4 - Queries

Querie is a way to search for the card number in the Fitbank database to have more information about it (cardholder data, card status, statement, limit, balance, etc.)


This method is used to get the card information by its identifier.

Request body

"Method": "GetCardByIdentifierCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"


"Success": "true",
"Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
"Card": "{"IdentifierCard":"800004444","CardHolderName":"Vitor
Guimarães Novoa","CardHolderTaxNumber":"47101483844",
"CardOwnerName":"Vitor Guimarães Novoa",
"CardAddresses":[{"Type":0,"Line":"Av Cidade Jardim",
"Complement":"Cj. 201","Number":"400","Neighborhood":
"Jd. Paulistano","ZipCode":"01454901","City":"São Paulo",
Fitbank"},{"Type":1,"Line":"Av Cidade Jardim",
"Complement":"Cj. 201","Number":"400","Neighborhood":
"Jd. Paulistano","ZipCode":"01454901","City":
"São 	Paulo","State":"SP","Country":"Brasil","Reference":
"Dacon Fitbank"}],"CardActionHistorics":[{"Action":0,
"ChangingDate":"29/07/2021 	09:07","Status":0},{"Action":0,
"ChangingDate":"29/07/2021 09:07","Status":1},{"Action":0,
"ChangingDate":"16/07/2021 17:07","Status":0},{"Action":0,
"ChangingDate":"16/07/2021 17:07","Status":1},{"Action":0,
"ChangingDate":"16/07/2021 17:07","Status":0},{"Action":0,
"ChangingDate":"16/07/2021 17:07","Status":1}],
"IsBlocked":true,"ContactlessUseIsActive":true, "UsageType":"OverBalance"

Meaning of Fields:

Created = 0 - Created (after user confirmation)
Requested = 1 - When we send it to the processor, it receives and we wait for confirmation.
Generated = 2 - Confirmed at the processor.
Bound = 3 - Non-nominal: Success in binding.
Activate = 4 - Card successfully activated.
ErrorBinding = 5 - No - nominal: Binding error.
ErrorRequested = 6 - Error in the request (processor did not confirm).
Inactive = 7 Card inactive.
Binding = 8 - Non-nominal: When it is generated, the binding request is sent.
PreError = 9 - If the creation of a batch has not been completed, all others go to this status.
PreCreated = 10 – Requests the card and is pre-created until the user confirms (API and ADMIN).

Change Pin = 0
Activate = 1
Block = 2
Unblock = 3
InactivateAndReissue = 4
Cancellation = 6
UpdateContactless = 7 

Status da Action
Created = 0
Processed = 1
Error = 2


This method is used to get card balance:

Request body

"Method": "GetCardBalance",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"


"Success": "true",
"Balance": 55.6,
"UsageType": 0,
"Message": "Saldo do cartão obtido com sucesso"


This method is used to get the list of all cards from that BU.

Request body

    "Method": "ListCards",
    "PartnerId": {{PartnerId}},
    "BusinessUnitId": {{BusinessUnitdId}},
    "PageSize": 1,
    "Index": 2


    "Success": true,
    "Cards": [
            "IdentifierCard": "800317957",
            "CardHolderName": "Marina Oliveira",
            "CardHolderTaxNumber": "41707622825",
            "CardOwnerName": "Marina Oliveira",
            "CardOwnerTaxNumber": "41707622825",
            "Type": 0,
            "Status": 2,
            "PanLastDigits": "9030"
    "Pagesize": 1,
    "Index": 2,
    "TotalCards": 29,
    "Message": "Lista de cartões obtida com sucesso"


This method is used to track the cards from each stage/ event.

Request body

   "Method": "GetCardTrackingByIdentifier",
   "BusinessUnitId": 30427,
   "PartnerId": 10386,
   "Identifier": "800023629"


    "Success": "true",
    "Details": {
        "TrackingId": "800023629",
        "Client": "Fabricio Augusto",
        "Document": "23567543234",
        "ImportDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
        "CollectionDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
        "DeliveryDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
        "DeliveryForecast": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
        "DeliveryDetails": {
            "Kinship": "pai",
            "Reciever": "Roberto Firmino",
            "Document": "24567543234",
            "Tries": 1
        "Historic": [
                "OcurrenceDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
                "EventId": 2500,
                "Event": "Entreguepelo Terceiro",
                "SecondaryOrderNumber": null,
                "CurrentFranchise": "SAO",
                "Local": "SAO PAULO",
                "Status": "Endereçoerrado/insuficiente"
                "OcurrenceDate": "16/04/2018 18:50:00",
                "EventId": 2600,
                "Event": "Devolvido pelo Terceiro",
                "SecondaryOrderNumber": null,
                "CurrentFranchise": "SAO",
                "Local": "SAO PAULO",
                "Status": "Endereçoerrado/insuficiente"

Meaning of Fields:

