6- Error Code
As shown in the table below, it contains the error return messages from the API.
Group | Method | Code | Menssage |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateGAREOut/ GenerateGPSOut/ GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0014 | Information sent is invalid. Check Validation property of json for details. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISI0132 | There is no FeePayer registered with the document 123.456.789 - 00. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISI0226 | It is not possible to generate a boleto with a payment date lower than the current {0}. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateGAREOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ISI0057 | Title Payment with identifier "{0}" has already been generated. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut/ GenerateGAREOut/ GenerateDARJOut GenerateDARFOut | ESE0003 | The business unit is invalid. |
Generate | GenerateGAREOut/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut/ GenerateGRUOutByID | ESE0480 | Payment date must be greater than or equal to today's date ({0}). |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ESE0540 | It is not possible to pay the boleto as it has expired. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISE0218 | It is not possible to process this payment after the due date. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISE0099 | It is not possible to pay this tribute. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateGAREOut/ GenerateDARJOut/ GenerateGPSOut/ | ISE0140 | The payment value cannot be 0. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISI0181 | Invalid information! Check the TaxNumber property in your request Json file. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ESE0461 | It is not permitted to operate with this receiver : {0}. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISE0088 | The beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ is invalid. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISE0089 | The payer's CPF/CNPJ is invalid. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISE0018 | The Seller Name must not exceed 200 characters. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISI0133 | You must enter the name of the FeePayer. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISI0134 | You must enter the commercial name of the FeePayer. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ISI0135 | You must enter the name of the FeePayer company. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | SE0480 | Payment date must be greater than or equal to today's date ({0}). |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut/ GenerateFGTSOut/ GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0078 | The CPF is invalid. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut | ESE0243 | Incorrect barcode size. |
Generate | GenerateBoletoOut/ GenerateFGTSOut | ESE0247 | Invalid barcode 'Verifier Digit' field. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS | ISE0097 | The CPF/CNPJ/PIS/NIT/CEI provided is invalid. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS/ GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARJOut | ISE0096 | You must provide a valid month and year of competence in MMYYYY format. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS | ISE0140 | The payment value cannot be 0. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS/ GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ISE0030 | It is not possible to input an account for a CPF/CNPJ that’s not registered in our system |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS/ GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ISE0141 | The taxpayer’s CPF/CNPJ must be informed. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS/ GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut/ GenerateFGTSOut | ISE0038 | Invalid value. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS/ GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ISI0293 | The payment could not be generated: Business unit {0} is blocked for payment of {1} |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGPS/ GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ASE0002 | There is no registered holder for the document '{0}' of the provided individual |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGARE | ISE0129 | A valid GARE type must be provided! |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut GenerateFGTSOut | ESE0108 | Configuration error {0} for BusinessUnitId {1}. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ESE0511 | Account not found to perform operation. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARJOut | ESE0515 | Due date must be greater than or equal to today's date. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ESE0560 | Payments cannot be made when there is insufficient balance. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ESE0007 | The fee for business unit and operation type was not found. |
Generate | GeneratePaymentGARE/ GenerateDARFOut/ GenerateDARJOut | ESE0032 | Invalid payment date. Next valid date {0}. |
Generate | GenerateDARFOut | ISE0101 | Please enter the value of the GrossRevenuePercentage field. |
Generate | GenerateDARFOut | ESE0010 | The rate for the CNAB configuration 5 and the operation type was not found. PaymentDarf. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut/ GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0057 | PartnerId not informed. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut/ GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0058 | BusinessUnitId not informed. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ISE0100 | The taxpayer's CNPJ/CEI/CPF is invalid. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ISE0071 | Mandatory revenue code. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ISE0086 | A valid barcode must be provided. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ISE0108 | It is necessary to inform the FGTS Identifier. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ISE0109 | You must inform the Social Connectivity Seal. