2 - Generate
This method is used to authorize a pre-paid content top-up.
Request Body
"Method": "GenerateTopUp",
"PartnerId": {{PartnerId}},
"BusinessUnitId": {{BusinessUnitdId}},
"ProductType": 0,
"BatchIdentifier": "183000003082",
"ProductKey": "OI11-1000-183000003082",
"ProductValue": 10,
"ContractIdentifier": 11965252277,
"OriginNSU": "9fd9fe40-a50d-4ccd-a06d-f6361bd3c353",
"TaxNumber": 46509373882
It is not necessary to pass DDI information in the "ContractIdentifier" field.
POST /main/execute
Method | string | Mandatory. Method Name |
BusinessUnitId | long | Mandatory. Business Unit ID provided by Fitbank |
Partner | string | Mandatory. Identifier provided by Fitbank |
ProductType | Enum | Mandatory. Recharge generation type (Phone = 0) |
BatchIdentifier | string | Mandatory. Lot identifier that the product is linked to. |
ProductKey | string | Mandatory. Product key that you are going to recharge |
ProductValue | decimal | Amount you will recharge |
ContractIdentifier | string | Mandatory Product contract identifier |
NSU | string | Mandatory Transactional identifier of the recharge |
TaxNumber | string | Mandatory Beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ |
FromBank | string | Bank Code |
FromBankBranch | string | Agency Number |
FromBankAccount | string | Account Number |
FromBankAccountDigit | string | Verifying digit |
Tags | List<string> | Tags |
Updated over 1 year ago