinyint"Created"Yes
ContractIdentifierContract identifiervarchar"CON965569f9-5c93-4335-b09e-29efe32ba292CON"Yes
MerchantAccountKeyMerchant account identifiervarchar"378320-014700-0146333-1"Yes
IdentifierTransaction description provided by the clientvarchar"PurchaseTESTEcloseLOOP"Yes
TotalValueTotal transaction valuedecimal20.00Yes
InitiationTypeUser initiation type: QRCode or Codetinyint0 - QRCode, 1 - CodeYes
TransactionIdentifierTransaction identifiervarchar"TRA4eb415ef-5c63-4996-8957-e1d2e3a95415TRA"Yes


  "Created": 0,
  "Canceled": 1,
  "Settled": 2,
  "PreSettled": 3,
  "PreCanceled": 4,
  "CanBePreAuthorized": 5,
  "CanBeAuthorized": 6,
  "Authorized": 7,
  "Registered": 8,
  "CanBePreCanceled": 9,
  "PreAuthorized": 10,
  "CanBeSettled": 11,
  "CanBeCanceled": 12,
  "ErrorBalance": 13