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ISE0110 | You must inform the social connectivity seal's digit. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut/ GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0052 | Please provide a valid payment date. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | EXC0001 | Invalid data or user. Please check and try again. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | EXC0028 | DAC number is not consistent. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | EXC0002 | V1 verifying digit number is not consistent. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | EXC0003 | V2 verifying digit number is not consistent. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | EXC0004 | V3 verifying digit number is not consistent. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | EXC0015 | Expired bank slip. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | EXC0011 | Reference Number (DocumentNumber) cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ESE0244 | Invalid field "Segment Identification" in the barcode. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ESE0242 | Invalid field "Effective Value Identifier or Reference" in the barcode. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ESE0245 | Bank code not found. |
Generate | GenerateFGTSOut | ESE0246 | Invalid currency type. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISI0001 | Method successfully executed. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ESE0475 | Provided value({0})cannot be negative or equal to zero. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0056 | Method not informed. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0205 | Taxpayer's CPF/CNPJ must be provided. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0119 | Taxpayer's CPF/CNPJ is invalid. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISI0318 | Competence can not be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISI0319 | Due Date cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISI0322 | Reference Number cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0001 | BarCode cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | ISE0014 | Information sent is invalid. Check Validation property of json for details. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0002 | Principal Value field cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0003 | Principal Value provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0004 | Discount Value field cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0005 | Discount Value provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0006 | Other Deductions field cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0007 | Other Deductions provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0008 | Fine Value field cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0009 | Fine Value provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0011 | Rate Value provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0013 | Other Values provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0014 | Total Value field cannot be empty. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0015 | Total Value provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0016 | Date format(Specific property)is not valid. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0017 | Interest Value provided is not decimal. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0018 | GRU type provided is not valid. |
Generate | GenerateGRUOutByID | EXC0019 | Rate Value Type provided is not valid. |
Group | Method | Code | Message |
Cancel | CancelBoletoOut/ PaymentGARE | ISE0024 | The credentials were not correctly informed. |
Cancel | CancelBoletoOut/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentDARF/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ | ISE0014 | Invalid information sent. See the Validation property of the json for more details. |
Cancel | CancelBoletoOut/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ/CancelPaymentGPS | ISE0062 | Invalid DocumentNumber. |
Cancel | CancelBoletoOut/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentFGTS/CancelPaymentDARJ | ISE0245 | Payment is already being processed by the bank and cannot be canceled. |
Cancel | BoletoOut/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ/ CancelPaymentDARF | ASE0010 | The provided origin launch '{0}' does not exist. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentDARF/ CancelPaymentDARJ | ASE0007 | The provided value '{0}' cannot be different from the origin launch value '{1}'. |
Cancel | BoletoOut/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentDARF/ CancelPaymentDARJ | ASE0008 | There is already a corresponding operation for the provided origin launch '{0}'. |
Cancel | BoletoOut/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentDARF | ASE0004 | There is no launch classification for the provided subtype '{0}'. |
Cancel | BoletoOut/ CancelPaymentDARF/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ | ASE0003 | There is no registered account for the holder '{0}' and the provided Business Unit '{1}'. |
Cancel | BoletoOut/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentDARF/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ | ASE0002 | There is no registered holder for the document '{0}' of the provided person. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentFGTS | ESE0021 | It is not possible to cancel payment that is in the registration/processed process. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentDARF | ISE0055 | Invalid DARF data. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentFGTS | ISI0001 | Method executed successfully. |
Cancel | CancelBoletoOut | ESE0011 | The bank slip has already been canceled. |
Cancel | CancelBoletoOut | ESE0017 | It is not possible to cancel a paid bank slip. |
Cancel | CancelBoletoOut | ASE0017 | There is no registered owner for the provided person. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ/ CancelPyametDARF | EXC0007 | Payment has already been canceled. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentGPS/ CancelPaymentGARE/ CancelPaymentFGTS/ CancelPaymentDARJ/ CancelPyametDARF | EXC0008 | It is not possible to cancel a payment that has already been completed. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentGARE | EXC0009 | The payment is already being processed by the bank and cannot be cancelled. |
