5 - Card Inquiries and Information

Get Card By Identifier Card

Retrieves the details of a specific card using its unique identifier, including status and balance information.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardByIdentifierCard",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
  "Card": "{\"IdentifierCard\":\"800067388\",\"CardHolderName\":\"FranciscoAntônioSousa\",\"CardHolderTaxNumber\":\"01753185068\",\"CardOwnerName\":\"FranciscoAntônioSousa\",\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\":\"97402892000199\",\"Type\":0,\"Status\":4,\"PanLastDigits\":\"8627\",\"ExpirationDate\":null,\"UnlockedDate\":null,\"LastBlockedDate\":\"06/04/2022\",\"CardAddresses\":[{\"Type\":1,\"Line\":\"RuaDoutorHugoCatunda\",\"Complement\":\"Casa\",\"Number\":\"123\",\"Neighborhood\":\"Antonio\",\"ZipCode\":\"60115221\",\"City\":\"Ipueiras\",\"State\":\"CE\",\"Country\":\"Brasil\",\"Reference\":\"Salão123\"},{\"Type\":0,\"Line\":\"RuaDoutorHugoCatunda\",\"Complement\":\"Casa\",\"Number\":\"123\",\"Neighborhood\":\"Antonio\",\"ZipCode\":\"60115221\",\"City\":\"Ipueiras\",\"State\":\"CE\",\"Country\":\"Brasil\",\"Reference\":\"Salão123\"}],\"CardActionHistorics\":[{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202209:08\",\"Status\":0},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202209:08\",\"Status\":1},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":0},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":1},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":0},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"22/08/202210:08\",\"Status\":2},{\"Action\":0,\"ChangingDate\":\"24/08/202214:08\",\"Status\":0}],\"IsBlocked\":true,\"ContactlessUseIsActive\":true,\"InternationalTransactionEnabled\":false,\"UsageType\":\"Overbalance\"}"

Field Descripition (Request):

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card to be retrieved.StringYes

Field Descripition (Response):

SuccessIndicates if the operation was successful.Boolean
MessageStatus message of the operation.String
CardDetailed information about the card. Contains the following fields:Object
└ IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card.String
└ CardHolderNameName of the cardholder.String
└ CardHolderTaxNumberCPF (tax identification number) of the cardholder.String
└ CardOwnerNameName of the card owner.String
└ CardOwnerTaxNumberCPF or CNPJ (tax identification number) of the card owner.String
└ TypeType of the card. Valid values:Integer
  0Physical card.
  1Virtual card.
└ StatusCurrent status of the card. Valid values:Integer
  0Created (after user confirmation).
  1Requested (sent to processor, awaiting confirmation).
  2Generated (confirmed by the processor).
  3Bound (non-nominal: successfully bound).
  4Activated (card successfully activated).
  5ErrorBinding (non-nominal: binding error).
  6ErrorRequested (request error: processor did not confirm).
  7Inactive (card inactive).
  8Binding (non-nominal: binding request sent after generation).
  9PreError (batch creation incomplete, remaining cards have this status).
  10PreCreated (card request is pending user confirmation).
└ PanLastDigitsLast four digits of the card PAN.String
└ ExpirationDateExpiration date of the card (if applicable).String
└ UnlockedDateDate when the card was unlocked (if applicable).String
└ LastBlockedDateDate when the card was last blocked.String
└ CardAddressesList of addresses associated with the card. Contains the following fields:Array
  └ TypeType of address: 0 = Billing, 1 = Delivery.Integer
  └ LineAddress line (street).String
  └ ComplementAddress complement.String
  └ NumberAddress number.String
  └ NeighborhoodNeighborhood of the address.String
  └ ZipCodeZIP code of the address.String
  └ CityCity of the address.String
  └ StateState of the address.String
  └ CountryCountry of the address.String
  └ ReferenceReference information for the address.String
└ CardActionHistoricsHistorical actions performed on the card. Contains the following fields:Array
  └ ActionCode representing the action performed. Valid values:Integer
    0Change Pin (change card PIN).
    1Activate (activate the card).
    2Block (block the card).
    3Unblock (unblock the card).
    4InactivateAndReissue (inactivate and reissue the card).
    6Cancellation (cancel the card).
    7UpdateContactless (update contactless usage configuration).
  └ ChangingDateDate and time of the action.String
  └ StatusStatus of the action performed. Valid values:Integer
    0Created (action in process).
    1Processed (action successfully completed).
    2Error (error while performing the action).
└ IsBlockedIndicates whether the card is blocked.Boolean
└ ContactlessUseIsActiveIndicates whether contactless usage is enabled.Boolean
└ InternationalTransactionEnabledIndicates whether international transactions are enabled.Boolean
└ UsageTypeCard usage type. Valid values:String
  BalanceBalance control by payment account.
  OverbalanceBalance control by representative account.

