3 - Cancel Card
There is a difference between blocking and canceling a card. The act of blocking a card can be undone, which makes the card return to its normal function as a means of payment. However, the act of canceling a card means that it can no longer be used without the possibility of reversing this action.
If the user has executed the “RequestCard” or “RequestUnnamedCard” method and wants to cancel the request, this will be the method to be used.
The Card Status after “RequestCard”, and “RequestUnnamedCard” methods;
This method can be used to cancel a card or a batch of cards( in these case the "IdentifierCard" will be filled with the card batch number) ;
CardStatus cannot be equal (Canceled = 11)
CardStatus must be at (Pre-Created = 10 or Created = 0)
Request Body - Individual Card
"Method": "CancelCardRequest",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485"
Request Body - Card Batch
"Method": "CancelCardRequest",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "MYJB02RI"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Confirmação realizada com sucesso"
Meaning of the fields:
- Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
(This method will only be successful after PaySmart responds that your card
was approved!) - RateValue and RateValueType, status:
Sent = 0 - Billing (Request)
Default = 1 - Billing (BU)
None = 2 - No Charge
This method is used for canceling a card:
This method works as follows:
1 – Customer for some reason wants to cancel the card, it cannot be in the proper CardStatus:
PreCreated = 10 or
Canceled = 11
2 – The CardStatus that allows the process of the CancelCard method are:
Active = 4 or
Generated = 2 or
CancellationError = 13 or
Bound = 3 or
Binding = 8 or
ErrorBinding = 5
2.1 – If CardStatus is at (Active = 4) and (UsageType = Balance) --> Balance Control by Payment, and your balance is greater than zero, it will not be possible to carry out the process.
Request body
"Method": "CancelCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Pin": "MTIzNA=="
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Sua solicitação de cancelamento foi salva com sucesso. O processo levará alguns minutos para ser concluído."
This method is used to deactivate and reissue card already active in the system (blocks the previous card and already issues a new card with another number):
Request body
"Method": "InactivateAndReissueCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Pin": "MTIzNA==",
"ReasonCode": "3",
"CardDeliveryAddress": {
"Line": "Av José Bastos",
"Number": "4140",
"Complement": "AP 303",
"Reference": "Ao lado da JM Veículos",
"Neighborhood": "Rodolfo Teófilo",
"ZipCode": "60431086",
"City": "Fortaleza",
"State": "CE",
"Country": "Brasil"
"Success": "true",
"Card": "800015485",
"Message": "Cartão desativado e reemitido com sucesso"
- The new “IdentifierCard” for reissue is collected in this method and must be
put back in the Activate and ChangePin flow (Serves for nominal and
non-nominal). - To use this method, the customer needs to use the current card password (Pin).
Meaning of the fields:
- **Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
- Card password (Pin)
- Reason codes for blocking (ReasonCode) :
- Lost card (Lost) = 2,
- Stolen card (Stolen) = 3,
- Card lost on delivery or failed delivery (FailureOrLossOnDelivery) = 4,
- Card suspended for fraud (SuspectedFraud) = 5
- Card cancellation ( Cancellation ) = 6
This method is used to deactivate and transfer non nominal cards information.
Request body
"Method": "InactivateAndTransferCard",
"BusinessUnitId": 494,
"PartnerId": 1136,
"OldIdentifierCard": "900000224",
"NewIdentifierCard": "800000248",
"ReasonCode" : "2"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Cartão cancelado e solicitação de transferência de dados registrada com sucesso."
The ReasonCode field is optional, however, it becomes mandatory when the card to be placed in the OldIdentifierCard field is active.
Lock codes cannot be temporary, they have to be permanent.
BlockCard method used to block an already active card in the system.
Request body
"Method": "BlockCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Pin": "MTIzNA==",
"ReasonCode": "4"
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Solicitação de bloqueio registrada com sucesso!"
Meaning of the fields:
- Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
- Card password (Pin)
- Reason codes for blocking (ReasonCode) :
- Lost card (Lost) = 2,
- Stolen card (Stolen) = 3,
- Card lost on delivery or failed delivery (FailureOrLossOnDelivery) = 4,
- Card suspended for fraud (SuspectedFraud) = 5
- Card cancellation ( Cancellation ) = 6
- Card temporary block (TemporaryBlock)= 8
This method is used to unlock card :
Request body
"Method": "UnblockCard",
"PartnerId": 30326,
"BusinessUnitId": 30326,
"IdentifierCard": "800015485",
"Pin": "MTIzNA=="
"Success": "true",
"Message": "Solicitação de desbloqueio registrada com sucesso!"
**Meaning of the fields:
- **Card Identifier (IdentifierCard)
- Card password (Pin)
Notes: This method can only be used if the reason code 8 is informed, in the BlockCard method.
Updated 22 days ago