3.4 Pix Refund

P Refund Request


API Method = GenerateRefundPixIn

Allows the recipient to return a PIX received made within the last 90 days.

The field DocumentNumber must be filled with the PixIn (receiving) document number. This information can be retrieved from the API methods GetPixInById or GetPixInByDate, as well as is returned in the PixIn webhook.

Fields that must be identified:

     "Method": "GenerateRefundPixIn",
     "PartnerId": 30519,
     "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
     "ToTaxNumber": "88042486000171",
     "ToName": "Ariane Fitbank",
     "ToBank": "450",
     "ToBankBranch": "12345",
     "ToBankAccount": "12345677",
     "ToBankAccountDigit": "32641",
     "RefundValue": 3.35,
     "CustomerMessage": "Message",
     "DocumentNumber": 854127,
     "Tags": ["string"],
     "TaxNumber": "84928589076",
     "Bank": "450",
     "BankBranch": "0001",
     "BankAccount": "440246",
     "BankAccountDigit": "3",
     "Identifier": "ac1e955d-905d-436f-9881-f8dbdda58c73"


PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who is returning the moneyYESSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the receiving PixIn
BankBank number (ISPB) of who is returning the moneyYESSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the receiving PixIn
BankBranchAgency number from whom you will send the return toYESSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the receiving PixIn
BankAccountAccount number from whom you will send the return toYESSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the receiving PixIn
BankAccountDigitAccount Digit number from whom you will send the return toYESSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the receiving PixIn
ToTaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who is receiving the returningNOSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ of PixIn payer
ToBankBank number (ISPB) of who will receive the returnNOSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the paying PixIn
ToBankAccountAccount Number without verifying who will receive the returnNOSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the paying PixIn
ToBankBranchAgency number from whom will receive the returnNOSTRINGIt must be the same CPF/CNPJ as the paying PixIn
ToBankAccountDigitDigit Account Number without verifying who will receive the returnNOSTRING-
RefundValueMonetary value being returnedYESNUMBER-
IdentifierIdentifier assigned to the operation in its generationYESSTRING-
DocumentNumberPixIn ID that will be used for returnYESNUMBER-
CustomerMessageMessages between sendersNOSTRING140 character limit
TagsList of TagsNOARRAY OF STRINGSE.g.: ‘Transfer’,‘Teste API’

Refund Pix In Status sent in the API:

  • Created: Transaction has been initiated and will be processed
  • Registering: Transaction has been prepared and will be registered in the SPI
  • Registered: Transaction was registered in SPI
  • Cancel or Canceled: Canceled transaction
  • Paid or Settled: Settled transaction

Important: Only the Registering/Registered/Paid/ Canceled statuses are returned via webhooks and the customer can choose which status they want to receive. However, it's important to note that while Paid status is returned via webhooks, it will be returned as Settled via APIs. Their function and meaning are the same, as both indicate that the PIX payment has been settled.
On an other note, status Cancel will be returned in webhooks, and status Canceled will be returned through APIs. The meaning is the same in both situations, since they both refer to a canceled PIX refund.

Consult a sent Pix refund


API Method = GetRefundPixInById

Through this method it is possible to consult a PixIn (receipt) refund by its internal ID (DocumentNumber). The TaxNumber entered in the request must refer to the account that generated the refund.

    "Method": "GetRefundPixInById",
    "PartnerId": 84,
    "BusinessUnitId": 106,
    "DocumentNumber": 26,
    "TaxNumber": "69236890318",
    "Bank": "450",
    "BankBranch": "0001",
    "BankAccount": "38234",
    "BankAccountDigit": "5",
    "Identifier": "TestePix"


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
DocumentNumberRefund's internal ID generated after the refund requestDESIRABLENUMBER
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who generated the refundYESSTRING
BankPayer's Bank Code (Ex.: “450”)YESSTRING
BankBranchPayer's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)YESSTRING
BankAccountPayer's Bank Account (Ex.: “146492”)YESSTRING
BankAccountDigitPayer's Account Digit (Ex.: “1”)YESSTRING
IdentifierCustomer Identifier (Ex.: "TestePix")DESIRABLESTRING


API Method = GetRefundPixInByDate

Through this method it is possible to consult a PixIn (receipt) refund by a date filter. The TaxNumber entered in the request must refer to the account that generated the payment.

     "Method": "GetRefundPixInByDate",
     "PartnerId": 30519,
     "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
     "TaxNumber": "84928589076",
     "StartDate": "2021/10/06",
     "EndDate": "2021-10/29",
     "Bank": "450",
     "BankBranch": "0001",
     "BankAccount": "440246",
     "BankAccountDigit": "440246",
     "PageIndex": 1,
     "PageSize": 10


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who generated the refundYESSTRING
StartDateStart date for the searchYESSTRING
EndDateEnd date for the searchYESSTRING
BankPayer's Bank Code (Ex.: “450”)YESSTRING
BankBranchPayer's Bank Agency Code (Ex.: “0001”)YESSTRING
BankAccountPayer's Bank Account (Ex.: “146492”)YESSTRING
BankAccountDigitPayer's Account Digit (Ex.: “1”)YESSTRING
PageIndexReference of which page will be accessedYESINT
PageSizeNumber of results that will be displayed on the same pageYESINT

Return Codes

These return codes refer to a specifc data for a Pix refund, and are reported in the responses of the GetRefundPixInById and GetRefundPixInByDate API methods, in the Reason field.


"ReturnCode": "BE08"

Return of payment is initiated by the participant who is receiving money under the special return mechanism. It must be completed whenever a return request is initiated by the paying user with the reason “payer’s PSP operational failure” or whenever the return is initiated by the receiving user due to operational failure in their own system.


"ReturnCode": "FR01"

Return of payment, initiated by the participant of the receiving user under the special return mechanism, motivated by well-founded suspicion of fraud. It must be filled out whenever a return request is initiated by the paying user with the reason “founded suspicion of fraud” or whenever the return is initiated by the receiving user on grounds of well-founded suspicion of fraud.


"ReturnCode": "MD06"

Return payment requested by the receiving user.


"ReturnCode": "SL02"

Return of payment requested by the receiving user motivated by an error in the transaction or disagreement between the parties related to PIX withdrawal “Saque” or PIX change “Troco”.

Consult a Pix refund received


API Method = GetRefundPixOutByDate

Through this method, the user can consult the return of a PIX payment. This applies when an account makes a payment and the recipient returns it.

     "Method": "GetRefundPixOutByDate",
     "PartnerId": 30519,
     "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
     "TaxNumber": "84928589076",
     "StartDate": "2021/10/06",
     "EndDate": "2021/10/29",
     "PageIndex": 0,
     "PageSize": 10


MethodMethod to be usedYESSTRING
PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who generated the paymentYESSTRING
EndDateEnd date for the searchYESSTRING
PageIndexReference of which page will be accessed. Starts at index 0YESINT
PageSizeNumber of results that will be displayed on the same pageYESINT

Refund PIX Out Status sent in the API:

  • Settled: The return Receipt was processed and settled