TrackingId= Card Identifier (BarCode Number).
Client = Client Name
Document = Social Security Number (SSN).
ImportDate = Card Tracking Import date.
CollectionDate = Card Tracking Collection date.
DeliveryDate = Card Tracking Delivery Date.
DeliveryForecast = Card Tracking DeliveryForecast.
DeliveryDetails.Kinship: = Recipient's parentage.
DeliveryDetails.Reciever = Recipient's name.
DeliveryDetails.Document = Social Security number signed on delivery.
Historic = Array of objects of Historic's from Delivery.
Historic.OcurrenceDate = Ocurrence Date.
Historic.EventId = Event Code
possible values: (

  • "1400" = posted
  • "2200" = Redispatched by Post Office
  • "2500" = Order Delivered By Third Party
  • "2600" = Returned by third party
  • "4100" = Delivery in progress (on the street)
  • "4200" = delivery not made
  • "5000" = Order delivered to recipient


Historic.Event = EventDescription

Historic.SecondaryOrderNumber = Sencondary Order Number.

Historic.CurrentFranchise = Current Franchise.

Historic.Local = Local from ocurrence.
Historic.Status = occurrence status.


This method is used to get the card information by its TaxNumber.

Request body

"Method": "GetCardList",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"TaxNumber": "59626023821"


    "Success": "true",
    "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
    "Infos": "[{"CardId":7247800,"FullName":"Christopher Feitosa do Monte",


The use of contactless will only be possible after the first purchase with the card is made by chip and PIN.


This method is used to get information about card entries.

Request body

"Method": "GetCardEntry",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
"InitialDate": "2023-10-01", 
"FinalDate": "2023-12-01" 


"Success": "true",
"Entries": "[{"EntryId":1434886985,
"Description":"Recarga cartão 800015485","EntryValue":450.00,
"EntryDate":"2022-03-03T06:06:41.897","Tags":"5638,Elo,VICTOR SANTIAGO"}]"


This method is used to get the information about the Card Status by your action.

Request body

"Method": "GetCardActionStatus",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Action": "2"


"Success": "true",
"ResultDescription": "Comando concluído com sucesso",
"Status": "Created"

Meaning of the fields:

  1. Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
  2. Action:
    -Password change (ChangePin) = 0,
    -Card activation (Activate) = 1,
    -Block of card (Block) = 2,
    -Unblock card (Unblock) = 3,
    -Inactive and Reissued (InactivateAndReissue) = 4
    -Cancellation = 5,
    -ChangeCVV = 6,
    -UpdateContactless = 7


This method is used to query the status of the card batch.

Request body

        "Method": "GetCardBatchById",
        "PartnerId": 10456,
        "CardBatchId": "NJQ0T5HJ",
        "Index": 2,
        "Pagesize": 1


         "Sucess": "true",
         "Message": "ISI0001 - Método executado com sucesso",
         "CardBatch": {
         "Id": "NJQ0T5HJ",
         "Status": "Registrado",
         "Amount": 3,
         "Processed": 3,
         "Cards": "800040343, 800036469, 800023819",
         "WasConfirmed": true,
         "StatusDescription": "Lote processado"

Meaning of the fields

Method: Name of method

BusinessUnitId: Identifier number of the business unit (Business Unit)

PartnerId: PartnerId identifier number (BusinessUnitId credential)

CardBatchId: Batch ID Number

Index: Number of card identifiers to be viewed on the page

Pagesize: Used to page cards requested by the Index

Status description:

Lote criado: "Criado" : Created = 0,

Lote registrado: "Registrado": Registered = 1,

Lote registrando : "Registrando": Registering = 2,

Lote com erro: "Erro": Error = 3


This method is used to return the CardOwner bank details

Request Body

    "Method": "GetCardOwner",
    "IdentifierCard": 800000293,
    "TaxNumber": 36378553050,
    "BusinessUnitId": 30306,    
    "PartnerId": "10255"


    "Success": "true",
    "OwnerCard": {
        "Bank": "237",
        "BankBranch": "0408",
        "BankAccount": "000000002279",
        "BankAccountDigit": "9"

Meaning of the fields

Bank: bank number

BankBranch : Bank branch number

BankAccount : Bank account number

BankAccountDigit : Bank account digit


This method searches all the card templates registered by a company. Each template specifies the type of product registered.

Request Body

	"Method": "GetCardTemplates", 
	"PartnerId": 30326, 
	"BusinessUnitId": 30326, 
	"IdentifierProduct": "FS0000002", 
	"PageSize": 1, 
	"Index": 2 
  "Method": "GetCardTemplates", 
  "DescriptProduct": "ELO DÉBITO", 
  "BusinessUnitId": 30326,  
  "IdentifierProduct": "FS0000002",  
  "NameTemplate": "Cartão Contato Fitbank Green",  
  "DateCreated": "30/11/2020 18:21:51",  
  "TypeCard": "CHIP" 