Get Card Batch By Id

Retrieves information about an issued batch of cards, identifying its attributes and status.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardBatchById",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "CardBatchId": "ESV4UROD",
  "PageSize": 1,
  "Index": 1
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso.",
  "CardBatch": {
    "Id": "ESV4UR0D",
    "Status": "Criado",
    "Amount": 3,
    "Processed": 3,
    "Cards": "800040343",
    "WasConfirmed": true,
    "StatusDescription": "Lote processado"

Field Descripition (Request):

MethodThe API method being invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
CardBatchIdUnique identifier of the card batch whose details are being queried.StringYes
PageSizeThe number of records to retrieve per page for pagination purposes.IntegerYes
IndexThe page index to retrieve, starting from 1.IntegerYes

Field Descripition (Response):

SuccessIndicates whether the operation was successful.Boolean
MessageStatus message of the operation.String
CardBatchContains details about the card batch. Includes the following fields:Object
└ IdUnique identifier of the card batch.String
└ StatusThe current status of the card batch. Possible values:String
- "Criado": Created = 0
- "Registrado": Registered = 1
- "Registrando": Registering = 2
- "Erro": Error = 3
└ AmountThe total number of cards in the batch.Integer
└ ProcessedThe number of cards already processed in the batch.Integer
└ CardsList of card identifiers included in the batch.String
└ WasConfirmedIndicates whether the batch was confirmed.Boolean
└ StatusDescriptionHuman-readable description of the batch's status. Matches the Status field descriptions above.String

Get Card Balance

Retrieves the current balance of a card, displaying the funds available for use.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardBalance",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485"
  "Success": "true",
  "Balance": 55.6,
  "UsageType": "0",
  "Message": "Saldo do cartão obtido com sucesso"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card for which the balance is retrieved.StringYes

List Cards

Lists all cards associated with a user or account, displaying their basic information.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "ListCards",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "PageSize": 1,
  "Index": 1,
  "Status": 0,
  "IdentifierProduct": "FC0000001"
  "Success": "true",
  "Message": "Lista de cartões obtida com sucesso",
  "Cards": "[{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800004499\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000002\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"4920\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800005946\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000003\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"2245\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800003812\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000002\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"2824\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800009272\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000003\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"3368\"},{\"IdentifierCard\": \"800005625\",\"CardHolderName\": null,\"CardHolderTaxNumber\": null,\"CardOwnerName\": null,\"CardOwnerTaxNumber\": null,\"Type\": 0,\"Status\": 2,\"IdentifierProduct\": \"FS0000004\",\"PanLastDigits\": \"9194\"}]"

Field Descripition:

MethodAPI method to be invoked. Must be "ListCards".StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
PageSizeThe number of records per page to retrieve.IntegerYes
IndexThe page index (starting from 1) for the request.IntegerYes
StatusThe status of the cards to retrieve.IntegerYes
IdentifierProductUnique identifier for the card product.StringYes

Get Card List

Provides a detailed query of a list of cards with advanced filters, enabling more specific analysis.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardList",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "TaxNumber": "59626023821"
  "Success": "true",
  "Infos": "[{\"CardId\":90,\"FullName\":\"Victor Everton Santiago Barbosa\",\"IdentifierCard\":\"800000323\",\"PanLastDigits\":\"9171\",\"IsBlocked\":false,\"Status\":4,\"UseFunction\":\"Credit\",\"CardType\":\"Prepaid\",\"ContactlessUseIsActive\":false,\"UsageType\":1,\"EmbossingName\": \"Victor Santiago\",\"IsVirtual\": false,\"Id\":1,\"DeletionDate\":null,\"CreationDate\":null,\"CreationUserId\":0,\"UpdateDate\":null,\"UpdateUserId\":0,\"ErrorMessages\":[],\"EntityBefore\":null,\"HasFatalError\":null,\"TotalRows\":0,\"CachedAsNullFromDatabase\":false},{\"CardId\":91,\"FullName\":\"Victor Everton Santiago Barbosa\",\"IdentifierCard\":\"800000293\",\"PanLastDigits\":\"9875\",\"IsBlocked\":false,\"Status\":4,\"UseFunction\":\"Credit\",\"CardType\":\"Prepaid\",\"ContactlessUseIsActive\":false,\"UsageType\":1,\"EmbossingName\": \"Victor Santiago\",\"IsVirtual\": false,\"Id\":1,\"DeletionDate\":null,\"CreationDate\":null,\"CreationUserId\":0,\"UpdateDate\":null,\"UpdateUserId\":0,\"ErrorMessages\":[],\"EntityBefore\":null,\"HasFatalError\":null,\"TotalRows\":0,\"CachedAsNullFromDatabase\":false}]",
  "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso"

Field Descripition (Request):

MethodThe API method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
TaxNumberThe CPF (tax number) of the cardholder.StringYes

Field Descripition (Response):

