Limit management

Method API = 'GetAccountOperationLimit'

This method allows for querying the limits of an account in our transactional products, such as Pix and TED. All Fitbank accounts have limits established for security and regulatory compliance purposes. The bank data fields in the request do not refer to the SPB data of the account, but rather to virtual data.

It is important to provide the bank details of the virtual account in the request (such as Bank, Branch, Bank Account, and Bank Account Digit) to validate the account by the AccountId. Subsequently, the client can use the AccountKey to query the limits, making the other data optional.

If the account does not have virtual account data, the fields should be filled as null, and the system will validate the account based on the provided CPF/CNPJ(TaxNumber).

  "Method": "GetAccountOperationLimit",
  "PartnerId": 163,
  "BusinessUnitId": 195,
  "TaxNumber": "12345678912",
  "Bank": 450,
  "BankBranch": "0001",
  "BankAccount": 505615,
  "BankAccountDigit": 3,
  "Type": 0,
  "OperationType": 2,
  "SubType": 0
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Método executado com sucesso.",
  "MinLimit": 0,
  "MaxLimit": 2.000,00


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING-
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the owner of the accountYESSTRING-
BankBank Code (Ex.: “450”).YESSTRING-
BankBranchBank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)YESSTRING-
BankAccountBank Account (Ex.: “146492”)YESSTRING-
BankAccountDigitBank Account Digit (Ex.: “1”)YESSTRING-
TypeParameter indicating type of limit being requestedYESINTDaily = 0
Montly = 2
Overnight = 3
SingleTransaction = 4
OperationTypeParameter indicating type of operation which limit being requestedYESINTBy default, fill this field as 40, referring to the PixOut operation
SubTypeParameter indicating subtype of limit being requestedYESINTQuantity = 0 (number/quantity of transactions that the account can perform)

Amount = 1 (value/amount of the transactions that the account can perform)

Method API = 'ChangeAccountOperationLimit'

Through this API method, you can adjust the limits of Fitbank's transactional products associated with an account, according to the parameters and limit configurations of the Business Unit.

This method operates similarly to the GetAccountOperationLimit method, ensuring consistency in the account's bank details information.

If the account from which you intend to adjust the limits has virtual account bank details, these details must be included in the query request (fields Bank, Branch, Bank Account, and Bank Account Digit) for the system validation to be conducted by the AccountId (internal account identifier) associated with each account in FitBank.

The eligible products to request limit increases are:

1 - PIX using operation type 40
2 - TED using operation type 3
3 - Card withdrawal using operation type 30

After the request is submitted, a limit increase request is generated and meticulously reviewed by our Risk, Compliance, and Finance teams.


To enhance the approval likelihood, it's essential to fill in the "Justification" field and, if possible, provide proof of annual revenue for legal entities or monthly income for individuals.

The justifications are as follows:

  • 1 - Business: To expand the business and acquire additional equipment.
  • 2 - Income: When the current limit does not align with the income/transactions.
  • 3 - Emergency: In situations of force majeure.
  • 4 - Education: To cover expenses related to education.
  • 5 - Health: For unexpected and emergency medical expenses.
  • 6 - Travel: To fund a significant trip.
  • 7 - Renovation: To cover maintenance/construction costs.
  "Method": "ChangeAccountOperationLimit",
  "PartnerId": 30519,
  "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
  "TaxNumber": "84928589076",
  "Bank": "450",
  "BankBranch": "0001",
  "BankAccount": "440246",
  "BankAccountDigit": "3",
  "Type": 0,
  "OperationType": 40,
  "SubType": 1,
  "MaxLimitValue": 0,
  "Justification": 0,
  "Document": {
    "DocumentFile": "dGVzdGU=",
    "DocumentFormat": 0,
    "DocumentName": "Faturamento Anual",
    "DocumentType": 17,
    "Description": "Envio de documento",
    "ExpirationDate": "12/02/2025",
    "DocumentKey": "629F1244DCC245A79DB0C181D3A472CB"



To successfully process the request using the ChangeAccountOperationLimit method, the following documents are required:

  • Corporate Account: Annual Billing
  • Individual Account: Monthly Income


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING-
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who has the PIX keyYESSTRING-
BankBank Code (Ex.: “450”)YESSTRING-
BankBranchBank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)YESSTRING-
BankAccountBank Account (Ex.: “146492”)YESSTRING-
BankAccountDigitBank Account Digit (Ex.: “1”)YESSTRING-
TypeParameter indicating type of limit being requestedYESINTDaily = 0
Overnight = 3
SingleTransaction = 4
OperationTypeParameter indicating type of operation which limit being requestedYESINT"40" - PIXuot /"3" - TEDout /"30" -Card withdrawal
SubTypeParameter indicating subtype of limit being requestedYESINTQuantity = 0 (number/quantity of transactions that the account can perform)

Amount = 1 (value/amount of the transactions that the account can perform)
MaxLimitValueMaximum value to initiate a PixOut transaction based on type conditionsYESNUMBER-
JustificationThe "Justification" field requires a rationale for the limit increase.YESSTRING-
DocumentObject responsible for receiving the documents.NOOBJECT-
DocumentFileThe "DocumentFile" field is responsible for receiving the file encoded in base64.YESSTRING-
DocumentFormatThe "DocumentFormat" field is responsible for identifying the format of the file.YESINT0 - PDF
1 - jpg
2 - jpeg
3 -png
DocumentNameThe "DocumentName" field is responsible for receiving the name of the documentYESSTRNG-
DocumentTypeThe "DocumentType" field is responsible for defining the type of document being sent.YESINTCurrently it is possible to send only type 17. Later it will be possible to send type 21.
DescriptionEnter a document descriptionYESSTRING-
DocumentKeyUnique identification number of the documentYESSTRING-


The limit increase request process can take up to 48 hours to process