2 - Queries
Search by Collection Orders
API Method = GetCollectionOrder
Through this method, the customer can check the billing requests through the Document Number we will inform the user after the success of the billing requests (Document Number) or by the Identifier applied by the customer (Identifier).
"method": "GetCollectionOrder",
"partnerId": 147,
"businessUnitId": 205,
"documentNumber": null,
"identifier": null
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Type | Comments |
Method | Name of the method to be used | YES | STRING | None |
PartnerId | Partner identifier provided by FitBank | YES | BIGINT | None |
BusinessUnitId | Business unit identifier provided by FitBank | YES | BIGINT | None |
DocumentNumber | Operation document number | NO | INTEGER | None |
Identifier | ID reference | NO | STRING | None |
JSON return from GetCollectionOrder
Parameter | Description | Type | Comments |
QrCode | Object concerning QRCode's info | OBJECT | None |
HashCode | Identification code (copy and paste) | STRING | Base64 format |
Image | QR Code image | STRING | Base64 format |
EndToEndPixIn | PIX credit identifier provided by the Central Bank | STRING | None |
EndToEndRefundPixIn | PIX refund identifier provided by the Central Bank | STRING | None |
Boleto | Object concerning Boleto's info | OBJECT | It will only appear for the boleto types. |
Barcode | Barcode of the generated boleto | STRING | It will only appear for the boleto types. |
PDF of the generated boleto | STRING | It will only appear for the boleto types. | |
ReceiptUrl | Receipt template | STRING | It will only be sent when the operation is in "Settled" or "Canceled-Refund" Status |
Rate | Interest and Fine applied on the issuance of the collection | OBJECT | It will only appear for the boleto type and QRCode with Due Date.. |
FineValue | Fine applied on the issuance of the collection | DECIMAL | None |
InterestValue | Interest applied on the issuance of the collection | DECIMAL | None |
Rebate | Object for rebate details. | OBJECT | It will only appear for the boleto types. |
RebateValue | RebateValue of the boleto refers to the discount amount applied to the total value of the boleto. | DECIMAL | It will only appear for the boleto types. |
ChargeDate | Interest charge date | OBJECT | None |
DueDate | Payment due date | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
ExpirationDate | Collection Order expiration date | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
InterestDate | Interest application date (if any) | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
FineDate | Fine application date (if any) | STRING | YYYY-MM-DD |
RateValue | Settlement fee amount | DECIMAL | None |
Details | Collection order details | OBJECT | None |
Tags | Tags added on issuance | STRING | None |
InstructionsToPayer | Instructions that will appear on the PDF | STRING | None |
CollectionOrderType | Collection order’s type | INT | PixQrCodeDinamicDueDate = 0 Boleto = 1 BoletoPixQRCode = 2 PixQRCodeDinamic = 3 |
DocumentNumber | Operation document number | STRING | None |
Identifier | ID reference | STRING | None |
Reason | Cancellation reason | STRING | It will only be sent when the operation is in Canceled status |
Status | Operation Status | STRING | None |
StatusDescription | Operation status description | STRING | None |
PrincipalValue | Principal amount of the collection order | DECIMAL | None |
PaymentValue | Payment Value | DECIMAL | None |
PaymentDate | Payment date | STRING | None |
RefundDate | Refund Date | STRING | None |
RefundValue | Refund Value | DECIMAL | None |
Payer | Object concerning Payer's data | - | None |
Name | Payer Name | STRING | None |
TaxNumber | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | STRING | None |
Bank | Payer's Bank Code | STRING | None |
BankBranch | Payer's Bank Agency Code | STRING | None |
BankAccount | Payer's Bank Account | STRING | None |
BankAccountDigit | Payer's Bank Account Digit | STRING | None |
Customer | Object concerning customer's data | OBJECT | None |
CustomerName | Beneficiary's name | STRING | None |
CustomerTaxNumber | Beneficiary's CPF/CNPJ | STRING | None |
Receiver | Object concerning receiver's data | OBJECT | None |
ReceiverName | Receiver's name | STRING | None |
ReceiverTaxNumber | Receiver's CPF/CNPJ | STRING | None |
SplitValue | Amount received by the receivers | DECIMAL | None |
The fields: Boleto, Barcode, PDF, Rebate, ChargeDate, Details, Tags and InstructionsToPayer will only appear for the types of the boleto.
CollectionOrder Status
Status | Status Description | Type | Description |
0 | Created | STRING (TEXT) | The Collection Order was created |
2 | Analysing | STRING (TEXT) | Payer under review in KYC process |
3 | Authorized | STRING (TEXT) | Payer Approved in KYC |
6 | Registered | STRING (TEXT) | The Collection was registered |
8 | Canceled | STRING (TEXT) | EXC0004 - Payer failed during the KYC process EXC0005 - Invalid billing email address EXC0006 - Collection has expired and payment has not been made EXC0007 - Divergent data between Payer and Settlement EXC0011 - Balance insufficient for fee collection EXC0012 - Payer failed in the validation process EXC0013 - Manual Cancellation INF0008- Is a qualified person, you must send a Collection Order again, with the data { Name, Email, Phone, Country, Nationality, Occupation, ...} |
9 | Settled | STRING (TEXT) | Completed Billing Order (payment settled) |
11 | Awaiting Payment | STRING (TEXT) | Awaiting Payment |
12 | Error | STRING (TEXT) | EXC0008 - Internal Processing Error |
15 | Canceled-Refund | STRING (TEXT) | INF0010 - Amount refunded. Divergent data between Payer and Settlement INF0014 - Receiver Account Validation Failed INF0016 - Amount refunded. Payer is a qualified person. INF0017 - Amount refunded. Payer screening has failed during the KYC process |
Updated 2 months ago