

API Method = GetAccountSummary

The "GetAccountSummary" endpoint is a feature we provide to our customers for efficiently accessing their financial history in a consolidated manner. With this service, it's possible to get a summarization of transactions within a specified period, encompassing both inflows and outflows.

Important: For successful utilization of this endpoint, it is necessary to first complete the parameterization process with our customer service team.

"method": "GetAccountSummary", 
"partnerId": 420, 
"businessUnitId": 10935, 
"taxNumber": "77758516009", 
"startDate": "2023-10-02", 
"endDate": "2023-10-02", 
"bank": "", 
"bankBranch": "", 
"bankAccount": "", 
"bankAccountDigit": "", 
"pageIndex": 0, 
"pageSize": 3, 
"operationtype": 58 
"success": true,
"entry": [
"date": "2023-10-02T00:00:00",
"description": "Devolução de pagamento Pix",
"quantity": 209,
"value": 173.13
"date": "2023-10-02T00:00:00",
"description": "Transferência",
"quantity": 186,
"value": 74.59
"balance": 20368.00,
"TotalRows": 100

Definition of request fields

MethodStringMethod name
PartnerIdIntegerInformation provided by FitBank
BusinessUnitIdIntegerInformation provided by FitBank
TaxNumberStringTaxnumber account holder.
StartDateStringField used to perform the start date filter to delimit the statement.
EndDateStringField used to perform the end date filter to delimit the statement.
BankStringBank Code (Ex.: “450”)
BankBranchStringBank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)
BankAccountStringBank Account (Ex.: “146492”)
BankAccountDigitStringAccount Digit (Ex.: “1”)
PageIndexIntegerThis field is responsible for specifying which page will be returned
PageSizeIntegerThis field is responsible for specifying the number of entries per page to be returned.
OperationTypeStringType of Operation

Definition of response fields

DateStringDate of summarization. (Ex. 2023-10-02T00:00:00)
DescriptionStringDescription of the summarized transaction type
QuantityStringNumber of summarized transactions
ValueStringValue of summarized transactions
BalanceStringAccount Balance
TotalRowsStringNumber of records resulting from the search