2 - Generate
API Method = MoneyTransfer
Only regular accounts with complete KYC and SPB data can perform TedOut.
There is information that is critical in the Json request for the transfer, these are: the business unit identification parameters, the tax number, the parameters responsible for identifying the recipient of the transfer, the transaction identifier and the accounttype information.
AccountType 0= current
AccountType 1 = savings
Method: 'MoneyTransfer',
PartnerId: 10461,
BusinessUnitId: 40520,
FromTaxNumber: '59018996017',
FromBank: '450',
FromBankBranch: '8452',
FromBankAccount: '46352',
FromBankAccountDigit: '2',
ToTaxNumber: '46018656045',
ToName: 'leo',
Bank: '001',
BankBranch: '0010',
BankAccount: '45865',
BankAccountDigit: '5',
AccountType: 1,
Value: 400,
SubType: 1,
RateValue: 0,
Identifier: '23234',
DueDate: '2022-05-13',
PaymentDate: '2022-05-13',
RateValueType: 5,
Tags: ['purchase'],
Description: 'Repasse',
FeePayerTaxNumber: '59018996017',
FeePayerFullName: 'Bruce Wayne',
FeePayerMail: 'Bruce@gmail.com',
FeePayerIdentityDocument: 'CPF',
FeePayerTradingName: 'Bruce',
FeePayerLegalName: 'Wayne',
FeePayerPhone: '5511912345678',
FeePayerBank: '001',
FeePayerBankBranch: '2454',
FeePayerBankAccount: '46835',
FeePayerBankAccountDigit: '2',
Entries: [
Name: 'Adrian',
TaxNumber: '59018996017',
Value: 100,
Description: 'Repasse',
Bank: '450',
BankBranch: '0001',
BankAccount: '88252',
BankAccountDigit: '5'
OnlineTransfer: true
Updated about 2 years ago