SuccessIndicates if the request was successful ("true" or "false").String
MessageA message that provides additional information or status about the request.String
InfosA list of cards retrieved, where each card has the following fields:Array
- CardIdThe unique identifier of the card.Integer
- FullNameThe full name of the cardholder.String
- IdentifierCardThe unique identifier for the card.String
- PanLastDigitsThe last four digits of the card number (PAN).String
- IsBlockedIndicates whether the card is blocked ("true" or "false").Boolean
- StatusThe current status of the card, such as active or inactive.Integer
- UseFunctionThe primary function of the card, such as "Credit".String
- CardTypeThe type of card, such as "Prepaid".String
- ContactlessUseIsActiveIndicates if the contactless feature is active ("true" or "false").Boolean
- UsageTypeThe usage type of the card, such as "Balance" or "Overbalance".Integer
- EmbossingNameThe name embossed on the card.String
- IsVirtualIndicates if the card is virtual ("true" or "false").Boolean
- IdA unique identifier for the card record.Integer
- DeletionDateThe date when the card was deleted, if applicable.String
- CreationDateThe date when the card was created.String
- CreationUserIdThe ID of the user who created the card.Integer
- UpdateDateThe date when the card was last updated, if applicable.String
- UpdateUserIdThe ID of the user who last updated the card.Integer
- ErrorMessagesA list of error messages, if any.Array
- EntityBeforeThe entity status before any changes, if applicable.String
- HasFatalErrorIndicates if there was a fatal error during the card creation or update ("true" or "false").Boolean
- TotalRowsThe total number of rows in the result.Integer
- CachedAsNullFromDatabaseIndicates if the data was cached as null from the database ("true" or "false").Boolean

Get Card Entry

Retrieves the transaction records of a card, including balance changes and movements.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardEntry",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485",
  "InitialDate": "2021/07/07",
  "FinalDate": "2022/07/07"
  "Success": "true",
  "Entries": "[{\"EntryId\":1434886985,\"Description\":\"Recarga cartão 800015485\",\"EntryValue\":450.00,\"EntryDate\":\"2022-03-03T06:06:41.897\",\"Tags\":\"5638,Elo,VICTOR SANTIAGO\"}]"

Field Descripition:

MethodThe API method being invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card for which the entry records are to be retrieved.StringYes
InitialDateThe starting date for the query period, formatted as "YYYY/MM/DD".StringYes
FinalDateThe ending date for the query period, formatted as "YYYY/MM/DD".StringYes

Get Card Tracking By Identifier

Retrieves tracking information for a card based on its identifier, including shipping and delivery status.

Example of requisition:

  "Method": "GetCardTrackingByIdentifier",
  "PartnerId": 30326,
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,
  "IdentifierCard": "800015485"
  "Success": "true",
  "Details": {
    "TrackingId": "800023629",
    "Client": "Fabricio Augusto",
    "Document": "23567543234",
    "ImportDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
    "CollectionDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
    "DeliveryDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
    "DeliveryForecast": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
    "DeliveryDetails": {
      "Kinship": "pai",
      "Reciever": "Roberto Firmino",
      "Document": "24567543234",
      "Tries": 1
    "Historic": [
        "OcurrenceDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
        "EventId": 2500,
        "Event": "Entreguepelo Terceiro",
        "SecondaryOrderNumber": null,
        "CurrentFranchise": "SAO",
        "Local": "SAO PAULO",
        "Status": "Endereçoerrado/insuficiente"
        "OcurrenceDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
        "EventId": 2600,
        "Event": "Devolvido pelo Terceiro",
        "SecondaryOrderNumber": null,
        "CurrentFranchise": "SAO",
        "Local": "SAO PAULO",
        "Status": "Endereçoerrado/insuficiente"

Field Descripition (Request):

MethodThe API method to be invoked.StringYes
PartnerIdIdentifier of the partner making the request.IntegerYes
BusinessUnitIdIdentifier of the business unit associated with the partner.IntegerYes
IdentifierCardUnique identifier of the card to retrieve its tracking information.StringYes

Field Descripition (Response):

TrackingIdCard identifier (BarCode Number).StringYes
ClientClient's full name.StringYes
DocumentSocial Security Number (SSN) of the client.StringYes
ImportDateDate when the tracking information was imported.StringYes
CollectionDateDate when the card was collected for delivery.StringYes
DeliveryDateDate when the card was delivered.StringYes
DeliveryForecastForecasted delivery date.StringYes
DeliveryDetails.KinshipRelationship of the recipient to the client (e.g., father, mother).StringYes
DeliveryDetails.RecieverName of the recipient.StringYes
DeliveryDetails.DocumentSocial Security number signed on delivery by the recipient.StringYes
DeliveryDetails.TriesNumber of delivery attempts made.IntegerYes
HistoricArray of historical events related to the delivery.ArrayYes
Historic.OcurrenceDateDate when the event occurred.StringYes
Historic.EventIdEvent code corresponding to the event. Possible values include:IntegerYes