Cancel | CancelPaymentDARJ | ISI0582 | Cancellation successful. |
Group | Method | Code | Message |
Query | GetInfoByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto/ GetBoletoOutByBarcode/ Getpaymnets | ISE0014 | Invalid information sent. See the Validation property of the json for more details. |
Query | GetBoletoOutByBarcode | ISI0277 | Barcode does not exist in the database or does not belong to the informed business unit. |
Query | GetBoletoOutById/ GetDarjOutById/ GetDarfOutById/ GetGareOutById/ GetGpsOutById/ GetFgtsOutById | ISE0062 | Invalid DocumentNumber. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0243 | Incorrect barcode size. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0244 | Invalid "Segment Identification" field of the barcode. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0242 | Invalid "Effective Value or Reference Identifier" field of the barcode. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0247 | Invalid "Check Digit" field of the barcode. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode | ISE0130 | Error reading barcode. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | ISE0160 | It is not possible to process this payment after the due date. |
Query | GentInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | EXC0001 | "DAC number is not consistent" |
Query | GetPayments | ISE0249 | Password change request performed successfully. |
Query | GetPayments | ASE0002 | There is no registered holder for the document '{0}' of the provided person. |
Query | GetPayments | ISE0079 | There is no AccountHolder for the Person with ID {0}. |
Query | GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0474 | Business Unit not found. |
Query | GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0497 | Invalid Boleto ID. |
Query | GetInfosCIPBoleto | APB0145 | Payment already settled / made. |
Query | GetInfosCIPBoleto | ISI0125 | Barcode not informed. |
Query | GetInfosCIPBoleto | ISI0126 | No person found for the informed CPF. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0245 | Bank code not found. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPBoleto | ESE0751 | Unable to generate payment boleto: bank boleto payment is disabled. |
Query | GetInfosCIPBoleto | APB0057 | Boleto not allowed after payment deadline. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto/ GetBoletoOutByBarcode | ISE0056 | Method not informed. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto/ GetBoletoOutByBarcode | ISE0057 | PartnerId not informed. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode | ESE2104 | Barcode cannot be empty. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto/ GetBoletoOutByBarcode | ISE0058 | BusinessUnitId not informed. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode | ESE2105 | Barcode has invalid characters. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode | ISE0099 | It is not possible to pay a taxation of this kind. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0001 | DAC number is not consistent. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0002 | V1 Verifying digit number is not consistent. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0003 | V2 Verifying digit number is not consistent. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0004 | V3 Verifying digit number is not consistent. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0015 | Expired bank slip. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0010 | This revenue does not allow payment with a value below R$10.00 for DARF. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0007 | This revenue does not accept payment of the Normal DARF type. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | EXC0011 | Reference Number (DocumentNumber) cannot be empty. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ESE0246 | Invalid currency type. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ESE0206 | Concessionaire {0} was not found. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ESE0452 | Unable to generate payment slip: Concessionaire code and segment are disabled for this type of payment. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ESE0587 | The Concessionaire code and segment are disabled. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode/ GetInfosCIPByBoleto | CMM0067 | InputId: {0}, CreationDate: {1}, AfterCreationDate: {2}, DifferenceTime: {3}, ProcessName: {4}. |
Query | GetInfosByBarcode | EXE0001 | Duplicate Payment, transaction already found in our system, referring to DocumentNumber: {0}. |
Query | GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ISE0177 | There is no registered CnabConfig for the issuing bank informed. |
Query | GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ESE0593 | CnabConfig Invalid for this Query. |
Query | GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ESE2095 | Slip Search CnabConfig overdue bills at the CIP unregistered. |
Query | GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ESE0540 | It is not possible to pay the bill as it has expired. |
Query | GetInfosCIPByBoleto | ISI0088 | Business unit not found. |
Query | GetBoletoOutByBarcode | ISE0086 | A valid barcode must be entered. |
Query | GetBoletoOutByBarcode | ISI0266 | There was a system error. Please try again later. |
Query | GetPayments | EXC0018 | When filling out a banking field, all others must also be filled out. |
Query | GetPayments | EXC0019 | Only one type of date range can be sent for this method. |
Query | GetPayments | EXC0020 | A valid start date and end date must be provided. |
Query | GetPayments | EXC0021 | The start date is greater than the end date. |
Query | GetPayments | EXC0022 | When the ExecutionDate range is sent, the Status must be Paid. |
Query | GetPayments | EXC0023 | When the PaymentDate range is sent, a payment type must be included. |
Query | GetPayments | EXC0024 | Invalid payment type. |
Updated about 2 months ago