4.2 Change QRCode (Copia)

Change Dynamic Pix QRCode

API Method = ChangeDynamicPixQRCode

Changes the parameters of a charge with Dynamic QrCode.
You can modify the payer information, charged amount and expiration date.

     "Method": "ChangeDynamicPixQRCode",
     "PartnerId": 30519,
     "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
     "PixKey": "17699384008",
     "TaxNumber": "84928589076",
     "PayerTaxNumber": "65023491021",
     "PayerName": "João da Silva Pereira",
     "PrincipalValue": 123.45,
     "ExpirationDate": "31/01/2022",
     "Address": {
          "AddressLine": "Rua Niterói",
          "AddressLine2": "string",
          "ZipCode": "60731-305",
          "Neighborhood": "Canindezinho",
          "CityCode": "451",
          "CityName": "Fortaleza",
          "State": "Ceará",
          "AddressType": 1,
          "Country": "Brasil",
          "Complement": "Apto 01",
          "Reference": "Próximo ao mercado"
     "ChangeType": 0,
     "AdditionalData": [
               "Name": "pagamento",
               "Value": "300"
     "PayerRequest": "pagamento",
     "DocumentNumber": 854127,
     "TransactionPurpose": 1,
     "TransactionValue": null,
     "TransactionChangeType": null,
     "AgentModality": 2


PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
PixKeyReceiver's PIX keyYESSTRING-
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the collector/receiver, meaning, who will have the PIX key and generates the chargeNOSTRING-
PayerTaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the payerNOSTRING-
PayerNameName of the payerNOSTRING-
PrincipalValueValue of the collectionYESNUMBER-
ExpirationDateDate until the transaction expiresNOSTRING-
AddressAdress of the receiverNOOBJECT-
AddressLineFirst adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
AddressLine2Second adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
ZipCodeZipCode of the receiverNOSTRINGValid Formats:
Limit: 10 characters
NeighborhoodNeighborhood of the receiverNOSTRING-
CityCodeCity code of the receiverNOSTRING-
CityNameCity of the receiverNOSTRING-
StateState of the receiverNOSTRING-
AddressTypeType of adress of the receiverNOINTCommercial = 0 Residential = 1
CountryCountry of the receiverNOSTRING-
ComplementAditional information to the adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
ReferenceReference to the adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
ChangeTypeParameter that allows the amount charged to be changed or not at the moment of paymentYESINTNone = 0 (Does not allow value change)

Allowed = 1 (Allows value change)
AdditionalDataAdditional information of the collectionNOARRAY OF OBJECTS-
NameName of the custom parameter to be add with transactionNOSTRING-
ValueValue of the custom parameter to be add with transactionNOSTRINGDoes not necessarily have to be the indication of a monetary value
PayerRequestMessage or description that can be added if desirableNOSTRINGMaximum number of accepted characters: 140 characters
DocumentNumberDocument number (ID) of the dynamic QrCode from which you want to change informationYESNUMBER-
TransactionPurposePurpose of the collectionNOINTPurchaseOrTransfer = 0
PurchaseWithChange = 1
Withdraw = 2
For a common payment transaction, by default fill as 0
TransactionValueValue of the transactionNONUMBERApplicable only if the QrCode is set as PIX Withdraw or PIX Change. If not, must be filled as null
TransactionChangeTypeType of the collection transactionNOINTNone = 0
Allowed = 1
Applicable only if the QrCode is set as PIX Withdraw or PIX Change. If not, must be filled as null
AgentModalityAgent modality of the withdraw transactionNOINTPSS = 0 (Withdrawal Service Provider)
CommercialEstablishment = 1
Other = 2
By default, fill as 2, unless it refers to a PIX Withdraw transaction

Change Dynamic Pix QRCode Due Date

API Method = ChangeDynamicPixQRCodeDueDate

This method can be used to modify dynamic PIX QrCode information. You can modify the payer information, charged amount, expiration date and due date.

     "Method": "ChangeDynamicPixQRCodeDueDate",
     "PartnerId": 30519,
     "BusinessUnitId": 51138,
     "TaxNumber": "84928589076",
     "PayerRequest": "pagamento",
     "PayerTaxNumber": "65023491021",
     "PayerName": "João da Silva Pereira",
     "PrincipalValue": 123.45,
     "PixKey": "17699384008",
     "Address": {
          "AddressLine": "Rua Niterói",
          "AddressLine2": "string",
          "ZipCode": "60731-305",
          "Neighborhood": "Canindezinho",
          "CityCode": "451",
          "CityName": "Fortaleza",
          "State": "Ceará",
          "AddressType": 1,
          "Country": "Brasil",
          "Complement": "Apto 01",
          "Reference": "Próximo ao mercado"
     "DueDate": "2022/10/29",
     "ExpirationDate": "2022/10/30",
     "RebateValue": 0,
     "InterestValue": 0,
     "FineValue": 0,
     "AdditionalData": [
               "Name": "pagamento",
               "Value": "300"
     "DocumentNumber": 854127


PartnerIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
BusinessUnitIdInformation provided by FitBankYESINT-
TaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of who will have the PIX keyYESSTRING-
PayerRequestMessage or description that can be added if desirableNOSTRINGMaximum number of accepted characters: 140 characters
PayerTaxNumberCPF/CNPJ of the payerYESSTRING-
PayerNameName of the payerYESSTRING-
PrincipalValueValue of the collectionYESNUMBER-
PixKeyReceiver's PIX keyYESSTRING-
AddressAdress of the receiverNOOBJECT-
AddressLineFirst adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
AddressLine2Second adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
ZipCodeZipCode of the receiverNOINTValid Formats:
Limit: 10 characters
NeighborhoodNeighborhood of the receiverNOSTRING-
CityCodeCity code of the receiverNOSTRING-
CityNameCity of the receiverNOSTRING-
StateState of the receiverNOSTRING-
AddressTypeType of adress of the receiverNOINTCommercial = 0
Residential = 1
CountryCountry of the receiverNOSTRING-
ComplementAditional information to the adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
ReferenceAditional information to the adress of the receiverNOSTRING-
DueDateDate until the transaction can be paid without any fine or interestNOSTRING-
ExpirationDateDate until the transaction expiresNOSTRING-
RebateValueDiscount valueNONUMBERTo be applied if the payment is done before due date
InterestValueInterest valueNONUMBERTo be applied if the payment is done after due date
FineValueFine valueNONUMBERTo be applied if the payment is done after due date
AdditionalDataAditional information of the collectionNOARRAY OF OBJECTS-
NameName of the custom parameter to be add with transactionNOSTRING-
ValueValue of the custom parameter to be add with transactionNOSTRINGDoes not necessarily have to be the indication of a monetary value
DocumentNumberDocument number (ID) of the dynamic QrCode due date from which you want to change informationYESNUMBER-