1 - Introduction
Payment Orders are a service offered by FitBank for customers who need to carry out financial transactions. The customer issues a payment authorization and Fitbank, after prior validation by the beneficiaries, transfers the requested amount that is sent to other institutions and/or beneficiaries.
Payment Order Operation
Commonly used for some other specific payments, a payment order is useful for customers who need to send remittances, pay for services, to pay a termination to a former employee, refund, and so on.
How the beneficiary receives the amount
At FitBank, we can carry settlements for payment orders by financial means according to the country of operation.
In Brazil, payments are processed through way of Real Time Payments (PIX) or Wire Transfers (TED).
The money is made available to the beneficiary within 1 (one) business day, depending on the method used.
Updated 20 days ago